Home Analyzes The magical properties of the pyramid. Properties of the pyramid (healing and wonderful)

The magical properties of the pyramid. Properties of the pyramid (healing and wonderful)


Purpose of the study:to prove how mysterious the energy of the pyramids is and to show their magical properties, to establish what effect the pyramid has on the human body. Research Objectives:

2. Find out what “magic properties” a pyramid has and how it affects human health.

The study used methods: analysis of scientific and educational literature; performing a series of experiments to study the "magic properties" of the pyramids; analysis of the results obtained, their generalization, formulation of conclusions.

The paper presents the conclusions of a number of experiments, revealing not only the magic, but also the healing properties of the pyramids. In particular, the influence of the pyramid: on the germination of seed material; the safety of food; on the composition of water; on the medicinal properties of drugs of both chemical and biological origin. Using data from the scientific literature and recent studies, recommendations have been developed on the use of pyramids in modern life to increase the speed of the breeding process, extend the shelf life of food and household items, and treat and prevent diseases in humans.

Research plan

Pyramids - this is the most amazing miracle of the seven ancient miracles, the only one that has survived almost in its original form to our days. Enlightened Europe discovered them at the beginning of the 19th century after the Egyptian expedition of Napoleon, who took on a campaign a large group of scientists, including historians and archaeologists.

Egyptologists and researchers of the Egyptian pyramids have found that their mysterious energy possesses not only magical, but also healing properties. However, regarding the mechanism of action of the pyramids there are still many ambiguities. Some believe that the pyramids have unique properties, while others doubt it, assuming that everything that happens inside the pyramid obeys the usual laws of biophysics.

Is it possible to use the pyramids in modern life to increase the speed of the reproduction process, extend the shelf life of food and household items? Do they feel the mysterious effect of the pyramids? Does it have a strong energetic effect on living things, including humans?

These questions identified research topic:"The magical properties of the pyramid."

Put forward hypothesis, if we proved that the correct geometric shape of the pyramids with a strictly defined proportion of sides and angles (the principle of the "golden section") has a strong energy effect on all living things and on inanimate objects, then this property can be used in various fields.

Object of study:   proportional copy of the Cheops pyramid made of cardboard.

Subject of study:the influence of the "golden" pyramids on animate and inanimate nature.

Purpose of the study:to prove how mysterious the energy of the pyramids is and to show their magical properties, to establish what effect the pyramid can have on the human body.

Research Objectives:

1. The study of literature on the topic of research.

2. Find out what “magical properties” a pyramid has and what benefits it can bring in everyday life.


First stage -collecting information from scientific and popular science sources, Internet sites. Modeling a pyramid proportional to the size of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. Preparation of items necessary for conducting experiments. Conducting planned experiments proving the magical properties of the pyramids.

Second phase   - design, includes: development of a detailed work plan; processing the information collected and correlating it with the results obtained during the experiments; preparation of the necessary materials, tools and equipment necessary for registration of work; final selection and placement of the collected materials (booklet, photographs, photographs).

Methods used:

Theoretical. Aanalysis and synthesis of scientific literature. Studied research conducted with a pyramid in various industries, including medicine.


- Modeling. Making paper an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid.

- Laboratory experience showing the effect of the pyramid on the germination of seed material; the safety of food; on the composition of water; on the medicinal properties of drugs of both chemical and biological origin.

The method of fixing individual manifestations observed during the experiment.

The method of photographing.

Analysis of the data.

Thus, while exploring a proportional copy of the Cheops pyramid, we noticed several unusual properties of this building. It turned out that products were stored in pyramidal structures for longer, flowers did not fade, seeds sprout faster, and the physical and chemical properties of matter change significantly for the better. They seem to improve in their structure and even come to life. Such constructions lead to a concentration of biological energy and the larger the size, the stronger the effect. Scientific experiments on the study of the energy of pyramids have shown that pyramids can be used for health and medical purposes, and if building large pyramids is expensive, then constructing mini pyramids is quite realistic and feasible. Therefore, if desired, everyone can build a mini-pyramid in their own area and use its magic powers on themselves.

