Home Hernias What time does a kitten need to be neutered. Important questions about pet castration

What time does a kitten need to be neutered. Important questions about pet castration

It’s a good thing to get a small furry animal in your home, however, you also need to take care of it properly. It is better to solve in advance all issues related to the normal living of a kitten in an apartment. It is worth remembering that an apartment is unnatural. And cats can require a lot of attention.

Problems keeping adult cats

All the "charms" of keeping a cat in a house begin after maturity is reached. Nature takes its toll, and the cat begins to make noise at night. This occurs with the healthy functioning of sex hormones. In the spring months, the amount of hormones increases, which makes the life of the owners in the house unbearable. In the natural habitat, you need to mate at least 8 times a year. However, it is impossible for a domestic cat not to go outside to find a cat himself. His life is limited by the walls of the apartment. That is why it is better to take care of the peace of the household and your pet on time.

The benefits of castration cats

If you do not plan to use the cat as a producer, then it is worth doing. It really will keep calm in the house. Indeed, acute spring periods without a cat are very difficult.
Castration keeps cats healthy. Castrated cats do not suffer from prostatitis, prostate adenomas, and are less likely to suffer from various infections.

A castrated cat does not mark territory and does not spoil things and shoes, provided that the operation took place before the cat reached the age of one and a half years. The life expectancy of such a cat is higher than that of an uncastrated cat. The cat remains playful even in old age. It also becomes less aggressive and vindictive.

Best age for castration

You can castrate a cat at any age. However, it is best done in 9 months. It is during this period that cats reach puberty, but do not yet have sexual contact. They are strong and healthy enough at this age to easily undergo surgery and anesthesia. To untie the cat before the operation or not - does not matter much. The operation takes place within 10 minutes and is classified as simple.
After castration, you should take care of the right diet for your pet. Otherwise, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

There is a myth that claims that castrating a cat is painful. Modern technology and anesthesia allow surgery without pain. The cat is quickly restored after surgery. After 2-3 days, he returns to normal life and loses his instincts for reproduction, which caused discomfort.

Foreword:   We enjoy them when they are 2 months old, we love them when they are 1 year old and we love them when they are 10 years old ... These are our favorites and charming girls who want to be squeezed and caressed, but ... But the time comes when our cats reach puberty , and then it all starts ... Restless meowing, screaming at night, spoiling furniture ....

Solution: ... There is a dilemma ...

Dilemma: At what age is it allowed to castrate a cat?

In this article, we will consider the pros and cons of castration of cats, depending on the age when the operation can be performed, and when it is better to wait for the desired age of the kitten. So, let's begin…

Our specialists

Aigul Sopova - leading surgeon Maria Markova - surgeon

Cat castration options at home




Calling a veterinarian home


Three-component European anesthesia

Withdrawal from anesthesia

- -


- - -

Antiviral serum

- - -

2500 rub

3500 rub

4300 rub

7300 rub

PS A dropper and the introduction of hyperimmune sera completely normalizes the condition of the animal and protects it from infectious diseases for 2 weeks.

So a small miracle came into being, and many owners immediately wonder - at what age can a cat be neutered? Often they call us at the clinic and ask:

Question: “We have a cat a week ago gave birth to kittens, out of 6 kittens 3 boys. We would like to castrate them. When can I come to the vet clinic for an operation? ”

Answer: Dear owners. The earliest age when cats can be castrated is 6 months. Before this period, castration is unacceptable for the following reasons:

  • The complete formation of organs and systems of the body ends in one year, but physiologically the body is already formed by 6 months.
  • The operation is not performed earlier than this period, since the consequences of castration of cats will be deplorable: the urethra of the cat is not yet fully formed, and subsequently the development of urolithiasis (ICD) is possible.
  • The testes can be still in the abdominal cavity or in the region of the inguinal ring, which makes castration impossible in the standard way.

Conclusion: think, do you need castration of cats at such an early age, or will there be such deplorable consequences?

