Home Folk remedies What is useful decoction of celery. Celery: benefits, harms, contraindications

What is useful decoction of celery. Celery: benefits, harms, contraindications

healthy eating impossible without vegetables. The benefits of celery are in tonic, performance-enhancing properties. The vegetable is used for weight loss, in case of diseases of the stomach, joints. The medicinal properties of leaves, stems, roots, seeds and juice are useful for women and men.

Varieties and types of celery, cultivation and care

There are the following types of popular vegetables:

  • leaf, used in soups and salads.
  • petiolate (stem), delicious in combination with stews.
  • root (root), use alone or in salads, soups, when stewing.

Leaf celery. In summer cottages and garden plots, this variety is often grown, which ripens in a couple of months:

  • "Cheerfulness" is stable, tolerates cold, lack of moisture.
  • "Samurai" is distinguished by a long petiole, medium-sized leaves.
  • "Zakhar" ripens in three months, gives a lot of greenery.
  • "Kartuli" is unpretentious, the leaves are cut several times during the season.

petiole celery requires hilling in mid-summer.

The following varieties are common:

  • "Malachite" reaches maturity in 2.5 months, gives juicy petioles.
  • "Pascal" gives a high yield after three months, resistant to cold.

celery root rich in beneficial properties.

Medium-early varieties ripen 120-150 days after germination:

  • "Apple" is distinguished by high productivity, long shelf life.
  • "Gribovsky" is fragrant, it is dried for storage.
  • "Prague giant" is distinguished by light pulp, pleasant aroma, significant size of root crops.

Root crops of medium varieties ripen in 160-180 days:

  • "Giant" gives root crops weighing up to 600-700g, they are fragrant and sweet.
  • "Strongman" gives tubers weighing up to 400g.
  • "Egor" is sweet, fragrant, rich in vitamin C.
  • "Albin" protrudes above the surface, gives root crops with a diameter of 10-12 cm, there are no voids in them.

Late varieties of celery are harvested after 180 days, they retain their beneficial properties well:

  • "Maxim" allocates the weight of tubers up to 500g.
  • "Anita" gives a high yield, root crops up to 400g.

In February, celery seeds are wrapped in wet rag For a three days. Planted in a box for seedlings, watered abundantly with warm water, covered with a film, left in a room at a temperature of + 20 .. + 22C.

After the emergence of seedlings, the box is placed in the light.

In mid-March, after the formation of the first leaf, the plants are seated in separate pots. Make sure that the growth point is above the ground, not covered.

Root and petiole types of celery are grown immediately in open ground from May, they are cold-resistant. Leaf varieties - in late May or early June.

The best harvest gives the neighborhood with, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage,. Next to potatoes, corn yield is lower.

The distance between seedlings is at least 30 cm. The plant prefers the sun, does not like acidic soils.

Growing and caring for celery is simple - abundant watering once a week, hilling the petiole variety in the middle of summer.

Calorie content, useful composition

Leaf and stem celery. Calorie content 100g - 16kcal.

Celery cleanses the blood, kidneys, liver, bladder, relieves arthritis pain. Dietary fiber normalizes the level, promotes weight loss.

Smell from the mouth:

  • Pour a glass of vodka 2 tsp. celery, insist two weeks, strain.

The benefits of celery and its juice are in soothing, diuretic, laxative properties. Reception improves digestion, increases vitality.

Restorative action:

  • Dilute 1 part of juice with 10 parts of boiled water.

Take during the week 1/4 cup an hour before meals three times a day.


  • Drink fresh juice for 1 tbsp. one hour before meals.


  • Celery juice benefits when consumed in 1 tsp. three times a day.

Nephritis(kidney inflammation):

  • Take 1s.l. three times a day one hour before meals.

Prevention of joint diseases:

  • Drink 50 ml of juice daily for 14 days.

It is useful to mix with carrot, cabbage or beetroot juices.

Celery for women and men

Algodysmenorrhea- painful periods that accompanies vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen.

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 0.5 tsp. seeds, insist 8 hours, strain.

Take 1s.l. 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Take celery juice 1/3 cup half an hour before meals twice a day.
  • To get rid of pain during women's days, drink 1/3 cup of juice in the morning and evening an hour before meals.


  • Three to four times a year, undergo a 27-day course of treatment with infusion of seeds (recipe above) to alleviate weakness, pain in the body.


