Home Syphilis Cranberry useful substances. Cranberry berry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties, secrets of use

Cranberry useful substances. Cranberry berry: health benefits and harms, medicinal properties, secrets of use

Since ancient times in Russia, people were well aware of the beneficial properties of cranberries and used it to treat many diseases. Healing properties were used for infections, when there were no antibiotics at all. A large amount of vitamins in the berries of the plant made it possible to completely compensate for their lack in the autumn and winter. But before using this sour berry, you should understand in more detail what cranberries are, as well as what benefits and harms they can have for human health.

Cranberries grow on a low bush, which barely reaches a height of 25-30 cm. You can find it in swamps or peat bogs of the northern hemisphere. There are about 22 plant varieties in Karelia.

The plant belongs to the evergreen heather family, its flowering occurs in late spring or early summer, and the fruits ripen in September. They differ in rich red color, rounded shape (less often it is oval or pear-shaped). In diameter from 8 mm in wild crops and up to 2 cm in artificially bred varieties.

Picking cranberries is carried out in Russia by hand, this is painstaking work, but it allows you to keep the entire crop intact. In a number of countries (USA, Poland, Canada) they do this with the help of machines. The sweetest fruits ripen in the spring, but the autumn fruits of the shrub are the most beneficial to health.

The chemical composition and calorie content of cranberries

To understand what effect cranberries have, and to determine its benefits and harms to health, you need to know the substances included in it. A fresh berry consists of 90% water, 100 g of product has 4 g of carbohydrates (glucose and fructose) and 0.2 g of fat. The same volume contains 2 g of fiber and 0.3 g of ash.

In a cultivated plant, the fruits have a calorie content of up to 26 kcal, and a wild-growing variety - 15.2 kcal. This allows us to recommend the use of viburnum during a diet and overweight. The berry contains:

  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • flavonoids and other beneficial substances.

Vitamin composition of cranberries

Cranberry is rightfully considered a true storehouse of vitamins, it contains:

  1. Vitamin C. Included in biochemical reactions, strengthens the vascular wall, increases the body's defenses. Its amount in the berry of this plant is comparable to the content of this substance in apples and citrus fruits.
  2. Group K. They take part in the formation of a protein responsible for blood clotting.
  3. A set of B vitamins. They normalize the state of the nervous system, reduce the effects of stress, enter the structure of cells and participate in energy exchange processes.
  4. Rutin, or vitamin P and other flavonoids. They increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, and have antioxidant activity.
  5. Alpha and beta carotene. They are responsible for visual acuity, protect the skin from the aggression of the external environment.
  6. Tocopherol (vitamin E). Reduces cholesterol levels, helps to bear the fetus, improves the quality and quantity of sperm.
  7. Vitamin P.P. Participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

organic acids

A large amount of organic acids in cranberries determine its specific taste. Without these substances in the human body it is impossible to carry out energy, lipid and protein metabolism. They are part of cell membranes and accelerate metabolic processes, reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels. The berries of the plant include the following acids:

  • benzoic (enhances the action of antibiotics, refers to natural preservatives);
  • ursolic (stimulates the formation of insulin and the work of the heart muscle);
  • nicotinic (improves peripheral circulation);
  • others (amber, oleic, oxalic, citric, chlorogenic).

Other substances

The composition of cranberries includes essential elements for the functioning of internal organs - potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and calcium. In addition, it contains other metals, including rare ones:

  • titanium;
  • cobalt;
  • zinc;
  • silver;
  • lead.

Cranberry fruits get their color due to the bioflavonoids included in it, which have strong antioxidant and bactericidal properties and have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. The group of these substances is represented by quercetin, catechin, anthocyanin and peonidin.

Pectin in the composition of the berry helps to get rid of toxic compounds, salts of heavy metals and free radicals. Thanks to this substance, the work of the digestive organs improves and the stool normalizes.

Indications and contraindications

The chemical composition of cranberries determines its benefits and harms to human health. At the moment, it has been proven that the use of this berry allows you to:

  • reduce temperature and inflammation in any infectious process;
  • increase immune strength and prevent infection with viral diseases;
  • normalize low-density cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • improve digestion, stop heartburn and normalize appetite;
  • prevent the development of a cancerous tumor;
  • enrich the body with useful vitamins and elements.

The presence in the fruits of a high level of oxalic acid and purines is a contraindication to its use in patients with gout and rheumatoid arthritis. For the same reason, it should not be consumed by people with a tendency to form oxalate stones.

Indications for the use of cranberries

The main indications for the use of cranberries are such conditions and diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • scurvy and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • colds;
  • hypo- and beriberi;
  • asthenia after serious illnesses and operations;
  • varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • intense thirst in summer;
  • fragility of nails and hair;
  • hypertension;
  • overweight;
  • joint diseases;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Cranberries in the form of a compress help relieve headaches. And as part of ointments, it actively heals burns and wounds. Its topical application allows you to quickly cope with fungal infections and herpes rashes. And wiping the face with frozen juice helps to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin for a long time.

Possible harm

Like any product, cranberries can not be used for everyone. There are certain contraindications that should be considered:

  1. Allergy to berries and their components.
  2. Feeding period up to 6 months and age up to 3 years.
  3. High acidity of gastric juice and peptic ulcer.
  4. atrophic gastritis.
  5. Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  6. Hypotension.

Doctors do not recommend using the fruits or juice of the plant on an empty stomach. It is best to use them immediately after a meal, as a drink or dessert. The extract cannot be drunk in its pure form, it can be diluted with water, sweetened with honey or sugar. After use, it will be useful to rinse your mouth to prevent damage to the enamel of the teeth or use a straw when consuming.

The benefits of cranberries

You need to know that cranberries are beneficial, but can also be harmful to a woman's health. The special properties of the plant will also help men with problems and as a useful product. It can and should be given to children, but there are certain limitations.

For women

Women, in the absence of contraindications, should definitely add cranberries to their diet. Its berries have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and slow down the aging process. Other positive properties of this product are:

  1. Strengthening and improving hair and nails. The use of cranberries solves the problem of brittleness and split ends.
  2. Acceleration of metabolism and weight loss, rapid breakdown of fats. Adding berries to the menu while dieting will help to reduce weight in a short time. A rich vitamin and mineral composition will not allow the body to experience a deficiency of essential substances.
  3. Almost all women of childbearing age and menopause suffer from cystitis and kidney stones. Cranberry fruits eliminate this problem as well.
  4. During pregnancy, the berries of this shrub can completely replace pharmacy multivitamins. The expectant mother will noticeably improve immunity, stabilize pressure and reduce the likelihood of developing toxicosis. The diuretic properties of cranberries will help prevent swelling.