We talked about the earliest stage - castration of cats whose age is at least 6 months, but what about older cats?

Most often, castration of old cats is carried out for medical reasons: prostatic hyperplasia, urinary incontinence, aggression, testis disease, etc. Of course, the consequences of castration of cats of such an advanced age are possible, but in order to minimize risks, in a veterinary clinic or at home, there will be a number of surveys were conducted:

  • physical examination of the animal;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • you may need a visit to a cardiologist if heart murmurs are detected.

Only after conducting the above examinations, your cat will be allowed to undergo surgery, under the close supervision of an anesthesiologist and the guidance of an experienced surgeon.

The consequences of castration of young cats

As mentioned above, the animal’s body develops and grows after birth and up to 1 year. Consider these growth periods.

The postnatal period is the age from 1 day to 6 months. The body grows and develops intensively, organs are formed, increase in size and begin to perform their functions stably. If the operation is carried out during this period, then the consequences of castration of the cat will be deplorable - a delay in the development and formation of the whole organism.

Puberty is the age of 6 months to 1 year. The main development is completed, the first sexual characteristics appeared, the desire to find a kitty, however, physiologically, the body is not yet mature and continues to form. In particular, the consequences of castration of a cat at this age leads to an underdevelopment of the urethra, that is, the urinary tract. This is one of the main causes of anuria in urolithiasis (ICD).

The period of physiological maturation is the most suitable age for castration of cats. The body is fully formed, the animal has reached the required body weight.

Let’s tell how cats are castrated.

Either in the veterinary clinic, or by calling the veterinarian to castrate the cat at home, the veterinarian acts according to the following scheme:

  1. First, a clinical examination of your pet is carried out, listens to how the heart works, clean breathing, checks the color of the mucous membranes, body temperature
  2. Next, the veterinarian performs premedication, that is, medications are introduced that help the animal’s body easier to undergo surgery
  3. Now the veterinarian makes an injection, introducing the cat into an artificial sleep, that is, anesthesia.
  4. Actually now the castration of the cat is carried out - a section of the scrotum, a section of the common vaginal membrane, extraction of the testes, ligature on the spermatic cord to prevent bleeding and surgical removal of the testis.
  5. Sutures - our doctors use a seamless castration method, so they don’t stitch the scrotum, so you don’t need to remove them either.

That's actually how cats are castrated.

Castration of cats: pros and cons. In general, do cats need castration?

There were a lot of discussions where it was discussed whether cats should be castrated at all, and what consequences of castration of cats are possible.

FOR castration of cats and dogs:

The cat ceases to mark after castration and spoil furniture

The cat is getting calmer

Aggression and overexcitation disappear

AGAINST castration of cats and dogs

Deprive cats of the natural - to be a male

Risk of surgery and postoperative complications

Sometimes cats continue to mark after castration

Will you be for or against castration of cats, enter one or the second camp, we do not know. However, we live in an urbanized society and our pets live with us under one roof, so you should think about your calmness as well as the male who “wants” but does not have the opportunity, which he suffers from ...

Concluding this article, we hope that the dear reader has received answers to the main question - at what age can the cat be neutered. If you have questions or would like to castrate your cat at home, call us and one of ours will leave for you. You can see the prices of castration cats.

Castration of a cat from 6 months. at home

It is allowed to castrate cats from 6 months. Several options for castration of cats at home - from the budget for 2500 rubles to the VIP option for 7300 rubles. Surgeons use European lightweight anesthesia and withdrawal from anesthesia, which ensures good health and quick recovery after surgery. The promotion is valid until the end of the month.

2500 RUB

Comments: 10

Elmira 03/05/2017 at 14:51

Hello! Yesterday the cat was neutered (age 1 year). Reason: wild cries, urination in the wrong places and the desire to escape from home. Today, screams continue and he is also trying to find a way to escape. I’m trying to understand whether the cat is mocking us or the vet joked?)))) I understand that this remained in the cat’s memory. But I want to believe what will pass. I would like to hear the answer of a specialist in this regard. Thanks!

