Home Syphilis How to spread acne after extrusion. Is it possible to squeeze acne on the face? How does blood poisoning after squeezing acne

How to spread acne after extrusion. Is it possible to squeeze acne on the face? How does blood poisoning after squeezing acne

Today our site received the following question: “I squeezed a pimple, smeared with salicylic-zinc ointment, will it help?”. Let's try to figure this out.

Specialists, both dermatologists and cosmetologists, are not advised to squeeze acne. But if this still happened, then the wound must be treated. And it is best to use an aseptic agent, for example, alcohol. But salicylic-zinc paste will also be a good option in order to spread the pimple extrusion site.

How to spread acne after extrusion

The acne extrusion procedure is quite simple. But there is a big risk of that. That the infection will get into the wound. Therefore, before you start squeezing acne, your hands should be washed with soap. It is also necessary to rinse your face and use not simple water for this, but a decoction of chamomile, which not only has antiseptic properties, but also helps to heal small wounds.

If there is no broth of chamomile, then it can be replaced with a cosmetic product - gel or lotion for washing.

Before starting the procedure, one more important and obligatory thing should be done - to lubricate the pimple. This will help get rid of dead skin cells that are located in this place.

Lubricate the pimple with salicylic acid for 2 minutes. And so that the skin on the hands does not receive a burn, it is advisable to wish it with gloves on.

After the pimple is squeezed out this place needs to be greased with an antiseptic. This, again, may be alcohol, decoction or infusion of chamomile, calendula. In emergency cases, when there is nothing at hand, you can use perfume.

Then it is recommended to spread this place to eliminate redness with ointment, and one of them will be salicylic-zinc.

If the pimple has become inflamed after extrusion

How to anoint a pimple after extrusion, if it is inflamed? This happens for three fairly common reasons:

  • Infection.  This happens if you did not wash your hands before the procedure or did not use an antiseptic. Microorganisms that always live on the skin easily penetrate the wound and cause an inflammatory process. In this case, salicylic-zinc paste is also suitable, as well as other gels and ointments, which have an antibiotic in their composition.
  • The second reason is the abscess does not go out, but into the surrounding tissue. If this happens, it often leads to the formation of an abscess or phlegmon. This can only be cured by surgical removal of a purulent mass. After the operation, an scar will remain on the abscess site.
  • But the most dangerous option develops when the vessels that are located on the face close to the skin germs from the abscess directly into the brain. This is especially true for acne, which are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, nose and chin.

Therefore, if after squeezing an acne in this place there is redness that does not go away during the day, you need to see a doctor. At first it can be a dermatologist, who, if necessary, will write a referral to a surgeon.

After extrusion, redness occurred

Treat the skin this way several times a day. If you do everything right, then the next day the inflammation will significantly decrease, and then completely disappear.

After extrusion, a tumor appeared

How to spread squeezed pimple, if suddenly developed edema? Edema can develop for two reasons. In the first case, this is an increased sensitivity of the skin. That is, even a simple pressure on the skin can cause just such a reaction. This is due to an abundant rush of blood.

A cold compress or lubrication with toothpaste with mint will help to cope with this.

The same thing can happen at the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process. If, in addition, the edema is accompanied by pain, muscle cramps, and there is also an increased body temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the edema is not accompanied by the symptoms that were listed above, then you can use one of the following methods:

  • Iodine grid  in place of edema, which is quickly absorbed and in some cases helps to overcome the phenomenon described by us.
  • Soda compress. To do this, mix water and soda in an exact ratio of 10 to 1. Moisten a cotton pad in this solution and attach it to the place of edema for several hours.
  • Aloe juice. Moreover, he is an excellent antiseptic.

After extruding, there is a bump

How to smear a pimple after squeezing its contents, if a lump appears in its place? First of all, you should figure out why it may appear. This happens if you try to squeeze pus from an unripe acne.

As a result, a bump appears. It is located in the deep layers of the skin, can be painful, or absolutely not hurt. The skin above this place does not change.

In no case should such extrusion formations be squeezed out. In this case, you can damage the capsule, and this is a real cyst, and pus will fall into the surrounding healthy tissue and cause infection. If such acne is found, it is best to consult a doctor.

The second method is use as a compress. It should be applied once a day for 6 hours. After a few days, pus can be pulled out of such a subcutaneous formation.