  • Stir in equal parts (by weight) celery juice and honey.

Take 2 s.l. 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Keep refrigerated.

"Lunar" love drink of Tristan and Isolde:

  • Mix 100 ml of celery, 50 ml of pear, 25 ml of apple juice.

Drink two hours before going to bed.

Celery for weight loss

Part of the plant cleanses the intestines, stimulates peristalsis, normalizes metabolic processes, which reduces the amount of adipose tissue.

Low calorie content, the property of celery to speed up metabolism, diuretic properties also contribute to weight loss.

Recipes for weight loss with celery:

  • Take juice up to 100 ml per day.
  • Eat soups, salads from fresh roots or leaves.

The harm of celery

Despite the described benefits, the harm of celery is with gastritis with high acidity.

The plant and the juice are harmful in cases of bleeding tendency due to coumarins, which thin the blood. They are harmful in female diseases that accompany heavy uterine bleeding.

The property of celery to enhance the effect of poisons is harmful after insect bites, snakes.

The plant can harm pregnant and lactating women suffering from epilepsy.

A pronounced diuretic effect is harmful during exacerbation of kidney disease, glomerulonephritis.

Modified: 06/26/2019

About twenty species of celery are known. The most common is the cultivated celery, which is also odorous. The most valuable parts of celery are the stalks and the root. The seeds also find their use in cooking, and the oil contained in the seeds of the plant is widely used not only in pharmaceuticals, but also in perfumery.

Celery leaves contain great amount vitamin c, carotene. Celery root is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, nicotinic acid, glutamic acid, which allows celery to be successfully used in the culinary field as a safe flavor and aroma enhancer.

Celery is widely used in folk medicine thanks to great content vitamins, dietary fiber, flavonoids, riboflavin, chlorophyll, minerals. It is raw celery that is famous for its beneficial properties. It is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the stomach, bladder, reproductive system, rheumatism, obesity. Celery has a diuretic, antiseptic, antiallergic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative effect.

As you can see, celery has many advantages, but is there any harm from eating this healthy root crop?

Who shouldn't eat celery?

Celery should not be consumed by women preparing to become mothers, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the increased formation of gases in the body, which can adversely affect the unborn child. In addition, celery is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding, again because of the gases that enter the body of a child with mother's milk, which is already subject to suffering from gaziki.

The harm of celery extends to people suffering from a disease such as epilepsy. Here Negative influence directed to the mind. If you can “boast” of having kidney stones, then celery will have to be abandoned, since this seemingly too healthy vegetable provokes the movement of stones, and this, in turn, can lead to an appointment with a surgeon.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach is another of the contraindications to the use of celery. This disease can also be digestive system like gastritis. This is due to the ability of the plant to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, which is highly undesirable for people with high stomach acidity.

Surprisingly, for some diseases that are contraindications to the use of celery, traditional medicine suggests the use of celery juice for treatment. The measure is important here, that is, halving the dosage, since active substances in high concentration, as well as the acceleration of processes in the body, can have the opposite effect, so before using celery, it is important to consult a doctor and weigh the pros and cons.

For those who only use celery as a seasoning or to decorate dishes, information about its healing properties is most likely well known. After all, for centuries it has been valued not only for its specific taste, but also for its healing power. Moreover, this green vegetable can be consumed completely - from tops to roots. Green leaves, elastic petioles and large root vegetables are good both fresh and cooked. You can read more about the benefits and harms of the product below.

plant varieties

There are three types of celery, depending on the parts of the plant used:
  • petiolate;
  • sheet;
  • root.
petiole celery has succulent stems of green or white color. The taste of such celery is delicate, it is grown only for the stems. Consume in the form of salads or juice. Sheet the plant species is valued for the beneficial properties of its leaves. Such greens have a characteristic aroma, it is used for preparing salads and decorating dishes. The plant remains green and is eaten until late autumn. celery root has a developed fleshy rounded root, which is used in cooking. The root can be consumed raw and after heat treatment. The aroma of the root crop is unusual, characteristic of this particular plant. The plant is considered medicinal, it is compared with ginseng.