For men

It will also be useful for the stronger sex to regularly consume these bright red fruits:

  1. With prostatitis, the use of berries will help, along with antibacterial therapy, to cope with the disease. The high content of antioxidants in the plant will prevent the development of cancer and prostate hyperplasia.
  2. It is useful to drink fruit drinks, juice, use fresh and dried cranberries for problems with the urinary system and kidneys. This applies to inflammatory processes, a tendency to form stones and sand.
  3. For those who like to play sports, the high content of useful components will help to withstand increased stress and build muscle.

For kids

For a growing organism, a stick is also necessary. During this period, the formation of organs and systems takes place, and this will require many components that are found in berries. They are especially useful to prevent such problems:

  • low degree of body defense and frequent colds;
  • dysbacteriosis and digestive problems;
  • cough, fever and inflammation in SARS and influenza;
  • skin rashes.

The high acidity of cranberries does not allow its use for children under 3 years of age. In order to treat diseases, it should be given to babies only in the form of compotes or boiled from jelly berries. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

How to apply for various diseases

There are features of the use of cranberries in various pathological conditions. It can simply be eaten fresh, but it is best to use proven recipes for cooking.

To improve immunity

The fruits of this plant do an excellent job with the symptoms of viral infections during the season of colds. But it is best to prepare a lemon-berry mixture, which will strengthen the defenses and help prevent the development of the disease.

To do this, you need to take a medium-sized lemon and grind it together with the peel using a meat grinder, adding 0.5 kg of fresh cranberries. Then thoroughly mix all 100 g of honey and put in green or black tea one or two tablespoons, 3-4 times a day.

Under pressure

Cranberries also have benefits, but can also be harmful to health under pressure. Hypertension patients use the berry to reduce vascular tone. To do this, it is best to prepare a fruit drink from 0.5 kg of fruit. They are kneaded to a puree state and poured with a glass of warm water. Insist 3-4 hours, filter and squeeze. It is taken during the day, and to improve the taste, a little sugar or honey is added to the drink.

It is best to take fruit drinks throughout the day, divided into equal portions. The course of treatment should not be more than one or two months. And then take a break for one month. For low blood pressure, the diuretic and vasodilating properties of cranberries can be harmful. Therefore, with hypotension, its use should be limited.

From complications of diabetes

The plant is of great benefit when consuming its fruits in diabetes mellitus. If you drink a glass of fresh juice every day, then the condition with this disease improves. Vitamin C helps to strengthen blood vessels and increase immunity, which suffers greatly when sugar levels are disturbed.

The berry will prevent the development of heart attack and stroke, cholesterol is reduced, and it will speed up wound healing. All these actions are very useful for a diabetic, since the disease is accompanied by tissue ischemia. But do not forget that cranberries contain glucose, the consumption of which requires restriction for the patient. Therefore, to prevent complications, it is enough to eat no more than 100 g of fresh fruits or 150 ml of juice.

For joint diseases

Pain, inflammation and swelling in the joints go away if you make an ointment based on cranberries. To do this, you need to finely grind 100 g of berries and add vaseline and lanolin 50 g each and mix well. Apply topically, lubricate the diseased joint and insulate with a film and a woolen scarf. For skin diseases and poorly healing wounds, this mixture is advised to be rubbed into the affected area.

The properties of the plant to remove harmful substances and reduce pain allow you to use the remedy until complete recovery. It is recommended to combine it with taking tablets and other ointments prescribed by a doctor. Store the mixture in a closed glass container in the refrigerator.

With cystitis

The antibacterial properties of cranberries are good for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. It is able to potentiate the action of drugs many times over. For diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men, it is useful to consume fruit drinks, fresh juice or berries of this shrub (3-4 tablespoons per day). Juice and fruit drink will also have a positive effect on removing sand and stones.

For weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you should introduce juices, fruit drinks or the consumption of fresh berries into the diet. There is no evidence of the fat-burning properties of cranberries, but it helps to remove extra pounds due to the normalization of lipid metabolism. Also useful for losing weight are a large number of vital vitamins and elements in this product, since dietary restrictions in them often lead to beriberi.

Against the background of dieting, constipation often occurs, and this problem is also successfully solved with the help of this product. Normalization of metabolism, bowel cleansing, removal of free radicals and excess fluid will be a good help in the fight against obesity. And the intake of useful compounds will ensure the possibility of productive sports.


With the introduction of cranberries into the diet, a person improves the condition of the body. It receives many useful substances necessary for the implementation of many vital processes. The product allows you to prevent the development of a large number of diseases and accelerate recovery in women, men and children. But at the same time, one should take into account the presence of contraindications to its consumption and observe moderation.

A late berry of northern latitudes, cranberries are known not only for their bright sweet and sour taste, but also for a whole storehouse of useful vitamins. Consider what helps cranberries.

Treats urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are associated with a large number of microorganisms in the urine. Such processes can lead to inflammation of the bladder, prostate or kidneys. Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins, which have cleansing properties. Substances prevent the overgrowth of bacteria, remove everything superfluous with urine.

Protects against cancer

Cranberries contain polyphenol compounds. It has been proven that they help in the prevention of cancer and prevent the further development of already formed tumors. These can be tumors of the breast, colon, or brain. Compounds found in cranberries also prevent metastases.

Supports the cardiovascular system

Cranberries help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The flavonoids found in these berries may protect against atherosclerosis. Normalizes pressure.

Our great-grandmothers knew well that northern fruits are an effective medicine for lowering high blood pressure. The specific recipe is below.

Keeps your mouth healthy

And prevents caries and tartar. This is also thanks to the already mentioned proanthocyanidins, which prevent the reproduction of harmful bacteria. In field conditions, it will be enough to chew a handful of dried cranberries if there is no way to brush your teeth.

Strengthens bones

Cranberries are a natural source of calcium, which is very well absorbed by our body.

Helps with flu and colds

And this is mainly due to the high dose of vitamin C, which supports immunity and helps in the fight against infections. For the manifestation of all qualities, dried berries are usually thrown into boiling water and insisted for several hours. You can also brew healthy tea with nini. True, the crumbs of raw materials should be small enough to give a maximum of vitamins and minerals.e

Ideal for overweight people

Cranberries contain natural acids that support fat burning. For this reason, this product should be in stock for all people who want to get rid of a few kilograms.