Vishnevsky ointment can be replaced. You can use it in the same way - with a compress.

And finally, a hypertonic solution helps get rid of deep abscesses. Make it simple - mix 1 part of water with 10 parts of salt. Mix everything and make lotions for several days.

Remember that acne should never be warmed. From this, the inflammatory process will only intensify, the edema will increase and strong pain will begin.

Now you know exactly what to do after accidentally or intentionally squeezing a pimple. And so that the pimple passes faster, the extrusion procedure should be performed only with clean hands, treated with alcohol.

Video: how to squeeze acne

Squeezing acne on the surface of the face and in the zone of the triangle of death is not welcomed by traditional medicine in view of the fact that there is a high probability of infection from the air or dirty fingers. In this regard, a person can expect severe complications that contribute to the development of blood poisoning, inflammation of the cerebral cortex with the further acquisition of disability, and in some cases even the onset of death.

Is it possible to crush acne on the face and is it necessary?

Any dermatologist and even a specialist who does not encounter skin diseases will give a warning against the mechanical extrusion of acne on the face. Moreover, the doctor will give a lot of arguments that will make you seriously think about whether to remove acne by extrusion. You do not need to do this for the simple reason that even the smallest pimple has its own individual purulent pustule. It is located in the subcutaneous epithelial layer. During its mechanical removal, part of the pus comes out, and 20% of the biological fluid remains in the inside of the acne formation.

An infection from the environment gets into an open pimple, which immediately receives favorable conditions for its development, since within the eel there is already a focus of inflammation with pathogenic bacterial microflora. As a result, the incubation period after bacterial infection becomes minimal. The infection is rapidly increasing in the numerical population and literally in a day at the site before a small acne, inside of which there is purulent contents. If either streptococcus has occurred, then there is a risk of the spread of bacterial invasion throughout the body with damage to other organs and entire systems.

What is the triangle of death on the face and why you can not squeeze acne on it, what are the consequences?

The triangle of death is the unofficial name for the area of \u200b\u200bthe face that includes the lips, nose, wings of the nose and chin. This part of the facial disc got such a terrible name because after extrusion of an acne on it, a person can die within a few days. The following negative consequences can expect the patient:

Muscle contraction is impaired, the patient cannot drink water or take food on his own due to the fact that the muscles of one half of the face are not able to perform synchronous contraction with the other part of the muscles of the facial disc. The symmetrical structure of the face is broken. A person can pull a cheek or mouth in a throne, paralysis of the eyelid occurs when one eye is fully open, and the other is only half or completely closed. All this is accompanied by severe pain. The inflamed trigeminal nerve pulsates all the time and provokes pain, which not even the most terrible sensations can equal. The treatment of inflammation of the nerve endings is always long, expensive and complicated. Restoring trigeminal function may take from 2 months to 1 year.

How to squeeze acne on your face?

Being at home without prior sanitization of a pimple on the face, squeezing acne is strictly prohibited. The reasons for this warning are more than justified and have been given above. A dermatologist can only make a decision on the rehabilitation of acne with purulent contents, if it considers that this procedure is necessary to maintain the patient’s health. In this case, the removal of acne occurs as follows.

Subcutaneous or internal (one that is not extruded)

  1. Antiseptic treatment of the site of future manipulations is carried out using a disinfecting solution.
  2. An incision or mechanical puncture of the acne surface is performed, and then the contents of the purulent pustule are extracted by mechanical compression.
  3. In the case of a large volume of pus accumulation, it is possible to clean the inner walls of the pimple with a surgical tool.
  4. An opened pimple is treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or diamond greens. If necessary, stitches may be applied.

At home, it is impossible to squeeze out an internal pimple qualitatively because it is not possible to independently open the surface of the epithelium, since it is actually a small but still surgical operation that requires compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Purulent acne

Remediation of purulent acne is much easier and faster. The procedure is performed as follows:

Over the next 5 days, the patient should lubricate the surface of the purulent acne removed with Zenerit ointment. This is an antibiotic that will provide quick healing of extruded inflammatory formations and prevent the secondary development of infection.

Psychology - why do you like to crush and how to unlearn the habit?