Basiul 03/30/2017 at 22:52

The cat still has hormones in its blood, so you need to wait about a week.

Victor 02/06/2017 at 21:54


We have a cat (6 months) and a cat of the same age, live together. Both are not neutered. At what age should a cat be neutered? We want to castrate him first. A cat after the first birth (not from our cat).

We are very afraid that we will miss and the cat will become pregnant.

Tell me when is it better to castrate a cat? Now he is the seventh month.


Basiul 03/30/2017 at 22:53

Cats can be neutered from 6 months. Therefore, you can already call a veterinarian to castrate a cat.

In addition, sexually active animals, especially those that go for walks on their own, have a short life span. The street is a source of high danger for cats. They often die under the wheels of cars and at the hands of cruel people, receive various injuries, communicate and fight with homeless animals, suffer from contagious and dangerous diseases, including for humans.

Therefore, when starting a cat, most owners are set up to undergo a sterilization or castration operation. At what age it is believed that this operation should be performed at a time when the pet has already formed the genitourinary system, but he still does not know what mating is.

Early castration (up to 10 months) is not welcome, as this can lead to problems with the genitourinary system. It is also not advised to reach the time when the cat is already sexually active and has experience mating. It is believed that such a cat, although not capable of reproductive activity, will continue to mark corners and demand a cat from old memory.

Is it worth castrating a cat whose age is much higher than recommended? One cannot say for sure. Veterinarians have different opinions about how much to castrate a cat and whether to castrate adult cats with sexual experience. Of course, each animal is individual, and everyone behaves differently. It is impossible to guess ahead how the behavior will change. However, many owners who have performed surgery on cats over 5 years of age claim that castration yielded 100% results and it does not matter at what age to castrate a cat. As a rule, most cats in this case stop asking for a cat, do not rush to the street, become calm, good-natured and very affectionate. Those animals that are not limited in independent walks begin to spend more time at home and even return to games. As for the territory marks, in the first few months a castrated adult cat continues to inertia mark corners in the house, but the smell is not so sharp anymore. Gradually, this habit in the animal disappears. Therefore, the question of at what age to castrate a cat, there is no definite answer.

As a rule, castrated cats live longer. They become more clean, and they no longer emit the unpleasant odor characteristic of cats during the mating season. Animals fully retain all their hunter skills. Neither does castration affect their quick wits and basic character traits, unless the aggressiveness inherent in them during the “cat weddings” disappears.

The operation is quite simple, since it affects only the external genitalia. Caring for the cat after surgery is minimal. The main thing is to monitor the animal immediately after getting out of anesthesia, when the cat is not quite adequate, but is disturbed due to muscle relaxation.

It is believed that castrated cats get very fat. In fact, completeness is more often associated with the constitution of the animal and overfeeding. It is known that uncastrated cats that are fed “for slaughter” are also very thick. However, after castration, nutrition should become slightly different, as the cats become vulnerable urogenital system and a tendency to develop urolithiasis.

A castrated cat needs to be fed little by little, but often. It is best to exclude fish from the diet, as the trace elements in it can harm a neutered animal. Food should consist of beef, poultry, chicken offal, vegetables, cereals. Be sure to give kefir and cottage cheese. Drinking should be present in unlimited quantities. And, of course, a castrated cat should not be overfed.

So, at what age should a cat be neutered and is it worth it at all? Each person must decide for himself. If the cat is not a valuable producer of purebred kittens and lives in a city apartment, then the decision on castration is fully justified.

Castration - removal of testes. It can be carried out both for therapeutic purposes and to prevent or rid an animal of harmful habits, the most terrible of which, perhaps, are the marking of the territory and excessive aggressiveness.

For therapeutic purposes, castration is performed for various diseases of the testicles:

  • open or closed injuries
  • orchitis
  • funicularitis
  • tumors
  • some infectious or invasive diseases,
  • incontinence.