Research Article

Preamble.   An ancient Arab proverb says: "Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids." Time ruthlessly cracked down on ancient monuments. Many remained only ruins, but the pyramids still rise above the surface of the loose sands of the Libyan desert, and attract travelers, scientists, researchers like a magnet. (Annex 1)

People have tried to solve the riddles of the pyramids since ancient times. Astronomers saw in the pyramid a terrestrial model of the Universe, genetics - a model of the basis of all living things, DNA molecules. Architects and builders are at a loss as to how they were built. Another riddle is the very name "pyramid". Researchers decoded the image of the pyramid in an ancient Egyptian fresco, a word inscribed with the symbols: Pi - energy supplied to the Earth from space. Ra is the energy of the sun, which is transmitted to Mi - Earth, and all the waste is dumped into Yes - hell. Based on this, the word “pyramid” encoded the great harmony of everything that exists on Earth and in the Universe. In Russian, the word "pyramid" came from the Greek "Pyramid" in the literal translation "fire that is inside." Fire refers to energy flows similar to those that can be observed in crystals of quartz, diamond, in trees, etc.

The higher the pyramid, the more powerful its energy flow.

Pyramids include ordinary huts made of long poles and covered with branches. In such huts people can sit for hours. Some unknown force allows them to enter a state of security. They intuitively find a magical form that positively affects the surrounding space.

Studies have shown that pyramids have a beneficial effect on the environment and the emotional state of a person. The principle of the "golden section", laid the foundation for their construction, helps a person to better adapt to the environment, increases the protective properties of the body. The Czech engineer Karel Drobal found that the course of chemical and biological processes depends on the shape of the pyramid, "thanks to the action of the energy that accumulates in the pyramid, these processes can be accelerated or forced to flow in the opposite direction." After many years of research, he stated that the pyramid has a beneficial effect on people, that the plants inside the pyramid grow and bloom faster. Some researchers believe that in the pyramid there are some rays "pi" and rays "omega". Rays “pi” destroy tumor cells, destroy microorganisms, mummify organic substances. Rays of omega heal and rejuvenate the human body. The Dutch scientist Paul Lickens, after a long study and study of the healing effects of the pyramids, in his book claims that under the influence of the pyramids the pain subsides, wounds heal quickly and bones heal after a fracture. The "energy of the pyramids" stimulates the vitality of the body, making it easier to cope with diseases. According to domestic researchers, pyramidal structures change the structure of water, reduce the amount of impurities in it. Water, aged in the pyramid, "helps to strengthen the immune system and does not allow the body to" fall down towards aging. "

All the pyramids built on Earth, large and small, have one thing in common - a form that is consistent with the rule of the "golden" section. Not every pyramid has energetic beneficial power. But only a special one, built taking into account the Egyptian triangle. The aspect ratio of this right-angled triangle is 3: 4: 5.

Having learned about the effect of the “pyramid effect” on living organisms and inanimate objects, I decided to construct such a pyramid (Appendix 2), conduct a series of experiments and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Experience No. 1. The effect of the pyramid on the sizing of wheat grains

Equipment: 2 bowls, 20 grains of wheat, a cardboard pyramid (in parts of the world), 2 pieces of bandage, a plastic film.

For every three days, I put ten grains of wheat in each bowl. I put one of the bowls under the pyramid. For the period of the experiment, she tried to create the same temperature conditions. In the bowl under the pyramid, the grains sprouted, with the sprouts reaching 2-3 mm, and in the other they only swelled.

Conclusion: The special energy field of the pyramid affects the germination of wheat grains twice as fast and further accelerates their growth. (Appendix 3) Therefore, before planting, it is possible to withstand in the pyramid the seeds of those plants that have to be planted in their personal plot (cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers, etc.) for 10-15 days at a level of 1/3 of the height. Thus, to increase their germination and productivity by 3-4 times. It is recommended to irradiate the seeds in the pyramid for at least one week.

Experience No. 2. The effect of the pyramid on food safety

Equipment: cardboard box, 2 slices of bread, 2 apples, cardboard pyramid (oriented in parts of the world)

1. For the experiment, I took two pieces of bread of equal size, placed one under the pyramid and placed the other under a cardboard box. Under normal conditions, on the third day the bread was half dry, and on the seventh day it became completely brown. Under the pyramid, the bread remained soft on the fourth day, only on the 18th day it became half dry, and completely hardened only on the 23rd day.