The benefits of celery

The product will help to cope with various diseases and strengthen the body's defenses. In addition, this amazing plant can save a marriage if the passion has already died out, and marital debt has long sunk into oblivion. Wise housewives will definitely take note of the information about the healing properties of the product for men in order to turn homemade food into a real miracle cure for improving intimate life! Especially for women, it plays an equally important role.

Celery helps to heal pathologies of the heart and blood vessels

hard to find worthy alternative plant because of its unique composition: all parts of it are rich in vitamins A, groups B, PP, C, K, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid, sodium and manganese, and all this at a low calorie content! They also contain acids that are important for our body and essential oils.

Medicinal properties are as follows:
  • it helps to heal pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • prevents infectious diseases;
  • well strengthens the immune system;
  • serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • helps to cope with the state of internal anxiety;
  • favorably affects the nervous system;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of patients with gout;
  • promotes healing from hypertension, diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system;
  • has a complex effect on the entire digestive system;
  • positively affects the production of gastric juice;
  • prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the intestine;
  • reduces pain and inflammation in gastritis, stomach ulcers, helps the liver;
  • facilitates the digestibility of proteins - the usefulness of celery is enhanced when consumed with meat dishes.

In addition, it has a negative calorie content - during digestion, the body spends more energy than it receives. Therefore, when dieting and losing weight in general, the product can become a faithful assistant.

The usefulness of celery is enhanced when consumed with meat dishes.

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of eating celery on children's health. It is especially good to add it to the children's diet in the spring to prevent hypovitaminosis.

Table of calories, nutrients and vitamins in the product

100 g of fresh celery contains only 13 kcal, which makes it a low-calorie plant.
Substances Content per 100 g of fresh celery
fat0.1 g
carbohydrates2.1 g
protein0.9 g
water94 g
iron1.3 mg
organic acids0.1 g
mono- and disaccharides2 g
starch0.1 g
potassium430 mg
calcium72 mg
magnesium50 mg
sodium200 mg
phosphorus77 mg
The amount of dietary fiber1.8 mg
WITH8.0 mg
E0.36 mg
IN 10.05 mg
AT 20.06 mg
AT 50.7 mg
AT 60.165 mg
AT 98.0 mg
TO41.0 mcg
Choline9.0 mg

Celery stalks: useful properties

The inclusion of celery stalks in the diet of men and women beneficially contributes to:
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • prevention and inhibition of the development of cancer;
  • decrease in blood glucose levels;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • the formation of stress resistance, the removal of nervous tension;
  • concentration of attention;
  • healthy sleep;
  • increase in potency.

The use of celery is recommended for those suffering diabetes, diseases urinary tract And gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, nervous disorders. For people who do not have health problems, celery stalks are useful for dietary and preventive purposes. The product is a source of dietary fiber, a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Celery stalk juice

Celery juice is suitable for those women and men who want to lose weight quickly and safely. The drink stimulates metabolism, removes excess liquid. Cleansing of the body occurs due to the mild laxative effect of the product.
The rich vitamin and mineral composition of celery juice and the activation of metabolic processes help to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. celery juice in medicinal purposes used as a diuretic for edema. In addition, the product contributes to the gentle removal of sand from the kidneys.
Juice is also useful for stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system, eliminating its excitability.

plant leaves

Celery leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are eaten, and also used externally for abrasions, scratches, cuts.
Benefits of the leaves when used regularly:
  1. Improving condition problematic skin, dryness, peeling disappears, its structure is leveled.
  2. Mental activity increases, there is a surge of energy.
  3. Reduced risk infectious diseases, beriberi, problems with the intestines.
  4. The combination of vitamins and essential oils increases libido (to a greater extent, the effect applies to men, but celery also has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system).

What are the benefits for men

For several centuries, for men, it has been considered one of the most useful plants. IN Ancient Greece wrestlers were given food with the addition of a root vegetable to increase strength. The famous heartthrob Giacomo Casanova adored gourmet dishes, generously seasoned with celery, often its root was also part of the love potion prepared by medieval alchemists.

It is no coincidence that doctors often compare its properties with Viagra - the effect of use for men is very pronounced. A large amount of the sex hormone androsterone contained in the stalks perfectly increases male potency and gives a man indestructible strength for sexual exploits. And favorably affect the potency and any other parts of the plant - roots, leaves.