Neither castrate can be pardoned

One can debate for an infinitely long time whether a cat should be castrated or not, to weigh the pros and cons - there will still be no consensus. Everyone decides for himself, or rather for his pet, carefully considering all the pros and cons of the operation.


  • life expectancy increases
  • the animal becomes calmer, more obedient and affectionate,
  • the owner’s strong nervous system: you don’t have to listen to howl, get used to the foul-smelling marks, separate the fighting males,
  • the pet will not have prostatitis, a testis tumor.

You should know it! The animal does not suffer from the lack of “sex”, he is not tormented by remorse due to the inability to reproduce.


  • anesthesia is a risk to the health of the animal, especially if it already has some problems with it,
  • the possibility of complications and even a pet falling into the hands of the most experienced veterinarian is not safe from their occurrence,
  • development of urolithiasis,
  • it is possible that the cat will continue to mark territory.

Castration of cats at a young age

When the kitten has not yet reached puberty, the procedure can lead to problems in the genitourinary system.

The inevitable inflammatory process can give complications in the form of adhesions, which will increase the chances of the cat in the future to suffer from the urolithic system.

That is why it is necessary to wait about 7 months, when the formation of the body is more or less completed.

Some owners note that the kitten shows the first signs of puberty as early as 5-6 months, but the decision to castrate the animal at this age must be taken with the veterinarian.

Castration of cats of advanced age

As for older cats, it is better to say about medical indications. Their number is increasing every year and as the animal grows old, it becomes as much as making the need for such a procedure undesirable.

Most often, such an operation is resorted to due to the development of such diseases and factors:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • diseases of the testes;
  • severe aggression.

You can make all risks minimal by passing a comprehensive preliminary examination, which includes:

  • clinical laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of all internal organs;
  • cardiologist consultation in case of heart murmur.

With satisfactory final results, the cat will be admitted to sterilization, with the participation of an anesthesiologist and an experienced surgeon.

Optimal age of the cat for sterilization

From the foregoing, a simple conclusion suggests itself that the optimal time when to castrate a cat - a thoroughbred British or an ordinary yard purr - is considered to be age, during its full maturity. Many medical experts in the field of veterinary medicine adhere to the position that sterilization is best done when the animal is from 7 to 9 months old. This is explained by the fact that a cat who has not reached the age of one year already has a sufficient body weight, all organs function as a single mechanism, but the stage of sexual development is not yet completed. By the age of 12 months, at the time of puberty, the hormones responsible for the March craving for cats will be produced in the testes and pituitary gland. Removing the testicles in time, the pituitary gland will not receive a similar hormonal message, and in the future hormones will be produced in small quantities.

What if the most suitable period for castration is missed?

An adult cat, from 1 year to 7 years, according to veterinary clinics, such an operation does not threaten something terrible. However, having crossed the extreme line of seven years of age, the cat begins to age, and castration can turn into death for him.

Taking this issue seriously, one must not miss the very best moment when a cat can be neutered without serious consequences, and then the main negative consequences will not be affected.

Although the reasons why the owners could not do this on time, there can be many. Someone is afraid, worrying about the health of their furry pet. Someone was unfamiliar with the specific physiological development of cats. But when a decisive factor appears, when patience comes to an end and, it seems, the whole house is saturated with a pungent unpleasant odor, most loving owners are simply forced to take such drastic measures.

How does a cat castrate?

Before surgery, the pet must be shown to the doctor in advance. A specialist will examine the animal, tell you whether it is possible castration of a cat, at what age is better to do   operation, and agree on a date. If necessary, the veterinarian will prescribe an additional examination or tests.

Contraindications for castration are pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The operation is done under general anesthesia, and there is a risk that the sick animal will not tolerate it. An elderly pet will also need additional consultation with a cardiologist.