Prevents the formation of kidney stones

Treats stomach ulcer

Gastric ulcers are caused by bacteria that attack the protective layer of the stomach and duodenum. Foods rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, such as cranberries, apples or garlic, reduce indigestion.

Delays the aging of the body

The abundance of nutrients and antioxidants found in cranberries are of great importance in the context of solving the problems associated with aging. The compounds contained in cranberries protect cells from damage and fight free radicals.

All healing properties in simple words

Winter berry is useful to use at any time of the year. Its medicinal properties help to normalize the work of almost all organs, thanks to the complex vitamin composition:

  1. Cleanser. Due to the content of antioxidants, cranberries allow you to remove toxins from the body, normalizing metabolism. It is a component of various cocktails for detox diets.
  2. Antiviral agent. One of the most "popular" qualities of sour cranberries is their ability to fight the symptoms of viruses and colds. This is possible due to the high content of citric acid in the composition.
  3. Relieves fever and fights intoxication.
  4. It helps to reduce high blood cholesterol, which in turn helps to improve blood flow and stop the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Reduces pain spasms.
  6. Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system. In particular, cranberries help the kidneys to excrete the breakdown products of chemicals in the body.
  7. Solves the problem with diseases of the teeth and gums.
  8. Increases immunity. The plant is recommended to be used not only in the acute period of the disease, but also as a prophylaxis, as a remedy that strengthens and protects against viral infections.

Traditional medicine recipes

If you wonder what diseases cranberries help against, then this list can be endless. It is much easier to experience its healing effect immediately.

From pressure

  1. High pressure.

Mash 2 cups of fresh berries, add a glass of water and half a glass of sugar (maybe a little less). Cook over low heat, let cool at room temperature. Drink a drink in one day. In this form, cranberries help with cystitis too.

For joint pain

  1. Joint pain, arthritis.

Rub 4 tablespoons of fruit with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Pour the mixture with 0.6 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day one hour after meals.

  1. Indigestion, diarrhea.

The recipe uses both fruits and green leaves. Pour 2 tablespoons with 0.4 liters of water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Let cool at room temperature. Take this decoction 100 ml 4-5 times a day.

With a cold

  1. With a cold.

To prepare a vitamin drink you will need: 1 kg of cranberries, 2 kg of carrots, about 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Squeeze “sour balls” and vegetable until gruel is obtained, add sugar and dilute with water. Put the resulting drink in the refrigerator and take it daily as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent.

  1. angina, cough

Mix freshly squeezed cranberry juice with honey in equal proportions. Take 100 ml 3 times a day for a week. Then continue the course: 2 times a day for 100 ml (1 week) and 1 time per day (1 week).

From fresh berries, you can prepare a simple and quick decoction, which, due to its antiseptic properties, will help you quickly restore strength, relieve pain, and relieve unpleasant symptoms:

Pour 2 tablespoons of fruits with a liter of hot (not boiled!) Water and let it brew under the lid for 10 minutes. Add honey if desired.

Useful composition of the berry

"Northern lemon" - this is what the people call the red berry. And it's certainly not just a combination of words. The content of vitamin C in the plant is not inferior to citrus fruit and easily helps to replenish its supply in the body.

The fruits of the northern plant are champions not only in the content of citric acid in their composition, but also in benzoic and hyaluronic acid.

The first is designed to fight fungi and harmful microorganisms, the second promotes collagen synthesis and helps the skin restore elasticity and youth.

Micro and macro elements contained in cranberries:

- vitamins of group B, C, K;

- potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium;

- beta-carotene;

- antioxidants.

Sour berry is a low-calorie product: only 30 kcal per 100 grams. To all the useful properties, it is worth adding a high content of fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Useful properties and contraindications for women

The bitter fruits of the northern plant are a real source of natural youth, beauty and health for women. The medicinal properties of the berry can solve a number of cosmetic problems:

- get rid of brittle hair and split ends;

- make strong nails;

- smooth out wrinkles;

- improve the condition of the skin.

Low-calorie cranberries help in the fight against excess weight. Firstly, it is included as a snack on a diet, and secondly, it promotes the breakdown of fats. No wonder heavy food is supplemented with cranberry juice: tasty and at the same time very healthy.

What else helps cranberries? The berries of this plant are able to cope with such an unpleasant female disease as cystitis. Decoctions of them relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

It should be taken only in combination with the main treatment and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Taking cranberry decoctions is one of the effective folk ways to combat edema in expectant mothers. Obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe this recipe for both hypertension and viral diseases, as well as problems with stools during pregnancy.

Contraindications for everyone

A medicinal plant in some cases not only helps, but also harms. Although the percentage of such situations is minimal, the fruits should be taken with caution:

- people with hypersensitivity to the components. For example, the presence of an allergy to citric acid;

- people with low blood pressure. The plant has the ability to reduce pressure, therefore it is used by hypertensive patients;

- in acute chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers.


The fruits of the winter "doctor" can be dried, frozen, and also stored fresh. In any of these cases, useful substances are stored in them.

The freshness of a freshly harvested crop helps to preserve glass or ceramic dishes. Having previously cleaned the cranberries from leaves and spoiled berries, they put them in the refrigerator. Many use sugar syrup as a preservative for longer shelf life.

What to do with cranberries - recipes and inspiration

Okay, so we figured out that cranberries are very healthy and worth it to consume. Maybe you can assemble it yourself. What to do with her then?

Cranberries are not particularly tasty - they are quite sour and hard on their own. There are several ways to make the process of drinking as comfortable as possible.

How to dry cranberries

A very easy way to extend the life of our red vitamin balls is to dry them! Dried cranberries are easy to find in almost every grocery store, but when you look at their ingredients, you will see that they contain sugar and sulfates. You can do without all this.

Harvest or buy fresh cranberries and let them dry. Now you have several options:

  • Dryer for fruits and mushrooms - if you have such equipment, great, the cranberries will be made by themselves. Put it on a tray, turn on the dryer, and do something else, controlling the drying process from time to time. When the koyukva fruit is shriveled and dried, this means that the drying is over.
  • Oven. Preheat the oven to 40-50 degrees and evenly distribute the fruit on a baking sheet. It is best to dry it when the oven door is not completely closed. This drying takes longer, but if you don't have a dryer, this is a good option.
  • Drying in the sun. This is the longest and least reliable way. However, when the weather is good, things can work out. Berries have a lot of water. It is more difficult to dry than, say, mushrooms. So she needs more time. You will need a drying net and a sunny surface. A few days and everything will be ready. There is also the option of drying cranberries over the stove or radiator.