2. I decided to repeat the experiment with an apple. Revealed that the apple under normal conditions lends itself to decay three times faster. Under the pyramid, the fruit retains its taste and appearance much longer. (Appendix 4)

Conclusion: This experiment once again proves the amazing energy of the pyramid, which can even affect the preservation of perishable products. Being under the pyramid, milk does not sour for a long time, raw meat located 1/3 of the base does not rot, but mummifies, tobacco and coffee improve their taste, and cereals, flour, vegetables, and fruits remain fresh for a long time when stored for a long time.

Experience No. 3 The effect of the pyramid on the composition of water

Equipment: cardboard pyramid (oriented in parts of the world), a can of water, 2 identical plants.

For the experiment, I chose two identical only that have grown violets. I changed cans of water under the pyramid for a month. For irradiation of water in the bank took a period of time of at least 3 days. One plant poured water charged in the pyramid, the other - the usual water. As a result, over a month the plant grew twice as high as the control sample.

Conclusion: Water, kept under the pyramid, acquires truly amazing qualities: watering plants with such water increases the yield and quality of green mass. During this experiment, I decided to put the flowers donated on March 8 into the pyramidal water, they managed to stand for more than 3 weeks (the water in the vase changed every day).

It was found that such water perfectly stimulates hair growth, if it is used as a rinse after shampoo, the hair becomes thicker, softer and more supple, and in some cases there is a restoration of the color of gray hair. One of the researchers used water of two-week pyramidal exposure in the form of a lotion for the face every day and got a rejuvenating effect. When it is drunk regularly instead of ordinary water or used in cooking, it revitalizes the body so much that it not only improves a person’s health, but also rejuvenates a person and strengthens his overall energy. Charged water can be stored in vessels made of ceramic, plastic or glass. However, you can not use metal caps, because the metal absorbs part of the energy.

  Experience No. 4   The use of the pyramid for charging drugs

Equipment: cardboard pyramid (oriented in parts of the world), pills for headache “paracetamol”.

To check how the energy of the pyramid affects various drugs, I placed the paracetamol headache drug on a stand with 1/3 of the pyramid’s height, as it is most often used in our family. After 3 days after charging, the drug was used for headaches in half. Which produced the same analgesic effect as with the full dose of the drug.

Conclusion: the pyramid can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies. The effect will be the same (analgesic, etc.) as from the full administration of the drug. It is proved that when stored in a pyramid of medicinal herbs, decoctions, infusions, medicinal wines, medicines receive new qualities, and the treatment time is reduced. The mysterious energy arising in the pyramids has healing properties: under its influence, the pain subsides, the wounds heal faster and the bones heal after a fracture, the “energy of the pyramids” stimulates the vitality of the body, making it easier to cope with diseases. (Appendix 5)

Over the years, it has been revealed that people who have visited the pyramid begin to cleanse their body, they feel better, their blood pressure normalizes, and headaches disappear. The pyramid allows you to treat not only physical and mental, but also karmic diseases, it restores the balance of the human body, the disturbance of which is caused by diseases, after which the person finds peace of mind and physical health. It is necessary to take 1-2 times a day 15- minute sessions in the pyramids. It is proved that the pyramids extend the life of people, in other words, the biological processes inside slow down. With the correct application of the effect, a person’s pyramid life can be extended by 10 to 15 years.

In the course of experiments and studying special literature and materials on the Internet, I was able to prove how mysterious the energy of the pyramids is and to show their magical properties, to establish what effect the pyramid can have on living and inanimate nature. I came to the following conclusions: the pyramid in the zone of its activity directly or indirectly corrects the structure of Space, brings it closer to the state of Harmony. Everything that is in this Space begins to develop in the direction of Harmony.

Currently, a large amount of statistical material has been accumulated that reveals the various properties of the pyramids:

1. The energy of the pyramids has a beneficial effect on the environment, eliminates negative radiation from computers and televisions, reduces the level of radiation, destroys geopathic zones.