Before castration, the animal must undergo vaccination and deworming to reduce the risk of postoperative infection. 12 hours before surgery, the cat can not be fed, 3 hours - to drink. This will prevent the ingestion of food and water into the lungs: from the anesthesia in animals, a gag reflex is triggered.

Operation Order

On the appointed day in the clinic the cat will be examined again. If the condition is satisfactory, he will be given anesthesia. After the injection, the pet will begin to fall asleep and stop feeling pain. The animal will be shaved off at the incision site using an electric machine.

Usually the operation takes 5-10 minutes. The veterinarian surgeon makes two small incisions in the scrotum, after which he pulls the spermatic cord and removes the testes. Cuts, if necessary, are sutured and treated with an antiseptic.

After the operation, the cat should remain in the clinic for an hour under the supervision of doctors. While the animal is moving away from anesthesia, the owners sometimes need to gently massage the pet's eyelids to prevent dry eyes. The cat will have poor coordination for some time, so you need to make sure that he does not fall.

Risks of complications after castration of a cat

The disadvantages and risks of surgical intervention also largely depend on the age of the neutered animal. The older it is, the greater the likelihood of complications, the harder it is for the cat to undergo surgery and the rehabilitation phase.

Not the most pleasant consequences may appear, as:

  1. The castration procedure is accompanied by general anesthesia. An important fact is that anesthesia is a huge risk even for human health, not to mention a small pet. In older cats, in case of problems with cardiac activity, castration is contraindicated. Therefore, one should not drag out so much with such an intervention.
  2. Even if the intervention process itself was successful, it is too early to draw conclusions, since most often complications occur after surgery. It can be assumed that bleeding will open, infection will occur, or seams will diverge. The guarantee of a successful outcome will be the selection of a highly qualified certified surgeon, quality preparation before castration and proper care after it.
  3. The development of urolithiasis, which has a great chance of occurrence, can be overcome with the help of an adjusted diet and drink.

Postoperative Cat Care

Pet care after castration is necessary, as negative consequences of castration of cats may occur.

The animal suffers pain and experiences psychological discomfort , so you need to try to speed up the rehabilitation process:

  • You can pick up a pet from the clinic only after the action of anesthesia has passed.
  • In the first 48 hours after the operation, it is not recommended to take the animal out to the street or place it in unfamiliar places. Try to avoid drafts, harsh sounds and noise.
  • If possible, it would be nice not to leave a pet on the first day after castration of one. It can disrupt the postoperative bandage, stretch the seams, which will cause inflammation and irritation of the skin.
  • The litter of the pet should be soft, it is better if it is made from natural fabrics. It will be difficult for the cat to get to the tray, so you need to change the litter several times a day.
  • After the operation, the pet will be sleepy and tired, you need to give him time to rest and recover. Do not bother the cat, and without the need to pick it up.
  • It is not recommended to feed your pet in the first 24 hours after surgery. Access to drinking warm water should be continuous. Due to the weakness and the residual effect of anesthesia, it can be difficult for a cat to get up and get to a cup of water, it is necessary that the bowl is near.
  • With the help of a veterinarian, you need to choose a specialized food for neutered animals that suits your pet, and strictly adhere to the norm and diet.
  • During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to limit the cat’s movement on furniture, window sills and ledges in the walls, since, failing to jump or falling, the cat can damage the operation site.

Briefly about the diet for castrates

The most important question that worries not only the owners, but is also crucial in terms of the future health of the pet: how to properly feed and which food is best for neutered cats. It is difficult to answer unequivocally, since nutrition should ideally suit a particular animal, based on its characteristics.

It remains only to give a few tips for choosing:

  • the inscription "for castrated" still does not say anything, so we study the composition;
  • food marked “light” is ideal for animals prone to fullness - they are low in carbohydrates and fats;
  • in an ideal feed for protein castrates should be at least 50%, in extreme cases, in the range from 30% and above;
  • the ash content is not higher than 7%, otherwise there is a risk of kidney stones;
  • the food class is only super-premium or holistic - they do not have dangerous chemical additives and vegetable proteins;
  • when introducing a new finished product in a month, it is desirable to conduct an assimilation analysis.