Dried cranberries are stored in a jar. A great addition to desserts, cocktails, porridge, millet, pancakes, as well as meat and cheeses.

Cranberry Energy Blend

This method of harvesting cranberries is invaluable. Especially - especially in autumn and winter, when we become infected, get sick with colds. For treatment, then it is enough to get to the pantry, take out the jar and eat 3-4 teaspoons of the dry mixture per day. And it is worth continuing to do so until the disease disappears.

Preparation of cranberry mixture is carried out without cooking. Only then cranberries retain large doses of vitamin C, which supports our immunity.

You will need:

  • 1 kg cranberries (of course, it can be more or less, you can change the proportions of other ingredients)
  • glass of honey
  • juice of 2 lemons

Wash the cranberries thoroughly and let them dry. Add honey and lemon juice, mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Pour the mixture into sterilized jars and you're done. You can eat a cocktail prophylactically to strengthen immunity - 1 teaspoon per day.

Be careful, it's amazingly delicious!

Now many rely on modern medicine when it comes to the treatment of any ailments or the prevention of diseases. Nevertheless (perhaps for some this fact will even be surprising) a significant part of medicines is still produced on the basis of plant materials. Although, of course, there are a huge number of synthetic drugs.

On the other hand, it is not at all necessary to invent something new, nature has long offered people a lot of usefulness that can be used to improve and maintain their own health. The fact is only in some neglect of the natural benefits of nature. At the same time, natural products are of great benefit, for example, cranberries. And now we will consider what are the medicinal properties of cranberries, its benefits and harms.

What is useful cranberry

In ancient Rome, this berry was called health balls, in Russia, cranberries had a reputation as a rejuvenating berry, and expressions slipped through the people that she was the queen of swamps, etc. There are many other (including documented) evidence regarding the usefulness of cranberries and the huge healing potential.

  • a significant amount of vitamin C, which is quite comparable with citrus products;
  • a combination of potassium and magnesium - works great to maintain the health of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system, these components are perfectly combined with vitamin C, which activates the work of these components;
  • almost the entire set of B vitamins;
  • phenolic antioxidants - are products of youth, as they reduce the amount of free radicals in the body;
  • the presence of tannins - in the context of this product, the abundance of tannins works to prevent various infections and infectious diseases, in other words: more cranberries - less flu and colds;
  • fiber and pectins - incredibly useful for digestion, they help improve the functioning of the digestive tract, can treat various diseases;
  • microelements - we will not list the full composition, but there are really a lot of a wide variety of microelements. And a glass of cranberries can provide the daily allowance of many of them, while they are almost perfectly harmonized in the composition of cranberries, due to which they are perfectly absorbed in the body.

As a summary, it should be noted the reputation of cranberries as a superfood, that is, a product with increased nutritional value and increased beneficial properties. Superfoods are wildly popular right now, but marketing tends to offer superfoods for the most part from other regions.

Although, as you know, it is most useful for people in general to eat foods that grow in the region of their natural habitat, in other words, from their own country and the nearest.

So the next time you're inspired by an adorable ad for goji berries or something like that, think cranberries. This product is no less wonderful, more affordable and probably more useful for you.

From practical use, in conclusion, we note the presence of a large number of preservatives in cranberries. Thanks to this, the berry is perfectly stored, you do not even need to preserve. You can easily store a freshly harvested crop until next year (if you observe optimal conditions) and all useful properties will be preserved there.

cranberries for colds

On the one hand, cranberries can enhance the effect of various drugs. In particular, you can reduce the dose of antibiotics if you use a combination with a berry. On the other hand, cranberries themselves can act as a separate medicine for colds, for example, in raw form or in the form of fruit drinks and juices.

Drinking plenty of water often recommended can be exactly cranberry juice (in reasonable amounts, read the next paragraph) that will not only restore homeostasis in the body, but also provide the necessary elements that strengthen your body and help fight colds.

Cranberries for weight loss

One way or another, the product is very dietary. There is little sucrose and more fructose, that is, more healthy natural sugar. Also, cranberries are useful for weight loss due to the ability to improve digestion and give a feeling of satiety for a long period. As a rule, non-strict diets generally do not particularly limit the use of this product.

For reference: 100 grams of fresh cranberries contain a little less than 30 kcal, and about 300 kcal of dried cranberries.

What can be cooked from cranberries

Probably the best option is freshly picked cranberries, but tastes vary, and there are a lot of variations. Therefore, in conclusion, we will offer you a significant number of different recipes for cranberries. Fiery red cranberries will spice up many gastronomic dishes.

Cranberry Sauce

A very refined dish, as a rule, is served with meat dishes. The recipe is simple and elementary, you just need to mash the berries and add spices to taste. For a festive one, it’s good to add additional orange juice and a little zest.

Cranberry juice

This recipe is made with a minimum of steps. First you need to chop the cranberries and best of all in a natural way, that is, take something like a crush. As a result, you will get something like juice with pulp.

The juice must be separated, and the remaining cake should be boiled slightly and then add the juice to the heated mixture (which must be filtered again and now discard the cake). In order to add sweetness and usefulness, put a little honey. I recommend adding it at the very end.

Cranberry jelly

The recipe is no different from any other jelly. You will need to take some berries, starch and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Next, the jelly is cooked according to the standard scheme. If you want to get a more delicate taste, you can add some fresh apples.

Cranberry puree

This product is all natural and is often bottled. To begin with, the berries are boiled a little (no more than five minutes), then rubbed through a sieve and laid out in jars, which, if necessary, you can sterilize and roll up.

Here are some more useful tips for using cranberries:

  • Prepare homemade cane mix with unsalted nuts, seeds and dried cranberries.
  • Include a small handful of frozen cranberries in your smoothie.
  • Add dried cranberries to your oatmeal or whole grain cereal.
  • Add dried or fresh cranberries to your favorite muffins or cookie recipe.
  • Add a scattering of cranberries to baking, and then it will sparkle with new flavors.

Cranberries in cosmetics

Cosmetologists also actively use this berry and cranberry-based products. Let's briefly consider the main vectors of application.

cranberry for hair

Hair masks, which are made from natural juice or pureed cranberries, can treat a range of blemishes, from itching to fungal diseases. Simple natural masks are comparable in their properties to the most expensive cosmetics.

Cranberry for face mask

It is advisable to first assess the sensitivity of your skin and individual tolerance. To do this, mashed cranberries are applied for a short period to any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, to the inside of the arm. If you have a mild reaction, then you can simply use water cranberry tinctures with a minimum consistency.