From the point of view of psychology, the constant desire to squeeze out acne is a subconscious desire to get rid of current life problems. Quite often, people who have a pathological tendency to extrude acne are diagnosed with a number of internal complexes that they seek to defeat by performing certain psychological rituals. These include the habit of constantly crushing acne. Elimination of pathological tendency is possible only after solving internal conflicts, getting rid of psychological complexes, which will give the patient self-confidence. Specialists such as a psychologist and a psychotherapist can help with this.

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Blood is the main liquid structure of the body, it provides human activity, linking all systems, organs and each cell, supplying them with oxygen and useful substances. Various pathogenic organisms - viruses, fungal, or bacterial flora that have entered the bloodstream can violate this pattern.

Failure of the immune functions, or their insufficiency in the fight against microorganisms, leads to the rapid multiplication and growth of infection, causing septicemia (blood poisoning).

The causative agents of blood poisoning represent an extensive pathogenic flora - these are various groups of coccal and rod-shaped bacteria, and strains of herpes virions, or spore-forming molds Aspergillus, Candida, etc.

The development of pathology by various representatives is an extremely rare occurrence. Typically, blood poisoning - sepsis, as they say in medicine, causes a large accumulation in the blood of representatives of one kind of microorganisms and their toxins.

The main factors of blood poisoning

The main reason for the pathological process is due to direct contact of the pathogenic flora with blood, when it gets into it, it can be unhindered and instantly. This is facilitated by:

  • the presence of extensive purulent wounds in the body;
  • furunculosis processes, or individual purulent-necrotic inflammation;
  • purulent wounds, as complications of surgical interventions;
  • infected blood clots located in venous cavities.

The formation of blood clots and their infection is often preceded by non-compliance with the rules for installing vascular catheters, which remain in the veins for a long time, facilitating the penetration of the pathogen into the blood from the outside (the optimal period of catheterization intervals should not exceed 3 days).

Infection with blood transfusion (blood transfusion) is not excluded. To prevent this, donor material is serologically tested for antibodies for a long time (up to six months).

There is a risk of blood infection during operations, especially with gynecological pathologies operated on an emergency basis. Ways of community-acquired blood poisoning may be due to a lack of processing of tools, staff hands, or non-sterile dressings. Often, the so-called cryptogenic sepsis is diagnosed when the “culprit” of the invasion cannot be detected.

Increase risk  development of blood poisoning certain situations:

1.    The presence of infectious foci in the body, closely associated with lymphatic and blood vessels. Such as:

  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys with pyelonephritis;
  • infectious foci of a dental nature;
  • infectious ENT pathology.

2.    Insolvency of suppressed immunity caused by:

  • immunodeficiency virus (HIV);
  • use in therapy of drugs (steroids and cytostatics) that neutralize and suppress antibodies and various parts of the immune system;
  • damage to the spleen, leading to splenectomy (its removal);
  • tumor pathologies of the hematopoietic system (various forms of leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis);
  • oncological pathologies in various organs, the root cause of the development of which is depressed immunity;
  • prolonged influence of solar insolation, which can have a detrimental effect on the functions of the thymus gland, hematopoietic organ and lymph nodes

3.    The combination of chronic infection and weakened immune functions.

  • This combination is the most severe manifestation of sepsis. The clinic of the process is characterized from a lightning (acute) course, to a sluggish chronic, manifested by exacerbation, with the development of various background pathologies caused by immunodeficiency.

A complete cure for blood poisoning is possible only with timely antibiotic therapy.

The first signs of developing blood poisoning are manifested:

  1. Febrile fever - with very high temperature indicators;
  2. Fatigue, muscle tremors and night sweats, which replace her;
  3. The various nature of skin rashes;
  4. Apathy for food and sharp weight loss, comparable to cachexia (exhaustion);
  5. Myalgia and joint pain - without obvious signs of morphological disorders;
  6. A sharp decrease in blood pressure, accompanied by septic shock and fainting.

They do not always manifest themselves in an acute form, a gradual rise in temperature and a slow development of signs of intoxication are possible. However, the patient's condition quickly worsens - difficulties in movement, difficulties in performing any work, and complete apathy for food are noted.

Symptoms of blood poisoning by type of infection

The manifestation of specific symptoms of blood poisoning depends on the state of immunity and the type of causative factor - a specific pathogen, and have distinctive features.