2. The energy of the pyramids develops clairvoyance, removes damage and other negative energies from the human biofield, has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of people, and reduces the level of bitterness in society.

3. Staying a person inside the pyramid slows down the aging process. There is evidence of a positive effect of the pyramid shape on the biological parameters of the blood. Headache, burns, wounds heal successfully in it. Pyramids can be considered unique regenerators of vitality, from which the human body is "charged".

4. Water at 30 degrees below zero does not freeze in the pyramid. “Dead water” forms at the bottom of the pyramid, and “living water” is closer to the top. "Living" water promotes cell division, tissue growth in living organisms and wound healing. Rinsing hair grows denser, and in some cases there is a restoration of the color of gray hair. "Dead", on the contrary, inhibits the growth processes of tissues and microorganisms and can be used as an antiseptic.

5. The liquid that has been in the pyramid and eaten has a pronounced antitumor and antiviral activity.

6. The liquid and dry medications processed in the pyramid enhance immunity.

7. Ordinary or mineral waters, juices, oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs aged in the pyramid are very effective in treating ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system in the stage of their exacerbation.

8. Creams, oils and ointments that have been processed in the focal zone (upper level) will help relieve skin inflammation, inhibiting the activity of harmful bacteria. Everything that is located at the lower level of the pyramid will contribute to the healing of small wounds, activating the processes of regeneration of skin tissue cells, having a positive effect on the surface vessels.

9. The meat in the pyramid does not go out. Food products improve their palatability and their storage times increase several times.

10. The ennobling effect of the pyramids on some delicacies was recorded: coffee, tea, spices, drinks, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.

11. Pyramids contribute to the healing properties of crystals and other substances.

12. Blunt blades become sharp again.

13. Cut flowers do not fade in pyramidal water for more than 3 weeks.

14. Jewelry is well cleaned.

15. Pyramids have the ability to increase the effect of cosmic radiation on plants, to improve seed germination.

16. The pyramid has the property of mummification (dehydration and sterilization).
The booklet “The Influence of the Pyramid on Human Health” that I developed will help you make the pyramid correctly and, according to the recommendations, use it for the benefit of your health.

The construction of mini pyramids is quite real and feasible. Therefore, if you wish, each of you will be able to build a mini-pyramid on your site and experience its magical powers on yourself. (Appendix 6)

To build a pyramid at home, we must observe an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid - its size: height is 146.6 meters, the length of the side of the base is 233 meters. If you decide to put a pyramid at home, you should proceed from the following data: set the height of the pyramid; to determine the side of the square lying at the base of the tetrahedral pyramid, multiply the height of the pyramid by 1.57075, and the length of the side of an isosceles triangle forming the face of the pyramid is the multiplication of the height of the pyramid by 1.4945.

List of references

1. Lipovsky heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.p 38

2. Lipovsky heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.S. 41.

3. Arshulik gives the pyramid. N. Chelny “Decor” .2004.s.9.

4. Pyramids heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.s 34.

5 Arshulik gives a pyramid. N. Chelny “Decor.” 2004. p. 35-38.

6.Kortikov health. R. on the Don “Prof-Press.” 2004. p. 9-15.

7. Lipovsky heal and protect. M. "Dilya" 2005.p. 15-16.

8. Buvel R., the ordinaries of the pyramids. M., Veche, 1997. S.25.

9.Klimovich pyramids // World of the Unknown, 1997. No. 6 p4-6.

10. The Uncovered Secrets of the Pyramids // Science and Religion. 1994. No. 4.s.5-7.


Height (today): ≈ 138.75 m

· Side angle (now): 51 ° 50 "

· Side rib length (originally): 230.33 m (estimated) or about 440 royal elbows

· Side rib length (now): about 225 m

· The length of the sides of the base of the pyramid: south - 230,454 m; North - 230,253 m; west - 230.357 m; East - 230.394 m

· Base area (originally): ≈ 53,000 m² (5.3 ha)

· The area of \u200b\u200bthe side surface of the pyramid (originally): ≈ 85,500 m²

· Base perimeter: 922 m

· The total volume of the pyramid without deducting the cavities inside the pyramid (initially): ≈ 2.58 million m³

· The total volume of the pyramid, after deducting all known cavities (initially): 2.50 million m³

· Average volume of stone blocks: 1,147 m³

· Average mass of stone blocks: 2.5 t

· The heaviest stone block: about 35 tons - located above the entrance to the “King’s Chamber”.