A large amount of the sex hormone androsterone contained in celery perfectly increases male potency

The properties for older men are of great importance, as they help normalize pressure surges and contribute to the overall rejuvenation of the body thanks to antioxidants.

How will the stems, roots and juice of the plant help the health and beauty of a woman

What is useful celery for women? First of all, because it allows you to stay slim due to the negative calorie content. It normalizes metabolism and water-salt metabolism, improves digestion, accelerating the processing of food and preventing it from turning into fats. That is why it is important to use the stems in the diet. Young ladies are crazy about salads with raw celery and apple, and they also like to add carrots there.

Also, the benefits also lie in the fact that this plant returns freshness, youth and beauty to the fair sex. The unique composition helps to relieve tension from the eyes, which makes the look clear and radiant, eliminates stress and fatigue, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Celery normalizes metabolism and water-salt metabolism

Did you know that celery juice is able to eliminate protruding vessels on the legs (the vascular network)? This amazing property due to the fact that it strengthens blood vessels and improves blood composition, preventing the appearance of an unattractive "mesh" on female legs. So drinking such a green "cocktail" is very necessary.

Women's beauty largely depends on the quality of intimate life - and here miracle greens play an important role, because it is a powerful aphrodisiac, helping to restore female libido, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Contraindications and potential harm of different types

Before you include celery in your diet, you need to carefully study its beneficial properties and contraindications, so as not to unknowingly harm your body. This vegetable can heal many diseases and generally have a beneficial effect on health, but no matter how good the product is, there are also contraindications to its use.

It is strictly forbidden for women to consume celery in any form during pregnancy.

You should not eat it:

  • with increased blood pressure, as it can provoke a crisis;
  • with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • elderly and debilitated patients with exacerbations of diseases;
  • with obvious manifestations of nephrolithiasis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • due to the content of essential oils, you can not eat it with enterocolitis and colitis;
  • cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis require limited consumption of the product;
  • drinking juice and a diet based on its use are undesirable in severe forms of allergies.

It is strictly forbidden for women to gnaw the stems and eat other parts during pregnancy (especially after the sixth month), as well as during breastfeeding, since celery reduces milk production and gives it a specific taste that a baby may not like. Such greens should also be avoided when uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation, spinach and parsley in this case are also excluded from the diet.

How to use, types of heat treatment

Naturally, the raw green product is consumed most often. Most often, light salads are made based on the roots or petioles (stems) of the plant. You can add apples or carrots to them, if desired, add sour cream or olive oil.

Also popular are cocktails based on fresh juice (freshly squeezed juice). Lemon, honey, kefir, parsley, cucumber and other similar ingredients can be added to them. The preparation of such mixes does not take much time, and the benefits of drinking drinks are huge: the first results are especially noticeable with problems with facial skin. In boiled form, the product can also be used, for example, in soups.

For medicinal purposes, the plant can be used in recipes for creating decoctions, vodka tinctures and in other variations, so if you are busy growing celery in your beds, now you know exactly where you can put it in excess.

Health Benefits of Eating Celery

Weightloss remedy

To prepare the dish, use 500 g of celery stalks or root, two lemons and 200 ml of honey.

Celery is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with honey. Lemon is poured over with boiling water, cut into several parts, seeds are removed. Grind the lemon and add it to the mixture of honey and celery. The resulting slurry is infused in the refrigerator for three days, then consumed one tablespoon three times a day, combined with diet food.

Celery beauty salad with vegetables

For cooking you will need:

  • carrots - 40 g;
  • celery - 30 g;
  • cucumber - 200 g;
  • onions - 30 g;


  1. Carrots are cut into thin strips, you can grate for carrots in Korean.
  2. Cut the celery stalks into small sticks.
  3. Onions are peeled and cut into thin half rings.
  4. The cucumber is cut into thin slices.

Salad dressing:

40 ml of any vegetable oil is mixed with 40 ml of grape vinegar, 20 ml lemon juice and 20 g of honey. The mixture is added to the vegetables, salted and mixed. Sprinkle the salad with dill and white sesame seeds.

Soup with celery


  • celery - 500 g;
  • medium bulbs - 6 pcs;
  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • small tomato - 3 pcs;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.

All vegetables are washed, finely chopped and boiled. Water for cooking is poured according to the desired amount of broth in final product. The soup is salted and peppered. This dish goes well with the diet, you can use it at any time of the day.