For those who normally tolerate cranberries, simply crushed berries are used. Make masks with napkins or simply apply a thin layer and leave for a period of at least 15 minutes.

Cranberry oil

This product is difficult to get on your own, as it is made from cranberry seeds in special factories. Nevertheless, if you have the opportunity to purchase cranberry oil, this opportunity should be used. The oil contains a huge amount of useful elements for the skin and hair.

Cranberry and its contraindications

With all the variety of vitamins, microelements, organic acids and essential oils contained in cranberries, some people need to eat it with great caution. This berry is not for everyone.

  1. The first reason for refusing cranberries may be individual intolerance. As with other red berries, it is not recommended for children under three years old and nursing mothers.
  2. For those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is strictly contraindicated to take raw cranberries. An option such as dried or frozen berries should also be excluded from the diet. The organic acids contained in it are strong irritants for the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.
  3. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to give preference to the option with processed berries. And definitely do not eat cranberries on an empty stomach. In addition, acid adversely affects the quality of tooth enamel. Therefore, after consuming cranberries, you should at least rinse your mouth with water.
  4. People who are using the blood-thinning drug warfarin or Coumadin should also not suddenly increase their cranberry intake.
    Cranberries actively contribute to lowering blood pressure. Therefore, how useful it is to hypertensive patients is just as harmful to hypotensive patients.
  5. Cranberry tea or fruit drink is an excellent remedy in the fight against colds. But even here one must be careful: the simultaneous use of a cranberry drink and drugs such as streptocide, sulfadimesin, sulfazol or etazol can provoke the formation of kidney stones.
  6. Thus, cranberries do not tolerate careless attitude towards themselves. When used correctly and moderately, it is beneficial, and when thoughtlessly and unlimitedly, it can harm.

In conclusion, as you can see, cranberries have incredible healing potential. Some of the useful properties are not even marked here. We hope you can enjoy the benefits of this product.

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about how cranberries are useful and what they treat. . We will learn about its benefits, composition, properties. And I will also open the recipe for the most correct cranberry juice, which will improve the appearance and preserve youth.

Probably, many have heard about the healing power of the northern beauty. The benefits of cranberries are undeniable. She cures many diseases. A proven folk remedy gives vivacity, helps to survive the winter.

Cranberry is a low-growing evergreen plant of the heather family. She has dense small leaves, thin stems. It blooms beautifully in summer, and produces a crop in late autumn.

The fruits are small, but very useful and tasty. They are widely used in cooking and folk medicine.

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For the Krasnodar Territory, cranberries are an exotic product. This is not dogwood or. She needs peat bogs, swamps, not clay. It is brought to us from other regions where the winter is long and harsh.

On the left is a wild berry, on the right is a farm berry

The berry appears in our markets by mid-November. At this time, you can stock up for a long time, because it is perfectly stored. Price - 300 rubles per kg. I don't think it's too expensive. It's so hard to assemble! To do this, you need to walk for hours in the swamp knee-deep in icy water.

In the season I always buy in reserve. I really like the taste. He unrecognizably changes the quality of baking, giving it that very “zest”.

In Russia, the main collection falls on wild species, but cranberries are also grown on plantations. They are located in the Arkhangelsk, Kostroma, Leningrad regions.

Today I found the products of one such farm in a local supermarket. She is large and pleased with the delicate taste. Everything that I brought home, I ate with pleasure "without bread and salt."

Cranberry: composition of vitamins and minerals

This is one of the healthiest wild berries. Its pulp is rich in pectins, sugars. It contains an impressive set of biologically active compounds.

Among them, biotin (vitamin B7) is in the lead. The daily requirement will provide 50 grams. The substance is involved in the synthesis of collagen, normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Many people think: since cranberries are sour, they contain a lot of ascorbic acid. This is not entirely true. Ascorbic acid is only 15 mg per 100 grams. This is 17% of the daily requirement.

The berry is significantly inferior to an orange, lemon or. According to this indicator, it stands next to, which is valued for its sweet taste.

Other nutrients are also less than in other fruits. But a lot of organic acids. Here is an incomplete list:

  • apple,
  • benzoic,
  • cinchona,
  • ursolovaya,
  • chlorogenic,
  • oleic.

These chemical compounds treat colds, maintain acid-base balance, and facilitate the work of the stomach. And the fruits contain bioflavonoids and betaine.

The list of the most significant minerals in terms of content is presented in the table.

The skin and pulp contain pectins, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6).

Cranberries: health benefits and harms what heals?

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Red fruits are valued for their ability to keep fresh for a long time. For vitamin nutrition, fresh, frozen cranberries, as well as grated with sugar, are suitable.

Cranberry: beneficial properties for the body of a man

The rich composition stimulates the immune system, provides a protective, strengthening effect. Regular use protects against hemorrhoids, normalizes cholesterol, prevents varicose veins.

The presence of components with an antimicrobial effect serves as a reliable prevention of prostatitis.

Cranberry: benefits and harms to women's health

The berry is useful for swelling, swelling, removes bags under the eyes, stops weight gain. This is an effective prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. It is especially useful to drink cranberry juice before going to bed. Delicious drink cures colds, prevents headaches.

Pancakes with cranberries are wonderful!

Berries are necessary for women after 50. They contain components that facilitate. They normalize blood pressure, maintain hemoglobin.

Decoction compresses relieve attacks.

Cranberries have not only useful properties, but also contraindications. It heals, but can be harmful. This occurs with excessive use, the presence of chronic diseases, a tendency to oxalaturia. Fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach.

Before using for medicinal purposes, consultation with a specialist is required!

For beauty

Cranberries contain substances that stimulate the production of collagen - the main assistant in the fight against premature wrinkles. It has a lot of antioxidants. Compounds actively fight free radicals.

Diluted juice is used to prevent post-acne. It cures pustules and acne. It is enough to wipe problem areas with a solution. And here is the recipe for a face mask:

  1. Take 10 g of berries (fresh or frozen).
  2. Grind in a mortar or otherwise.
  3. Put the same amount of sour cream.
  4. Stir.
  5. Apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  6. Hold 10 minutes.
  7. Wash away.

The procedure well brightens, tightens the oval, eliminates oily sheen.

With the help of cranberries, it is easy to restore even neglected nail plates. She treats a fungal infection, whitens, saves nails. It is crushed and the problem surface is treated.

Masks with berry puree - a folk remedy for dandruff and. In equal proportions, crushed cranberries and coconut oil are mixed.