Making an exact copy of the Cheops pyramid

Pyramid rule

A home pyramid can have any size, but the ratio of its height to the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by about 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden ratio, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.57075, we get the length of its base. The length of the side of the isosceles triangle forming the face of the pyramid is the multiplication of the height of the pyramid by 1.4945.

With a doubling of the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many (50-100 or more) times. One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented with the compass strictly to the north.

The effect of the pyramid on seed germination

On the left, wheat seeds sprouted under the pyramid in two weeks.

On the right - in normal conditions.

The effect of the pyramid on food safety

Experience with bread

Under normal conditions:

1 day - there was an upper dry crust of 1 mm,

mostly bread is still soft and fresh.

2. day - the crust has become thicker, but the bottom is still soft bread.

3. day - bread half dry.

4. day - dry bread from above, on the sides, begins to dry from below.

5. day - a dry crust appeared from below, about 2 mm.

6. day - bread is hard and dry, but there are still soft places inside

7. day - the bread is completely dry, hardened.

Under the paper pyramid:

1 - 4 day - soft and fresh bread

5 - 7 day - a dry crust begins to appear under the pyramid on top

8 - 12 day - the crust becomes thicker, but from the bottom the bread is still soft.

18 day - half dry bread

21 days - the bread is hard and dry, but there are still soft places inside.

23rd day - the bread is completely dry.

Apple experience

Under normal conditions:

1-3. Day - the apple is fresh

4. day - a small dark spot appeared, with a diameter of 3 mm.

5. day - the spot becomes darker, softer

7. day - the spot becomes larger, with a diameter of 10-15mm

10. day - a spot of half an apple, black in the center, brown at the edges, with pressure a brown jelly-like substance is released

15. day - the apple is all black, but still hard in places, small black midges appeared.

18. day - the apple is soft, inside consists of rotten liquid.

Under the paper pyramid:

1 - 9 day - the apple is fresh

10 - 15 day - small dark spots begin to appear

16-20 day - a half apple stain

21 - 24 day - the apple is all black, but still hard in places.

25 - 29 day - the apple is soft, inside consists of rotten liquid.

The use of frame pyramids in medicine

With sinusitis With joint pain

  Pyramid on the street.

https://pandia.ru/text/80/389/images/image011_19.jpg "alt \u003d" (! LANG: http: //wsezdrav.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/P22500112-300x225.jpg" width="372" height="279 src="> Пирамиды для продуктов и!}