How to properly store celery so that it does not lose its properties

  • Celery root is stored in the cellar at a temperature of 0 - +2 ˚С. The product is covered with a layer of dry sand. For storage, healthy tubers without damage are selected.
  • Roots unsuitable for fresh storage are cleaned, cut and frozen. Such a product can be used in winter for stewing and cooking soup.
  • If it is necessary to store celery leaves and stalks for a long time, then they are crushed and placed in the freezer.

About the composition and benefits of the product on video

The material was updated on 02/07/2018

- This is a herbaceous plant that has a two-year life cycle. It belongs to the Umbrella family. Latin name plants - apium. Many varieties of celery have been known since ancient times. Previously, it was used as an additive to various dishes. Due to its medicinal properties, it first gained popularity in Europe, and then in Russia.


Celery is a valuable food product and at the same time an excellent treatment plant. The properties contained in this product cannot be listed. However, it is worth noting the main features - celery slows down aging, has a positive effect on the digestive system, calms the nervous system, and has a great effect on cardiovascular system. It should be used for rheumatism, kidney disease, gout.

Celery root properties and recipes

Celery root perfectly cleanses and rejuvenates the body. It is also considered to be a general tonic. Eating sedery root in food will have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and overall health.
The properties of celery root include the following:
It helps fight colds. Eating the root in food will be an excellent prevention of colds.
It contains vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting.
The root helps reduce blood pressure, it also helps with anemia, anemia, exhaustion.
If celery root is regularly included in the diet, it will help improve metabolism, so it is often consumed when you want to lose weight.
Due to the fact that there are magnesium salts, celery has a good effect on the nervous system.
It improves well-being, stimulates memory.
Celery root will benefit the joints by improving their mobility.
The root can be included in the diet for the prevention of cancer.
It will strengthen the immune system and will be an excellent diuretic and laxative.
Salads and juice will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
It is worth noting that celery root increases appetite and improves digestion. In many weight loss programs, this product is used to remove toxins from the body.
The juice from the root contains beneficial substances that reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It also cleans the blood vessels very well. The root is usually added to salads, soups, baked and boiled. To make its aroma more characteristic, you need to cut the root as finely as possible.

Celery: useful properties

Celery tubers, as well as green mass, contain a lot of dietary fiber. There is also fiber here, which normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates excess cholesterol in the blood and excludes its entry into the intestines.

Plant fibers normalize the activity of the intestines and create the most favorable conditions for microflora. Celery is also very useful in its properties, because it improves digestion and creates a surge of intellectual and physical strength. It also reduces the need for prolonged rest at night.

When this vegetable is regularly ingested into the body, it has good resistance to diseases and foreign microorganisms. If you take 100 grams of this plant every day, your body will receive a large dose of vitamin A and C. It contains trace elements such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.


Pay attention to contraindications when using petiole celery. Healthy man should take no more than 150 grams of this product. Otherwise, you can harm your digestion. You should not eat celery if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If you have sand or kidney stones, you should limit yourself to 80 grams of celery per day. This product perfectly cleanses the kidneys, but this should be done gradually to avoid pain.
If you have varicose veins veins, you can consume 60-70 grams of celery. The main property of such a vegetable is the activation of all processes in the human body. You should not eat celery in late pregnancy, as well as during the lactation period - this can affect the taste of milk.

If you have malnutrition, too weak vascular walls, diseased liver, gastritis, disease thyroid gland You should never eat celery.

Celery for children

Celery is very useful for children after winter, when their bodies need a lot of vitamins. All parts of this plant are very useful and you can use them to prepare different dishes. It can be salads, casseroles, stews - the choice of dishes is very diverse, so there is simply no limit to your imagination.
It should certainly be taken into account that it can be used raw, stewed and fried. However, celery has a special taste, so not all children will be able to appreciate it. Do not be upset - you can add a little celery to vegetable soup, and the child will certainly appreciate such a delicacy.

You can start giving a plant from one year. You can give a small portion of juice, which will avoid vitamin deficiency. However, before doing this, be sure to ask your pediatrician for permission - some children are allergic to celery.

For children the best option will combine grated celery with apple, nuts, dried apricots and raisins.

Growing and caring for celery

The growing season of celery is from 120 to 170 days, so best solution will grow the plant using seedlings. Roots for seedlings are planted 75 days before planting seedlings in the ground.