The mass is useful for improving growth, giving hair a healthy look. It is applied along the entire length, paying special attention to the roots. Hold for 10 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Cranberries: medicinal properties and contraindications

Berries are a valuable dietary product. Before use, they are carefully sorted out, spoiled, wrinkled, dark are removed. After that, they wash and dry.

The medicinal properties of cranberries have been known for centuries. It is used to strengthen the immune system, protect against infections.

With the help of decoctions and fruit drinks, a cold is treated. They are used as a general tonic. Drinks bring relief from rheumatism, joint pain, improve the condition of the oral cavity.

Cranberry juice - a folk remedy for colds

For immunity

Cranberry energizes, increases efficiency. It minimizes the risk of developing tumors, strengthens protective functions. The reason is a large number of active ingredients with antioxidant properties.

Sour drinks are useful in infectious diseases. Vitamin drinking improves well-being, promotes a speedy recovery.

For colds and flu

From time immemorial, bright red fruits have been used in folk medicine to relieve fever and thin sputum. Seafood is especially popular. The drink quenches thirst well, treats cystitis, helps. In addition, it has the following benefits:

  • Reduces inflammation in the airways.
  • Removes irritation from mucous membranes.
  • Destroys viruses, bacteria.
  • Reduces the risk of contracting the flu and other viral infections.
  • Relieves heat.

To enhance the effect, drink more fluids. Diluted juice is a proven gargle for sore throats.

For digestion

Cranberries help to heal the intestines. It improves the microflora, destroys harmful bacteria. This relieves flatulence, colitis.

The product stimulates the stomach, normalizes metabolism. It improves appetite, enhances peristalsis, removes toxins. Berries are indicated for hypoacid gastritis and pancreatitis at the initial stage.

For the heart and blood vessels

For a glass of fruit take the same amount of water plus three tablespoons of sugar. Cranberries are washed, chopped with a blender or meat grinder, mixed with the rest of the ingredients, brought to a boil.

The resulting syrup is kept in the refrigerator and added to tea in a tablespoon.

For diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

Berries are known for their antimicrobial and diuretic effects. They are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the kidneys, bladder.

Regular use will help to cope with infections, relieve inflammation, and prevent the formation of stones.

Before using cranberries as a medicine, be sure to consult your doctor!

With hypertension

Cranberries gently reduce blood pressure when consumed properly. This is due to flavonoids and fatty acids, as well as substances with a diuretic effect.

Juice that has not undergone heat treatment works best. It is diluted with honey in a ratio of 1:1 and drunk a tablespoon daily.

We figured out how cranberries are useful for the human body. It is equally important to observe moderation and correctly assess the possible risks.

What to pay attention to?

Like any product, cranberries can harm:

  • Its acids damage the enamel of the teeth, irritate the walls of the stomach.
  • With gastritis, special care is required.
  • With a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, cranberries are contraindicated.
  • Those taking blood thinning medications should discuss the menu with their doctor.
  • Cranberry dishes can lead to the formation of oxalates.

The allowable rate is no more than a glass a day. It is better to consume in small portions, and not all at once.

How to choose and save?

High-quality fruits are distinguished by a beautiful gloss, bright color. They are elastic, there are no spots or dents on them. If stored incorrectly, they become wrinkled. The presence of small branches, leaves is acceptable.

The berry is useful because it contains a natural preservative - benzoic acid. It inhibits the development of microorganisms, does not deteriorate. It is this feature that allows you to store the crop without canning.

Large volumes are placed in a dark cool place. Sometimes, for better preservation, raw materials are poured with cold water. It is pre-sorted, cleaned of debris.

Nutritionists advise eating fresh. Defrosting is not subject to storage. But in the freezer, she will stay until the summer. In a glass jar, the stock will stand in the cold for several months.

I do this:

  • I sort it out, wash it, dry it on a towel.
  • I divide into portions.
  • I freeze.

A win-win option is cranberries with sugar. He is loved by many housewives. The taste harmoniously combines sweetness and sourness. Lovers of healthy desserts will appreciate it.

Application in cooking

Cranberries go well with and. It is used in its natural form, syrups, jelly, marmalade are cooked. The fruits are added to sauerkraut, pastries, sauces and jams.

Sweet and sour meat sauce

You will need:

  • Cranberries - 200 g.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Mineral water - a glass.
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife.
  • Carnation - 3 pcs.
  • One whole.

What should be done:

  • Put the berries in a saucepan, pour mineral water, put on fire.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Squeeze the juice from the orange, separate the zest.
  • Add to decoction.
  • Put in the spices.
  • Cook for 3 more minutes.
  • Before removing from heat, season with a spoonful of cornstarch.
  • Stir.
  • Cool and grind in a blender for smoothness.

Cranberry juice

You will have to tinker, but the result is worth it. This is "heaven and earth" compared to store options.


  • Prepared raw materials (1 glass) are crushed, juice is squeezed out.
  • A liter of boiling water is poured into the remaining mass, boiled for 5 minutes at a low boil.
  • Cool, insist about half an hour.
  • Strain through cheesecloth, squeeze again.
  • Add honey (3 tablespoons).
  • Mixed with juice.


So we figured out how cranberries are useful and what they treat. It remains to stock up on a valuable product until the season is over. I don't know about you, but that's exactly what I'm going to do now 😉

Did you know that cranberries contain one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any berry or fruit? Cranberries are one of the leading foods in terms of the amount of antioxidants that promote health and protect our cells from free radical damage. Cranberries are often included in the list of the most useful foods on the planet for many reasons, ranging from the ability to reduce local inflammatory processes, ending with an increase in the overall immunity of the body and much more.

The beneficial antioxidants found in cranberries are superior to many others found in fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, spinach, broccoli, and red grapes. This amazing berry, which is sold fresh, frozen and dried, is commonly used in cooking for making juices, fruit drinks, sauces, jellies and for filling in pastries.

Researchers believe that cranberries contain substances that prevent infection by bacteria that cause infection in the walls of the urinary tract. Cranberries are also an excellent source of many important vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, manganese, and fiber. Therefore, as you can see, the health benefits of cranberries are incredible. Let's take a closer look at the best benefits of cranberries, as well as the possible harm from eating them.

Cranberries - benefits and harms to human health

Nutritional value of cranberries

Cranberries include an amazing collection of phytonutrients, low calories and sugar, and almost no fat or sodium. Many of these phytonutrients offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer health benefits.