To the question, what properties does the onyx pyramid have? and where better to put it in the house? set by the author Apricot   the best answer is keeping the pyramids at home is neither bad nor good, just FOR ANOTHER ... the pyramid builds energy around it. If you had poor energy in the house - it will become better, but if everything is so good - why "look for good from good"?
further quote, so as not to fill a lot
"Finally - the story of the pyramid. It seems to be neither to the village nor to
city, but actually directly adjacent to the theme of this chapter.
It has long been known that pyramidal structures ... blah blah blah - get out
a certain Hunger built such a thing in the Moscow Region, and even
water does not freeze. And the truth about the ability of the pyramids to bend somehow
incredibly the same subtle radiation, protecting all life from
their harmful effects have been known for a long time. This oddity was fought
many scientists, and have achieved nothing but a dull statement of fact:
precisely bends. What exactly bends, how and why, completely
unclear. But this is bad luck: this is how a certain space organizes
in a mysterious way that in it (space) it becomes good. Meat in
the pyramid does not go out, the milk does not sour, the water remains fresh for a long time.
And so, one fine day a plastic one falls into my hands,
such a little pyramid. Bulgarian production, which is already by
sets himself in a serious mood. I don’t know exactly why, but in
times of victorious socialism in Bulgaria it is a lot of attention
paid to bioenergy research. In addition to purely economic
moments - the country is agricultural, and many bio-energy phenomena
great effect on germination and fruiting - engaged and
combat aspects (under the watchful eye of Big Brother, with the military
whose laboratories were in close cooperation). And reached
as far as I know, interesting results. In general, if
the Bulgarians riveted the pyramid, which means a good thing.
The task of the pyramid was the most pyramidal - in
radius of about a meter to do well for everyone. Block geopathic
zones, reject all kinds of bad fields, and in particular, protect
the user from the radiation of a computer monitor. I naturally
he was glad, and put the pyramid under his desk. Oriented her
according to the instructions to the cardinal points (there was a marking there, all
seriously, guys!) and started to wait when I would be happy.
Happiness came down about two weeks later. That is, I’m from the very
the first day I felt it roll over me. But after two
weeks my patience burst, and I almost sent a beautiful
bulgarian product in the garbage chute. Only natural greed does not
let me do this, and now the pyramid is gathering dust peacefully on
You see, this plastic rubbish with some kind of loose
filler actually changed the characteristics of space! IN
for two weeks I felt myself becoming more uncomfortable and
uncomfortable in my favorite corner, in the workplace. Every day everybody
shitty and shitty. Slowly but surely this thing is something there
bent, blocked and rejected. But! Before her appearance, I myself are faithful
a year and a half did the same! It was hardly bent, but rejected and
blocked - for sure. Lived this corner, turned it into a local
a bear’s den with a computer, heated with its heat. And here,
you see, there was an assistant who decided to replay everything differently than
i need, and as it should according to all the rules. As it should be with
ancient Egyptian times.
What is significant - I got a pyramid from my beloved aunt.
I got a saying: "You know, I put her in the workplace, and
then I feel - I can’t. It feels like something didn’t
so. For about two weeks I held out, and removed it. Try maybe you
will do. "
Did not fit. "

Original post by mamalerone
  Properties of the pyramid (healing and wonderful). Pyramid manufacturing - technology download. Dimensions of the golden section pyramid. The secrets of the pyramids.

Applying the properties and secrets of the made pyramid, it is easy to get so-called charged water, which is useful to wash with problem skin and drink it in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (you can just for prevention). Having made a pyramid, you can charge creams and food products (for example, oil). There is an opinion that the vodka that stood overnight in the pyramid does not give a hangover, and the brine that has been there also removes all traces of yesterday’s incontinence in a few minutes.

Due to the properties of the pyramid, diseases that have a pain syndrome are well treated (you can clearly feel how the pain is drawn from you). With its help, you can normalize sleep and pressure, restore many body functions. Fractures heal faster, postoperative sutures, too. Enuresis and hemorrhoids are treated jokingly. The range of application of the pyramids is very wide, and not yet fully exhausted. Not all the properties and capabilities of therapeutic pyramids are known.

A pyramid with the correct size of the golden section is useful not only in everyday life. The onset of otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) can be cured in ONE session (thirty minutes), the outlined rotation of the nails in two sessions (a total of three hours). All signs of food poisoning, using the properties of the pyramids and their secrets, disappear after ten minutes, after you put the pyramid on your stomach, etc. The properties and secrets of the pyramids are best manifested if you can capture the very beginning of the disease. Then one or two sessions are enough for it to stop progressing and leave you alone.

With chronic ailments is more difficult, however, many of them can also be cured with the help of a pyramid. You just need to treat them not so much during seizures (by the way, pain during seizures by the pyramid is pretty good), but be patient and do it every day, for example, watching TV.

Using the properties and secrets of the proportions of the golden ratio, you can get rid of osteochondrosis in a month and a half. With congenital heart disease and angina pectoris, you can stop the attack at the very beginning, without waiting until the pain becomes severe.

The more often you use the treatment pyramid, the more you are convinced that it saves money and time, since treating any, the smallest sore with the help of our healthcare system is a complicated, troublesome and often expensive and ineffective business. And so, before you run to the clinic, you can try to use the properties of the pyramids - in most cases you can do without doctors and pharmacies with the help of a medical pyramid.

Do you want to have such a pyramid at home? Do you want to have at your side all the properties of medical pyramids, all the secrets of the pyramids? But the question arises, how to make a pyramid?