Myths related to castration of a cat

Many people do not castrate their pets because they are dominated by myths that society has imposed on them. Rumors and speculation associated with castration are actively cultivated, but have nothing to do with reality. Let's consider some of them:

Castrated cats quickly lose activity and often grow fat. This is not true. The physiological changes affecting the cat definitely affect the functioning of the genitourinary system, and the absence of sex hormones affects the work of the whole organism.

But correctly selected specialized food will help maintain the balance of intestinal microflora, provide a neutered cat with all the useful substances and elements he needs. Thanks to proper nutrition, the activity of the animal will not change, and his weight will remain the same.

Castrating an adult cat means exposing his life to constant suffering. Not at all. As after any operation, a rehabilitation period is necessary after castration. When the wounds heal and the sutures are removed, the cat will heal the same active life.

The removed gland that produced hormones also removes the sex drive of animals. Cats forever forget the craving for individuals of the opposite sex and do not experience any psychological discomfort from this.

The male will become aggressive. After castration, males, on the contrary, soften their behavior, which can be aggressive due to an overabundance of sex hormones. Castrated cats are affectionate for children, do not attack relatives.


A well-performed operation depends not only on the age of the patient, but also on many factors. This primarily concerns the qualifications of the surgeon, as well as the drugs used.

Of course, the best options are notable for their high price, so it’s worth considering this indicator as well. On average, a standard procedure will cost   from 2000 rubles, and a full package of medical services, including elimination from anesthesia and special restorative drugs - from 7000 rubles and above.

Castration of pets is often considered a necessary activity. This facilitates the maintenance of pets, and also helps to correct some character traits.

It is very important for the benefit of your pet to take into account all the nuances of such a procedure and correctly figure out the right age. This will help to transfer the operation more easily, as well as recover from it.

Each pet with age comes to the moment of puberty, which sometimes entails inconvenience to the owners. Under the influence of hormones, a walking cat begins to mark the territory, leaving a pungent smell of urine throughout the house, constantly screaming, becoming aggressive and restless. To avoid this behavior from their pet, many are wondering whether and when to castrate a cat, at what age   do it preferable?

At what age is it better to castrate a cat?

The best time when can a cat be neutered   without further health consequences is the age of 1 year. During this period of maturation of the young organism, all organs of the reproductive system are fully formed in the animal, and good health makes it easy to undergo surgery.

It is forbidden to carry out castration before the cat reaches the age of six months, since his body is not yet fully formed, and external intervention can provoke serious diseases of the urogenital system in the pet in the future.

Many owners of furry hunters think about a similar procedure, when the age of cats has long exceeded 1 year and there may be enough reasons for this. First of all, not everyone has the opportunity to pay for an operation for their pet at a certain point in his life or do not have free time to ensure proper care after surgery. Late owners of animals, who wish to preserve the natural functions of his body, think about castration too late, but after a while they simply give up in front of his regular spree and damage to things. Sometimes pets replace owners in adulthood, and new owners do not want to live with constant problems and worries.

In any case, be aware of the importance of such an operation and at what age to castrate a cat   best of all, should all their owners.

How old can a cat be neutered without consequences

The limit in this case is a seven-year milestone, but operations can be carried out later, according to certain indications. Why exactly this age? The fact is that for cats this figure is equivalent to human 45 years, when the body is already unable to tolerate extraneous interventions as easily as before. Anesthesia at this age already becomes a test for the animal, therefore, before the operation, the pet needs to undergo a number of tests. Only after a thorough check of the work of his internal organs can a veterinarian give permission for surgical intervention. To do this, it is necessary to carry out:

  • complete urinalysis;
  • detailed blood test;
  • make an immunogram;
  • the cat should be given all vaccinations by age;
  • conduct a thorough examination, excluding the presence of diseases in the animal.