1)    Symptoms of staphylococcal blood infection are manifested by a very severe course:

  • with strong signs of myalgia;
  • high rates of body temperature;
  • the appearance on the skin of a single vesicle rash;
  • the formation of abscesses in the organs;
  • violent manifestation of signs of intoxication.

At the same time, a dry form of cough develops, which over time is accompanied by the release of a large amount of yellow sputum.

2)    Symptoms of meningococcemia (blood poisoning by meningococcus) are characterized by a very rapid development. Distinctive signs are due to the rapid generalization of the process and the deterioration of the condition of patients with an increase in meningeal symptoms in the form of:

  • a significant increase in temperature;
  • amplification of headaches;
  • growing pallor of the skin;
  • development of tachycardia and shortness of breath;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • the appearance of skin hemorrhagic rashes;
  • hemorrhagic processes on the mucous membranes.

Rashes occur almost from the first hours of the disease (latency of infection up to a week). Hemorrhagic foci can reach huge sizes and be accompanied by skin necrosis.

Along with skin hemorrhagic rash, hemorrhages of the conjunctiva and eye sclera, in the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and internal organs are noted. Sometimes, the disease manifests itself in gastric, nasal, uterine macro, micro and subarachnoid hemorrhages.

In severe cases, the disease is complicated:

  • cardiac pathologies;
  • the development of thrombosis in large vessels;
  • a manifestation of toxic toxic shock;
  • waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome - hemorrhages in the adrenal glands.

3)    With pneumococcal blood poisoning, symptoms are similar to and. With manifestations of high fever, adynamia, weakness, chills, and intoxication. With generalized development, the development of shock and loss of consciousness is not characteristic.

Despite the severity of the course of the infection process, for this form of sepsis, manifestations of severe disturbances in the functional work of organs, any rashes and joint and muscle pains are not characteristic.

4)    The manifestation of signs of blood poisoning with gram-negative infectious flora is accompanied by immunodeficiency caused by postoperative complications with the development of purulent processes.

It is such a pathogenic flora that is often the causative factor in the development of blood poisoning in women after delivery. A distinctive feature of gram-negative infection is a tendency to skin hemorrhages and the development of tissue necrosis.

These manifestations are expressed by a single, very painful rash of a dark cherry color surrounded by a compacted roller with a gradual increase in the size of the rash. Later, seeking medical help is explained by a low temperature during the development of the pathological process.

5) Symptoms of Pseudomonas infection of the blood develop against the background of immunodeficiency and differs from the typical manifestations in lightning fast and rapid development of a shock state (2 hours after an increase in temperature indicators).

6)    The herpetic form of blood poisoning manifests itself as a result of the pronounced failure of the immune defense, which is observed during the development of lymphogranulomatosis, various forms of leukemia, organ transplantation, AIDS and HIV infection. In a generalized process, herpetic vesicular eruptions on the skin along the area of \u200b\u200bthe costal strip are noted.

Over time, a herpes rash spreads to a different area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, mucous epithelium of the airways and esophagus, bronchial branches and oral mucosa.

Bubble autopsy and the possible attachment of a staphylococcal infection to them, is manifested by the development of suppurative processes.

How to treat blood poisoning?

The peculiarity of this disease (blood poisoning) is due to two factors - a massive process of microbial seeding of blood and a violation of coagulation processes. Therefore, the treatment of the disease is made taking into account these disorders. The main therapeutic direction is due to antibiotic therapy, selected in accordance with the sensitivity of the bacterial flora to a specific antibiotic.

If the pathogen cannot be identified by clinical signs, drugs that meet high requirements and have a broad effect are prescribed. Among them are Gentamicin, Cephaloridin and Cefazolin preparations. If there is no visible progress in a day, the drugs are replaced with more active ones.

With weakened immunity and antibiotic failure, the treatment of blood poisoning is complicated. Such patients are prescribed treatment with "Endobulin" or other gamma globulin preparations that have a destructive effect on the pathogenic flora.

In the treatment of coagulation disorders, Heparin is prescribed, transfusion with freshly frozen plasma (FFP) and plasmapheresis procedures, which are indicated for any severity of disorders of the coagulation processes.

The consequences of blood poisoning - what is the danger?