The manufacture of pyramids is not very difficult - simple, you need to follow all the sizes of the medical section of the Golden Section pyramid and instructions. A detailed technology for the manufacture of the pyramid is in the collection. You will be given all the sizes of the pyramid. Making it yourself according to the drawing, knowing the dimensions, is not difficult at all.

What to make a pyramid? You can use any thin sheet material, except metals (plastic, plywood, hardboard, plexiglass, thick cardboard, etc.). You can get by with ordinary drawing paper, but then the pyramid will turn out to be extremely short-lived, but it will still have all the wonderful and healing properties of the pyramids and reveal its secrets to you.

And now a few screenshots from the instructions for making the pyramid

Explanations here, of course, I will not give.

All the detailed explanations, the dimensions of the medical section of the golden section, and a much larger number of diagrams and figures that make the manufacture of pyramids simple and without troubles, revealing the secrets of the pyramids in front of you, is in the collection itself. And you do not need to be a mathematician, or have the profession of a builder. Everything is shown and told, as they say "on the fingers."

You just look at a small fraction of the drawings presented here, and decide for yourself. Does the person who created this technology know how to make a pyramid, the properties of a regular pyramid, the size of treatment pyramids?
   Personally, I have no doubt about that!

In addition to the manufacturing methodology, you will be given practical advice on using the pyramid (its properties), and how to position it correctly in space.

Well? Did I manage to convince you?
   I think yes.

How to make a pyramid at home?

To begin with, let's decide for what purpose the pyramid is being created. In most cases, the pyramid is installed above the berth, in this case, the base of the pyramid, it is desirable (but not critical), to place a couple of centimeters below the level of the legs of the bed. You can make it from any dielectric material (this substance is not conductive) - ordinary cardboard or plywood, wood, glass, plastic.

Any model should be made according to the formulas based on the proportions of the Cheops pyramid: the length of the side of the base of the pyramid is 230.35 meters, the height is 146.59 meters. The ratio between these values \u200b\u200bis 1.571. The angles between the sides and the base are 58 degrees, and the angle at the apex is 64 degrees. In order not to suffer with these degrees, the length of the edge of the pyramid is calculated - it is 1.4945 heights.
   Side rib length - hx1.4945
   The length of the side of the base - hx1,57057
   The height of the pedestal in the pyramid - hx 0.3333
   h is the height of the pyramid. This is the relationship of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Here you can download ready-made gluing with seasoned proportions, cut, glued and voila! Done. Download

As already mentioned above, almost any material (boards, plywood, plexiglass, slate) with insulating properties can be used to make the pyramid. But it should be built without nails, since the metal distorts the field of the pyramidal space.

It should be remembered that with an increase in the height of the pyramid twice, the activity of its action increases by 50-100 times. Therefore, if possible, take advantage of this. (This will turn out to be a high pyramid, where the rib is longer than the base).

   "The passage of time slows down in the pyramids, which means that you can stop the aging process"

How to choose a place for the pyramid?

In the houses of the pyramid, it is necessary to install away from sewer pipes, water pipes and the like, metal and water-containing objects, a healthy aquarium is also not good. An excellent option is the construction of a pyramid on a summer cottage. One of the faces should be oriented to the north (not an edge but a face).
   As with any business, one must start work in a good mood, without any distracting moments, such as: - "All freaks, they strain."
   If the pyramid is built in violation of the proportion of the "golden section", is not oriented to the cardinal points, it may not be useful, and harm is possible.

The interior space of all models should not be loaded more than 10 percent.

Cone pyramid

It was not for nothing that medieval magicians wore cone-shaped caps. Judging from the research, the cone pyramid is slightly inferior to the traditional tetrahedral, but it is easier to make. It is done simply: draw a circle on a sheet of material with a compass and cut it in half. Then you need to take one semicircle and roll it so that the extreme points of the diameter coincide. The edges are connected with adhesive tape, and a conical pyramid is obtained. By the way, it does not need to be oriented to the cardinal points.
   A few practical tips for those who want to build a pyramid on a summer cottage.