Before planting, it is important to prepare the seeds. Since they contain an essential oil, this slows down seedlings - you can wait about 3-4 weeks for the first shoots to appear. To speed up the germination of seeds, you can hold them for a day in water that is saturated with oxygen. There is another way of planting - the seeds are pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate and soaked in Epin's solution.
After processing the seeds, they need to be spread out on a damp cloth, and then placed in boxes with a nutrient mixture. A teaspoon of urea and a glass of ash are added to a bucket of substrate.

In order for celery to grow without problems, it needs to be looked after. Periodically, you need to water the sprouts with warm water. When the seeds begin to germinate, the cover is removed, and the box is transferred to a bright place.

The first month, celery seedlings grow rather slowly. In the phase of leaf development, the seedlings need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 4-5 cm between them. They can also be transplanted into a spacious container.

Root celery seedlings are dived in humus pots - it is important to shorten the root here. When transplanting into pots, seedlings can be immersed in the ground. After the celery has been planted, you can protect the plants from the sun with damp paper.

Celery varieties

To begin with, we highlight the most popular early varieties of celery:

Prague giant. This variety matures in 120 days. Root crops are very large, turnip-shaped. The pulp of the plant is fragrant and tender.

Apple. Depending on the weather, celery can take 90-160 days to ripen. The root crops of this variety are rounded, their weight is 80-140 grams.

Gribovsky. Rounded root crops with fragrant pulp. This variety can be consumed fresh or dried.

Globe. This variety is characterized by rounded root crops, which reach from 150 to 300 grams of weight.

Diamond. This type celery ripens for 150 days. It has smooth and round roots that can reach 200 grams in weight. The pulp remains white even after heat treatment.
Late varieties of celery can be designated as follows:

Anita. It matures at 160 days. This variety has good resistance to shooting. The fruits are often oval, they have a beige color and tender flesh.

Maksim. The plant has rounded roots that weigh up to 500 grams. They have creamy flesh with a spicy taste.

Celery juice: benefits and harms, recipes, applications

Celery juice is an amazing force of nature that prevents the development of tumors, the appearance of toxic elements that destroy cholesterol and fats. Daily use of celery prolongs sexual life.

Useful properties of celery can be noted as follows:

  • The presence of mineral elements that rid the body of body fat.
  • The presence of fiber and plant fibers.
  • The content of antioxidants that exclude the formation of tumors.
  • The content of the natural vitamin complex.

It should be taken into account that celery juice should not be consumed with individual intolerance to this product. It is also not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.
To prepare juice from leaves and petioles, they need to be squeezed in a juicer or ground in a blender, and then strained. The juice from the root is made on a grater or meat grinder, and then filtered through a bandage.

Juice should be consumed when:

  • Stress and blood diseases.
  • For protection against bacteria and viruses.
  • With a decrease in potency in men.
  • With alcoholism and smoking.
  • As a diuretic.
  • With joint disease.
  • With obesity.
  • For skin problems.

Celery Recipes

To make a simple celery salad, mix cucumbers and tomatoes with celery. Dress the salad with olive oil and lightly salt.

When cooking vegetable soup, add celery greens to enhance the taste. It is important not to overdo it here, because this plant has a very unusual taste.

Another popular recipe is celery puree. Peel the roots and cut them, and then boil them in salted water. After draining a little water, add a little flour and milk and bring the puree to a boil. It can be served with meat or hard-boiled eggs.

Celery cooking

Do not forget that celery is a unique plant that retains its properties both raw and cooked. You can boil, stew and fry it to give dishes a brighter and richer taste.

Celery: benefits for women

This plant is useful for women because it has a positive effect on the body. Celery can improve mood and restore salt metabolism. Also, this plant can solve many problems - it helps women lose weight and increases libido.

Calorie content of celery

The calorie content of celery is quite low. 100 grams of the plant contains 12 kcal. And this suggests that it is not harmful to the figure and acts as a tasty and healthy additive to a particular dish. Often celery is eaten for weight loss.

celery leaves

Celery leaves contain many health benefits. If you want to diversify your daily diet, pay attention to leaf varieties of celery:
Cheerfulness. This variety perfectly tolerates any weather changes, copes with cold and lack of moisture.
Samurai. This variety has medium-sized leaves and a long petiole. The greens of this plant can be consumed fresh or dried for the winter.
Zakhar. This species matures within three months and during this period gives a lot of green mass.
Kartuli. He is not whimsical to weather conditions, and his maturity comes in 2 months. The leaves of this species are very fragrant - they can be cut several times per season. It is especially convenient to use them fresh or dry for the winter.