Severe consequences, in almost all important structures of the body, develop in the absence of adequate immediate treatment, manifesting:

  • vascular thrombosis;
  • necrosis of limb tissues;
  • extensive hemorrhagic processes;
  • purulent fusion of tissues in various organs;
  • impaired cardiac function.

Most of these disorders pose a mortal danger and result in a patient's mortality.

Some questions

How soon after infection does blood poisoning appear?

The manifestation of symptoms of blood poisoning is due to the duration of the latent period of a certain infectious agent. After the manifestation of the first signs of infection, the clinic of the process can develop at different speeds, manifesting:

  • fulminant form, causing shock and mortality within a couple of days;
  • acute course lasting more than 3 weeks;
  • subacute clinic for 4 months;
  • recurrent processes with periods of exacerbation and remission lasting up to six months;
  • chronic course (chroniosepsis), lasting up to a year or more.

See above for a description of the symptoms by type of infection.

Immediate treatment for blood poisoning is very important, especially for patients with signs of immune deficiency.

What are the features of the manifestation of HIV infection in the blood after infection?

The latency period of HIV infection in the body can last up to 4 weeks, but in some cases up to six months. At this time, no signs of the disease are manifested and the tests will also be with a negative indicator. Although the virus virions in the blood are at a minimum concentration, they have already penetrated the structure of T-lymphocytes (helpers) and have begun to multiply quite actively.

Along with viral growth, the production of protective proteins, antibodies to it, is also growing. And when their concentration becomes sufficiently high, the period of seroconversion begins, when antibodies to HIV can already be detected in the blood using the HIV test. The latent period, the most dangerous in terms of infection, since a dangerous virus is present in the blood and sex secrets, but the person does not even realize that he is sick.

The first symptoms of HIV infection occur approximately two months after exposure to the infection. When the concentration of the virus in leukocyte helpers rises significantly, their release into the blood occurs. The phagocytic defense of the immune system is still able to withstand the virus and the usual picture of the infection process develops with the manifestation:

  • febrile fever;
  • rashes in various parts of the body;
  • signs of lymphadenitis;
  • upset stool.

Sometimes already in this period, the quantitative level of leukocyte helpers decreases, provoking a decrease in phagocytosis and early signs of HIV are combined with all kinds of infectious pathologies - protracted pneumonia, fungal infection in the digestive tract, or.

Acne extrusion of acne is not approved by any doctor. However, on the skin of many people, such defects periodically appear, especially often they occur in adolescents. If a large number of them appear regularly, have a psychological effect, then treatment is required.

The therapeutic effect is performed to cleanse and improve the ducts of the sebaceous glands, reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of the skin. Often, a decrease in the manifestation of the inflammatory process in the hair follicles is required.

Factors Contributing to Acne

Even the normal condition of the skin is not a guarantee that such defects will not occur. Their occurrence on the body can be triggered by natural processes that constantly occur in the internal structure of the skin.

In the process of human life, fat secretion is constantly secreted through the pores of the skin. It has a softening and moisturizing effect. At the same time, a protective film appears on the skin that prevents the free penetration of bacteria.

With clogging of the sebaceous ducts, bacteria are activated. The inflammatory process begins with the formation of pus. The result is the appearance of rashes on the skin.

In this case, each person raises the question of how to squeeze acne. However, the answer largely depends on the factors due to which they appeared and on their type. The causes of such defects on the face or body are many. However, it should be borne in mind that squeezing out black dots or acne during the period of bearing a child (when hormonal imbalance is manifested) is not recommended.

Manifested due to any reason, acne inflammation can hurt. It rises above the skin, has a dark red or red color, but may look like a black dot. Self-extrusion of any acne often leads to a bad result.

The effects of extrusion

Quite often, doctors and cosmetologists are asked whether it is possible to press acne on the face yourself, knowing in advance their negative answer. These specialists quite often face the consequences of such actions. Squeezing out blackheads, and then treating the wounds with an antiseptic is quite simple - so many do.

In this case, no one thinks that it is through these places that the infection penetrates. With mechanical damage, when a person “overdid it a little” with pressure, scars remain. More serious consequences are possible if both acne and acne are squeezed out without hygiene and safety precautions.

Scars or scars: which is better?