Cranberry contains:

  • An extremely high "antioxidant capacity" score, even surpassing other superfoods or "superfoods" such as strawberries in terms of amounts of specific antioxidants such as proanthocyanidin.
  • Cranberries contain only 46 calories per cup of fresh berries.
  • Balanced electrolyte levels, including potassium and sodium.
  • Low score on the glycemic index.

One serving of fresh cranberries (about 110 grams) contains approximately:

calories: 50.6 kcal
Carbohydrates: 13.4 gr.
Squirrels: 0.4 gr.
Fats: 0.1 gr.
Cellulose: 5.1 gr.
Vitamin C: 14.6 mg. (24%)
Manganese: 0.4 mg (20%)
Vitamin E: 1.3 mg (7%)
Vitamin K: 5.6 mcg (7%)
Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg (3%)
Pantothenic acid: 0.3 mg (3%)
Potassium: 93.5 mg (3%)
Copper: 0.1 mg.(3%)

Along with an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals, cranberries also have a high level of phytonutrients. Some of the most powerful phytonutrients and antioxidants in cranberries include:

Anthocyanins. This class of antioxidants found in cranberries has the ability to scavenge free radicals in the body, and medical studies show benefits in weight loss, cholesterol reduction, and fighting breast cancer.
Quercetin. Arguably the most powerful phytonutrient in this berry, quercetin is anti-inflammatory and has been shown to be effective in reducing allergies, improving joint pain, and reducing arterial wall inflammation.
Benzoic acid. It has powerful antiseptic properties and is the main ingredient in cranberries that reduces the risk of infection and can kill bad bacteria to naturally treat urinary tract infections and even acne.
epicatechins. A class of phytonutrients also found in green tea and red wine. They have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

Useful properties of cranberries for human health

Scientists have proven 6 medicinal properties of cranberries, which are used by doctors to prevent and treat the following conditions.

  • Prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Prevention of tumor diseases
  • Improving immune function
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease

Let's consider each of these properties in more detail.

1. Cranberry Prevents and Treats Urinary Tract Infections

Cranberries are perhaps most widely known for helping to prevent or treat urinary tract infections.

These diseases are about 50 times more common in women than men due to the location of the female urethra. They can affect any part of the urinary tract, but are most commonly found in the bladder, causing cystitis.

Every year, according to experts, more than 15 million cases of urinary tract infections are registered in Russia. The infection causes symptoms of frequent, urgent, or painful urination, and sometimes abdominal pain or blood in the urine. Most diseases of the genitourinary system are caused by harmful bacteria called Escherichia coli (or Escherichia coli). The medicinal effects of cranberries are due to the presence in them of compounds that help keep certain bacteria (such as E. coli) from attaching to the wall of the urinary tract.

The traditional preventive recommendation to prevent cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis is to drink one to two glasses of 100% natural pure, unsweetened or lightly sweetened cranberry juice or fruit drink daily. Studies show that women who drink cranberry juice frequently are less likely to suffer from symptoms of urinary tract infections.

Antibiotics are very effective in preventing and treating these infections, but the side effects of antibiotics, including antibiotic resistance, the spread of yeast infections (thrush), digestive problems, etc., often prevent many women from taking them.

According to some estimates, up to 15% of all prescribed antibiotics are prescribed specifically for the treatment of urinary tract infections. What's more, there is mounting evidence that consuming too many antibiotics can lead to health problems, but thankfully, a natural remedy like using cranberries is becoming a popular and effective alternative.

Some researchers believe that some of the antioxidants in cranberries change bacteria so they can't stick to the urinary tract; others believe that cranberries create a slippery coating on the walls of the urinary tract that prevents E. coli from sticking.

One study examined women who had a history of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli bacteria. Women who drank one glass of cranberry-lingonberry juice every day for six months reduced the risk of recurrence of the disease by 20% compared to women who did not carry out any prophylaxis.

In another study, older people who consumed cranberries in their diet had half the number of bacteria and white blood cells in their urine - signs of urinary tract infections ().

The third study included 20 women with recurrent cystitis. They consumed one serving of sweetened and dried cranberries daily for two weeks. More than half of the patients did not develop cystitis within six months of eating sweetened, dried cranberries, and the six-month average incidence dropped significantly. The results of this study show a positive effect of cranberry consumption in reducing urinary tract infections in susceptible women ().

The results of the study showed that eating cranberries over a 12-month period reduced the overall incidence of urinary tract infections by 35%, and among women with chronic infections, cranberries reduced the annual rate of new infections by 39% ().

2. Cranberries Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation underlies many of the common diseases seen in developed countries, including heart disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, diabetes, and more. Anti-inflammatory foods like cranberries naturally help fight inflammation due to their high antioxidant content.

Antioxidants are found in foods that are naturally colored, such as dark red (cranberries and other berries) or deep blues and purples ( and ). All berries help fight free radicals due to their high antioxidant content, but cranberries turn out to be one of the best sources on earth.

Inflammation occurs when the body's immune system goes into overdrive trying to rid the body of toxins that are produced from unhealthy diets, pollution, etc. A diet low in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory foods leads to an abundance of free radicals in the body. Free radicals, which may seem like something mythical and incomprehensible, are, in fact, a natural by-product that our body creates from daily activities.

Everyone's body produces free radicals, but when there are too many of them, they multiply and can damage DNA, cell membranes, and enzymes. By frequently eating fresh foods with anti-inflammatory properties, we reduce the effects of free radicals and protect our body by reducing the risk of cancer, improving brain function, lowering levels of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides, and reducing the likelihood of developing diabetes and autoimmune diseases such as like arthritis.

3. Cranberries May Help Prevent Certain Cancers

Studies have shown that the anti-cancer compounds found in cranberries are beneficial in preventing breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancers.

Both animal and human studies have confirmed these tumor progression slowing effects ( , ). Due to its unique structure of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, cranberries seem to be ideal for reducing the risk of some common cancers.

Antioxidants are essential for optimizing health by fighting free radicals that can damage cellular structures as well as DNA. Growing evidence from multiple studies suggests that the high content of antioxidant flavonoids found in cranberries and blueberries may help stop the development of age-related diseases due to their ability to limit oxidative stress. That's why they are one of the most popular cancer fighting products.

This is important because, unfortunately, many people experience high levels of oxidative stress from ongoing inflammation in the body caused by poor diet, mental stress, and an unhealthy environment.

4. Cranberries improve immunity

According to some studies, cranberry extract may improve multiple aspects of immune function, and it may reduce the frequency of cold and flu symptoms. The high levels of a specific substance called proanthocyanidins found in cranberries help the body's immune function to prevent disease.