This way you know what celery is and how to use it in order to get the maximum benefit. Please note that when right choice of this plant, it will keep for a long time - just peel the celery, cut it into small pieces and put it in a plastic container in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add it to a particular dish.
Remember that even a stalk of celery will help you stay healthy and feel better. Therefore, in any case, do not ignore this product.


Today, not a single diet, with rare exceptions, is complete without celery. This green vegetable has a huge amount useful substances, which normalize the functioning of the body and help in the treatment of a number of diseases. Let's see what good celery is and how best to use it in your diet.

The chemical composition of celery

The composition of the vegetable, in addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, includes a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. So, it contains:

Celery also contains fatty and essential oils, chlorogenic and oxalic acids. And this is not a complete list of useful substances that form the usefulness of celery.

Did you know? To the territory Russian Federation the plant fell during the reign of Catherine II. At first it was grown as an ornamental plant, then it was discovered medicinal properties and only many years later it was recognized as a cultivated vegetable.

Calorie content of celery

100 grams of the product contains approximately 12-13 kcal. Its energy value is expressed in the following formula: 28% proteins, 7% fats, 65% carbohydrates.

  • Proteins: 0.9 g (~4 kcal)
  • Fat: 0.1 g (~1 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 2.1 g (~ 8 kcal)

Useful properties of celery

Now let's see how celery is useful for the body. The greenery of the plant is used in various diseases intestines. It copes well with dysbacteriosis, inhibits fermentation processes, regulates water-salt exchange and lowers blood sugar levels. It has been noticed that regular consumption of the green part of the plant helps to calm the nervous system, relieves depression and overwork. Freshly squeezed celery juice is used in the diet. It perfectly cleanses the body, while saturating it with valuable minerals, vitamins and other trace elements.

Did you know? Celery is a plant in the Umbelliferae family that lives for approximately two years. It is considered a vegetable crop, which today has several dozen varieties. It grows in almost all countries of the world.

The properties of this plant have been studied for a long time. Celery was recommended for consumption by the ancient Greeks. But already in our times, androgens, male sex hormones, were found in it. Therefore, with regular use of the vegetable in men, the quality of sperm improves. In addition, the benefits of celery for men are the prevention of prostatitis, adenoma, since the plant has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Men are advised to consume it raw when it is possible to preserve its properties as much as possible, but it is also acceptable as an ingredient in dishes.

Since celery has a lot of fiber, it is good for both sexes as an excellent tool in the fight against extra pounds, toxins and toxins. There is even a special diet based on celery, as it is a low-calorie product.

Celery is useful for women with menopause and painful menstruation. In such cases, it is recommended to use water infusion seeds. For example, ladies after 35 years of age are advised to drink a course of celery seed infusion four times a year, so that later menopause goes unnoticed. The same drink can be used for painful menstruation - drink only an infusion of seeds. The fact is that the roots and stalks of celery in this case are dangerous for women. They contain apiol, which stimulates contractions of the inner layer of the uterus, and also, in principle, has a vasodilating effect. Therefore, menstruation may increase.

Did you know?The most valuable parts of celery are its root and stalks. The seeds are more often used as a seasoning in cooking, but they also have useful properties. Sometimes their oil is used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals. Celery salt is extracted from the root, which is rich in organic sodium.

But in general, celery has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, and also rejuvenates the body, improving the condition of hair and nails.

Application in traditional medicine

The most valuable is still considered the celery root, which has three main therapeutic effects:

  • heals genitourinary system due to diuretic and anti-inflammatory action;
  • improves digestion;
  • cleanses the blood and has an anti-allergic effect.

Therefore, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when the work of the stomach, liver, pancreas, decreased appetite, flatulence observed. To do this, it is recommended to pour 3-4 g of crushed plant root with a liter of water and insist it for at least eight hours. Strain the resulting product and apply three times a day for a tablespoon.