The desire to squeeze acne on its own is dangerous, primarily because of the final result in the form of scars or scars. Even with the sterility factor, it is possible that the subcutaneous canal is not completely cleansed. Such an inflammatory process is significantly enhanced.

In this case, you still have to contact a dermatologist. The prescribed treatment is not always able to relieve the appearance of scars. Before squeezing a pimple, especially on the face, you should carefully think about whether the scar will decorate its holder.

Blood poisoning

A more serious situation is manifested when squeezing acne is accompanied by blood poisoning. The remaining small wound remains the place through which the infection penetrates. Such an infection is especially likely in the absence of treatment of the extrusion site with an antiseptic.

The inflammatory focus is rapidly increasing in size. Purulent contents through damaged vessels and further through the bloodstream spread to nearby tissues, and then organs. General infection begins. This can happen even after thoroughly disinfecting the wound.

Just a cosmetic defect

Before squeezing a pimple, many people think that scarring or infection is the lot of other people, especially since these are rare manifestations. However, small cosmetic defects remain with many. These can be bluish spots or post-traumatic pigmentation of the skin.

Women by any means try to hide such a manifestation on the face. Often used powder, "tonalka" or blush. Due to such means, the process of suppuration only intensifies. Applying cosmetics to a fresh wound is contraindicated, and there are quite a few reasons for this.

The answer to the question why acne should not be pressed on the face is the above list of consequences.

If you can’t squeeze them out, then what to do?

Is it possible to squeeze out acne remains a pressing issue from generation to generation. It is better to entrust such a procedure to a specialist. A visit to a dermatologist is necessary to clarify the nature of the appearance of multiple rashes.

Acne has several varieties. The decision on whether acne of this type can be squeezed on the face depends on their correct determination. The following varieties of acne are:

  1. Comedones are open. Their appearance is black dots. The size of such an eel is from one to two millimeters. The intensity of the color varies depending on the time of its appearance. They are the ones that appear in the frequent question of how to squeeze black dots on the nose. These comedones are allowed to be removed at home. How to squeeze them out is described below.
  2. Closed comedones. In appearance, they resemble small tubercles palpated by palpation. It is impossible to crush acne of this kind on its own. This requires a special tool and additional tools.
  3. Papules. They appear as a result of infection in comedones. In diameter can reach one centimeter. Purulent heads do not have. Outwardly they look like reddish tubercles. They cannot be squeezed out on their own.
  4. Pustules. These are acne, in which a white head forms when the abscess "ripens". The skin around him becomes inflamed. Appears due to clogged pores. You can remove such a pimple at home, subject to the necessary measures.

Rules for self-acne removal

The frequently asked question, how to squeeze out an internal pimple, begs the answer - no way. However, the action can be performed if it is a pustule that has "matured" and a white head has appeared. For this, the following recommendations must be followed.

How to squeeze a pimple on your face:

  1. When squeezing comedones, it is first necessary to steam the skin. That is, in this case, the question is whether black dots on the nose can be squeezed out.
  2. For easier opening of the pustule at night, you can lubricate it with ichthyol ointment. This is the beginning of the answer to the question of how to squeeze a subcutaneous pimple that is ripe.
  3. Wash hands and face with soap (preferably household soap). Lubricate the acne and fingers with a product containing alcohol.
  4. Wrap the index fingers of both hands with a thin layer of sterile bandage.
  5. Fingers bring a distance of several millimeters from the eel. Squeeze out by applying pressure to the “root”.
  6. In the event that after several pressing efforts pus or sebaceous plug did not appear outward, the procedure must be stopped. It should also be done with the appearance of severe pain.
  7. The appearance of a uterus is evidence of the removal of acne.
  8. Rinse the wound with any (except iodine) antiseptic.
  9. For several days, do not use powder, cream or blush.

It should be remembered that only some types of acne are allowed to push on their own. Extrusion of eels - open comedones can be done independently.

How to stop crushing acne on your own is an urgent issue for adolescents and young women. The main advice is to take the “will into the fist” and stop doing it. However, for many, such a recommendation as an independent implementation is not feasible and requires a visit to a psychoanalyst. After passing several sessions, you will stop thinking about squeezing out black spots.