Proanthocyanidins belong to a larger class of polyphenols that are commonly found in berries and fruits. These powerful polyphenols are capable of stimulating the lining of the gut, where most of the immune system actually resides.

In medicine, it has long been proven that human immunity is formed in the intestines. It is very important to maintain a balance of beneficial and harmful bacteria - the intestinal microbiota. And it is a healthy intestine that is the key to a strong and strong immune system. Because cranberries can slow the growth and development of harmful bacteria—found in toxic foods and viruses that enter the body—healthy immune-boosting bacteria can accumulate and grow in the intestinal walls to create a powerful defense against disease.

Also unique is the combination of three antioxidant nutrients found in cranberries: resveratrol, risoatannol, and pterostilbene. Some research has shown that there is a unique synergy between these nutrients in regards to fighting disease.

The phytonutrients in cranberries provide maximum antioxidant benefits only when consumed in combination with each other, and only when consumed along with the usual antioxidant nutrients that are also present in cranberries, such as manganese and vitamin C.

When processing disrupts this combination of antioxidants, the benefits are reduced; therefore, cranberries are most beneficial when consumed in their natural form and fresh, or in a very high quality extract. This is because it is the unique and naturally occurring blend of cranberry antioxidants that provides the greatest health benefits for humans.

5. Cranberries improve digestion

Cranberries are believed to have cleansing, antidiarrheal, antiseptic and diuretic detoxifying properties. They help the body get rid of toxins and also help relieve bloating and balance fluids in the body. Our digestive system extends beyond just our intestines and stomach—in fact, it begins with our mouth, gums, and tongue.

Recent studies have shown that the benefits of cranberries help optimize the balance of bacteria throughout the digestive tract, acting in a similar way to how the probiotics found in kefir or yogurt create a healthy "gut flora" environment.

The benefits of cranberries for digestive health are undeniable due to their ability to keep the balance of bacteria in the body, preventing the growth of harmful "bad" bacteria and promoting the growth of "good" beneficial bacteria. This not only relieves symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn, but also helps boost immunity and nutrient absorption, as a healthy gut wall is important for both of these functions.

6. Cranberries reduce the risk of heart disease

The cardiovascular benefits of cranberries come from the combined effects of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Studies in which subjects consumed about 100 grams of cranberries every day showed that cranberries can prevent the release of two enzymes that play a key role in the development of heart disease. Cranberries have also been shown to prevent the activation of these enzymes by blocking the activity of a pro-inflammatory molecule called tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha).

The antioxidant benefits of cranberries have been linked to a reduced risk of various markers of heart disease, including high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Cranberries are a natural way to help reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke because they dilate blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow.

In animal studies where low-calorie cranberry juice and cranberry extracts were consumed in rats and mice, antioxidant benefits were clearly associated with a reduced risk of high blood pressure. Cranberry extract helped prevent excessive constriction of blood vessels, which can lead to cardiac arrest or other forms of heart disease (). Compared to many blood pressure and heart medications, which can cause complications in some people, cranberries are virtually harmless and carry no risky side effects.

Many studies have shown that patients taking cranberry extract or eating fresh berries experience positive vasodilatation and increased blood flow, with positive effects seen on both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Cranberries are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which may also have a blood pressure lowering effect. One cup of cranberries contains 18% of the daily value of vitamin C.

According to recent studies, eating cranberries can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by up to three bars, which promotes a healthier cardiovascular system and lower risk of heart disease and stroke ().

Many recent studies have shown that whole cranberries consumed fresh, compared to purified cranberry extracts that are in liquid or dried form, are better at protecting the cardiovascular system and the liver. This is another reason to buy fresh cranberries and use them in a wide variety of recipes that you make yourself.

How to choose and how to store cranberries

Cranberries are widely distributed in Russia, especially in the northern regions. Cranberries also grow all over the world, usually in countries with temperate climates and cold winters. Cranberries are popular in Russian, American, European and Middle Eastern cuisines, and in dried form in cuisines of other parts of the world.

Cranberries are grown by many farms in Russia. Cranberry picking usually takes place in September and October. This is the best time to buy fresh berries.

When choosing cranberries, look for fresh, plump berries that have a rich red color. Berries should be firm to the touch; hardness is an indicator of quality. Bright red berries have a higher concentration of beneficial anthocyanin compounds.

Dried cranberries are easy to find at any grocery store throughout the calendar year. Fresh cranberries can be stored in the refrigerator for about 20 days, frozen berries can be stored much longer - for several years.

You can also buy frozen cranberries from the store. Often it is sold at lower prices.

Cranberries can be eaten fresh, cooked or dried. But all of the health benefits of cranberries are found most in fresh berries, although any way you eat cranberries will still bring you many benefits, as long as the berries aren't overcooked or mixed with sugar.

Often, cranberries are processed into products such as juices, canned sauces, sweet jams, and sweetened dried cranberries that already lack many of their nutrients. A much healthier idea is to prepare your own cranberry dish in a way that provides the maximum possible amount of nutrients and avoids excess sugar. But remember that the delicate vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes in cranberries cannot withstand the temperature used in baking, which is typically around 120 degrees Celsius.

Potential health risks of cranberries

  1. If you are taking the blood-thinning drug Warfarin, you are advised not to consume cranberries because some evidence suggests that cranberries may increase the effect of the drug on the body. Several cases have been associated with patients who experienced an increase in bleeding due to suspected consumption of cranberries while taking Warfarin.
  2. Cranberry products may contribute to the formation of kidney stones due to increased urinary oxalate excretion. Cranberries are a small number of foods that contain measurable amounts of oxalates, which are naturally occurring substances found in plants, animals, and humans. Although the amount of oxalates found in cranberries is relatively low (1.5%), they are able to increase the amount of oxalates and calcium in the urine, resulting in urine with elevated concentrations of calcium oxalate.

Final Thoughts on Cranberries

  • Cranberries have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants. Cranberries are also an excellent source of many important vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, manganese, and fiber.
  • Cranberries have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, boost immunity, prevent and treat urinary tract infections, benefit the digestive tract, reduce the risk of heart disease, and potentially even help prevent certain forms of cancer.
  • Some of the most powerful antioxidants in cranberries include anthocyanins, quercetin, benzoic acid, and epicatechins.
  • Cranberries retain the maximum amount of nutrients and taste fresh. Its delicate nutrients, including vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes, are thought to be unable to withstand the temperatures used in baking, which are typically around 120 degrees Celsius.

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