With inflammation duodenum it is recommended to use root juice, in the same form celery is useful for the stomach for any inflammatory processes. The juice is extracted from the roots of the plant. This can be done until the middle of winter, since the beneficial properties are not preserved during longer storage. For treatment, take two tablespoons of juice half an hour before meals three times a day. Closer to spring, for this purpose, you can prepare an infusion of dried celery roots. To do this, pour two tablespoons of the powder with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. The infusion is taken in 50 ml according to the same scheme.

Its use is effective in rheumatism and gout. In this case, you can use not only the root, but also the leaves of the plant in the same proportions with water, but they must be insisted for at least four hours. From this infusion, you can make compresses, rubbing, which will not only reduce rheumatic pains, but also cure various kinds of eczema.

Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of celery, it should be used in food for urethritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. It is also recommended to drink a decoction of celery seeds, prepared as follows: pour 2 tsp of seeds with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for at least half an hour. Chilled and strained broth take 2 tbsp. l twice a day.

This remedy also helps to dissolve stones in bladder. In addition, you can drink teas from celery, which are not only an excellent diuretic, but also dissolve salts in the body, treat colds and have a calming effect. To do this, pour two full tablespoons of chopped dried celery herb into 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. It is advisable to drink no more than two glasses of this tea per day.

An ointment from the leaves and stems of the plant cures purulent wounds, ulcers, rashes, hives, lichen and others. skin diseases. To prepare it, you need to pass fresh herbs along with petioles through a meat grinder, and mix the resulting slurry with an equal part of melted butter.

Celery in cooking

The intense aroma and special taste of the plant cannot fail to attract culinary specialists. It is actively used in the manufacture of various dishes, most often as a seasoning, which has a slightly bitter taste.

Important! Celery, which is sold in our region, is the so-called odorous celery. It got its name from the spicy, tangy flavor that both the stem and root produce. Also isolated celery petiole, leaf, root.

All parts of the plant are used in cooking. They are added to dishes from vegetables, mushrooms, fish, meat. The root is used in the preparation of soups, salads, egg dishes, sauces. But in terms of taste, celery is best combined with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, and beans.

Preparation and storage of raw materials from celery

For harvesting, it is important to choose a healthy and fresh vegetable. It should have strong leaves, a bright green color, a slight sheen and an intense pleasant smell. Leaves and roots should feel firm and undamaged. At the same time, the size of celery does not affect its beneficial properties.

Fresh vegetable is stored from three to a maximum of seven days, provided that it is contained in the refrigerator. At the same time, it is recommended to wrap the root crop in foil or paper, and store the green part in water or well moistened and wrapped in a plastic bag.

If you need long-term storage of root celery in winter, it is important to pre-harvest it correctly. To do this, the leaves are cut from the root crop, leaving a few petioles, the root is dipped in clay, dried and laid out on shelves in the cellar. You can also fill the boxes with sand in the basement and “plant” the harvested crop in it so that the petioles remain on top. And you can put celery in boxes, fill it with sand for 2–3 cm and leave it in a cramped place with an air temperature of 0 ... + 1 ° C.

The easiest way to store celery is dried. Greens should be washed and hung to dry in a dry dark place. Drying takes about a month. Then the tops should be ground into powder and stored in a sealed container or canvas bags in a dark place.

For the winter, chopped celery leaves can be frozen, however, in this case, the plant loses many of its beneficial properties. For freezing, only green branches are selected, which, after washing and cutting, are stored in plastic containers in the freezer.

Alternatively, chopped greens can be mixed with salt at the rate of 200-250 g of salt per kilogram of tops, put the resulting mixture in jars and wait until the juice comes out on the surface. Then the banks can be cleaned in a cool place. When using it for cooking, keep in mind that you do not need to add salt to them.

Another way to store celery is pickling. To do this, a kilogram of celery root is peeled, cut into cubes and dipped in a pre-prepared boiling mixture: a liter of water mixed with 3 g of citric acid and a tablespoon of salt. After boiling the cubes for a couple of minutes, they are taken out, cooled and put in glass jars. Prepare the marinade in advance: for 4 cups of water, 3-4 buds of cloves, the same number of black peppercorns, a glass of vinegar. After boiling it, fill the jars and sterilize for 20 minutes. Thus, a savory snack or side dish for mushroom, meat, potato dishes is obtained.

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