When installing a structure in which a person can fit, the height of the structure should be 3 meters. Using the search indicator, you need to find a favorable place for its center. Suppose you have the opportunity to build a structure with a base of 4x4 meters. According to the proportion of the "golden section", the height of this pyramid will be 2.5 meters (4x1.6). According to these calculations, we make four equal triangles. The foundation of the pyramid should be oriented strictly north. The trench is poured with concrete (there should be no metal). The walls of the building lie on the waterproofing of the finished foundation. It is best to use round wood or beams, which are fastened together with tongues or wedges. Brick constructions will be more practical in operation.

How to be treated with pyramids? Orientation to the cardinal points.

The methods of treatment with the pyramids are a modified meditation with a pyramid, which does not lie on folded palms, but stands on a table at eye level.
   Pain can be relieved by simply placing the pyramid in a sore spot. But in doing so, you yourself must take a position according to the geomagnetic field of the Earth: head to the north, legs to the south, in a prone position. The faces of the pyramid must also be accurately oriented to the countries of the world.
   You can use a set of tiny pyramids. You must put each such pyramid on the bioactive point recommended for treatment for a specific disease (this is from acupuncture). Pyramids are placed on bioactive points for a period of 20 minutes to 2 hours once a day.

And, apparently, a pyramid can also be made by taking an example from scammers who are trying all kinds of medical pyramids such as gold wires. We make for ourselves with aluminum or copper wire, twist (do not need much precision). You can try, I think it will not hurt.

P.S. Scientifically, the action of the pyramids has not been proven that nobody knows what happens there.

A source


Onyx is a type of agate. Agates are called layered chalcedony with multi-striped beautiful patterns. Onyx is recognized as agate, in the slice of which the layers are represented by straight lines parallel to each other. In turn, onyxes differ in the color of the stripes: carneol - white and red stripes, sardonyx - white and brown stripes, onyx-chalcedony - white and black stripes, etc. It is believed that the thinner the strip, the more valuable this semiprecious stone is.

The deposits of the best onyx are located in India, Arabia, Brazil, the USA and Uruguay.

The glory of onyx, like a mystical stone, follows him from the depths of centuries. The Bible mentions the walls of the Temple of Jerusalem made of translucent onyx. Black onyx is inserted into the wall of a Muslim temple located in the Kaaba. In ancient Rome, onyx was considered one of the most powerful amulets.

  - the mascot of leaders, military leaders and discoverers, protecting from premature death. A ring with onyx attracts luck and allows its owner to maintain firmness of spirit even in the most difficult situations. It is believed that the onyx amulet protects from evil spirits and sorcerers. Onyx is a “concentrator” stone that draws out diseases.

The healing properties of onyx

Onyx, as a mineral, has unique healing properties. It strengthens memory, sharpens vision and hearing, normalizes blood pressure, and boosts immunity. This mineral relieves stress and helps restore emotional balance. Onyx, applied to the sore spot, will help greatly reduce pain. By applying it to the stomach, you can remove colic, and onyx, set in silver, will perfectly relieve pain in the heart. The liquid drunk from the onyx cup helps to forget about fatigue. A ball from onyx relieves a person of chronic insomnia and is even able to solve male problems associated with potency. This mystical stone has such powerful energy!

Particular attention should be paid to the therapeutic effect of onyx pyramids. Pyramids themselves have unique properties. The results of recent scientific studies have confirmed the presence of a positive energy-informational effect of the pyramids on living organisms. The onyx pyramid combines the energy of the stone with the energy of the pyramid. Such a pyramid is both a medicine and a talisman, a souvenir and a talisman, a gift and an amulet.

With proper use, the onyx pyramid not only relieves pain symptoms, but also has a real therapeutic effect.

With an attack of a headache and even a migraine, the onyx pyramid attached to the forehead will perfectly cope. In addition, it will cleanse blood vessels and restore blood circulation. Intracranial pressure will return to normal even after simply being in the immediate vicinity of the pyramid. By applying the base of the pyramid to the solar plexus, the effects of heart attacks and strokes are eliminated. This method also helps with heart failure, angina pectoris, arrhythmias and tachycardia. Strong bruises and bruises can be cured much faster if the pyramid is applied to a sore spot, and in case of fractures, bone tissue is quickly restored and bone fusion.

The possibilities of the pyramid with its correct and regular use are really endless!

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