As a rule, after a comprehensive examination, veterinarians rule out the possibility of complications, but there are times when the pet’s body behaves unexpectedly. Postoperative period   in old age, cats are better off under the strict supervision of specialists.

Indications for late castration

Sometimes vets don’t look at something at what age can a cat be neutered. This is relevant when implementing a volunteer program to reduce the number of stray animals. The fact is that a cat is capable of reproducing all its life, and in order to stop the increase in the number of street animals, one needs to act seriously.

In cases of pets, castration at a later age is carried out solely for medical reasons or when the benefit of it covers all possible risks. Among these reasons:

  • uncontrolled aggression;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • disease of the testes or prostate;
  • withdrawal from breeding.

The latter often occurs with breeding representatives of breeds that are used for breeding at a young age, but eventually become unsuitable for obtaining healthy offspring. So that the animal does not suffer anymore during periods of sexual hunting   wasted and did not cause inconvenience to the owners, they decide to conduct such an operation. This always happens in the old age of the pet.

Owning cats that decide to castrate an adult animal, it is important to understand that its sex hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland and even after surgery, it can continue to mark territory and call on cats. Completely eliminate all the troubles associated with sexual hunting of a pet is unlikely to succeed, castration can only reduce them   and then, for a certain period.

Pros and cons of surgery

If you castrate a cat to its first spree, then you can get rid of:

  • aggression;
  • cat marks in the house;
  • bursts of hormonal background of the animal.

Statistics claim that sterilized pets are calmer, playful and affectionate. They shout less and live 1.5-2 years longer than their full counterparts. It is also important that the operation completely prevents the risk of prostatitis in a cat.

The negative aspects of sterilization include the deprivation of the animal's basic instinct for reproduction. This increases the cat's interest in food, so castrated animals are often obese. To control the weight of the pet, feed it only with the label “For Sterilized Cats,” which are balanced taking into account the characteristics of their body.

The consequences of the operation itself, when the pet's joints may become inflamed, bleed up, or there are problems with withdrawal from anesthesia, can also become health risks for the animal. Prevented analyzes and thorough preparation of the animal help a lot to prevent these consequences.

Rehabilitation period

You can perform the operation in a veterinary clinic or by calling a doctor at home. The latter option will reduce the animal’s nervousness, and will also protect it from contact with sick pets before the procedure itself. In any case, after sterilization itself, full rehabilitation is two days, which the animal spends at home under strict supervision. Caring for animals after castration should be special, because the further state of the pet’s health completely depends on the owners.

It’s important not to feed your pet 12 hours before surgery, so you need to know what time does the cat castrate. After the procedure, the animal also should not be fed throughout the day, since the exit from anesthesia provokes vomiting and nausea. If the animal itself does not show interest in food on the second day, then the owner needs to gradually feed him liquid food from a pipette. Providing an animal with access to water is very important not only immediately after castration, but also throughout the rest of the life of the pet, so as not to provoke urolithiasis in it.

The behavior of the animal in the postoperative period is significantly different from normal. Withdrawal from anesthesia is often accompanied by abrupt jumps of the cat, attempts to hide and run away. At this time, you need to monitor the animal and not let it climb into a secluded place so that the cat does not break the seams. For this, the pet needs to be put on an absorbent diaper in the middle of the most spacious room, where there are no hidden places for him. The diaper is useful because urination may not be controlled at this point. Laying the cat on a bed or sofa is not recommended, because during sudden jumps the pet may fall, and the coordination of movements is fully restored only after 48 hours.


No matter how old the cat is, castration significantly reduces its aggression and evens out the hormonal background. Of course, it is better to prevent all possible problems in the future and have the operation done before the pet’s first mating. This ensures that there are no fetid marks in the house and damage to things. Castration at an old age for a cat is not always a way out, but can be carried out according to certain recommendations of specialists, and also prolong the life of a pet for a while.

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