Sometimes it happens that a pimple has squeezed out, a tumor has appeared, what to do is unknown, and in the near future a date or performance in front of the audience is planned. When trying to eliminate an abscess or acne above the eye, a multi-colored bruise may form. You can quickly help yourself in this case, but it is advisable to make sure that new inflammation does not lead to even more serious consequences.

With the self-removal of even a mature acne, there is a risk of re-introducing the infection. This can happen with insufficient quality processing of the hands and skin at the site of the mini-operation, and with excessive efforts applied to the abscess capsule. As a result, microbes that have been preserved in pus or located on the skin, enter the blood vessels - skin capillaries. The result of this is a common problem: when squeezing pimples, the cheek is swollen, the face looks swollen, and blackheads become larger or inflammation occurs.

The chances of aggravating the problem and getting a significant swelling on the face instead of a small pimple are especially great if the pimple is above the eye or on the lip.

The skin in these areas is thin and saturated with blood vessels, it is easy to injure. The presence of microbial agents in the excreted pus often leads to inflammation and swelling.

But in some cases, self-squeezing an acne can provoke an abscess or phlegmon, lead to blood poisoning, damage to the facial nerve and other serious complications. You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • the size of the swelling reaches more than 1 cm and it grows;
  • in an inflamed place there is pain, a feeling of numbness, muscle spasm, itching and other unpleasant sensations;
  • the tumor area is red and the skin is hot to the touch;
  • increased body temperature and signs of intoxication appear (nausea, headache, weakness).

In case of inflammation, the tumor usually has a dense structure and feels like a painful lump in the deep layers of the skin. It is not recommended to try to do something on your own if the acne is squeezed out, and a similar problem zone has formed in its place. Severe inflammation indicates a possible infection, and the fight against this is best left to a specialist. If nothing bad has happened, the surgeon will simply advise what medicines should be used for treatment and schedule the next visit.

If there are no threatening symptoms, and a small bump is just a natural reaction of the body to squeezed comedone, then you can help yourself at home.

How to eliminate a small local inflammation?

Residual inflammation after squeezing a pimple quickly removes toothpaste or cream after shaving. The greatest effect is possessed by products containing menthol or peppermint extract. They cool and soothe irritated skin. You should not just apply them to a fresh, still open wound.

After the abscess is opened, the wound remaining in the place of the acne should be burned with hydrogen peroxide, a pharmacy solution of salicylic acid or other alcohol preparations. After a while, it will dry out and become covered with a thin crust. The remaining redness and swelling can be made almost invisible if ice is applied.

For the manufacture of cosmetic ice, decoctions of herbs are often used. It is possible to treat an inflamed place after removing an acne with just such a remedy: decoctions of parsley, yarrow, chamomile or calendula have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ice removes redness well and can be used for swelling a small area. Cooling procedures will simultaneously disinfect the inflamed area.

A good way to relieve acne swelling and eliminate redness is to use a cold drop with a vasoconstrictor effect. It is enough to drop 2-3 drops of Nazivin or another similar preparation on a tampon and apply lotion to irritated skin. Redness on the face from acne passes literally in 5 minutes.

If the infection got into the wound

A sign of secondary infection is the appearance of a tumor, swelling, redness at the site of the given blackheads.

If there is a seal up to 1 cm in size, then it is advisable to know how to treat the inflamed place at home.

When a tumor just begins to become inflamed after removing an acne over the eye, on the cheek, or on the nose, you can try first aid yourself:

With careless extrusion of blackheads, it happens that several new ones appear at the site of the removed acne. This means that pus from the cavity of the opened abscess got on the skin, and microbes penetrated into neighboring pores. How to treat secondary inflammation, it is clear: we need the same means that were used to process the previous comedone:

  1. You can use compresses with Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyolova, Sulfur. They accelerate the maturation of new abscesses, they become less inflamed and easily squeezed out. In order not to multiply the number of new rashes, you need to carefully treat the surface of the skin and hands with alcohol, Chlorhexidine or other antiseptics. Each squeezed abscess is cauterized with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Levomekol, Tetracycline or Erythromycin emulsion, Syntomycin liniment can serve as a replacement for Vishnevsky ointment. Such ointments can be used to treat rashes of acne, if the smell of funds from the previous paragraph is confusing.

Do not self-medicate when the place of the squeezed out pimple is swollen, an extensive bump has formed in the form of several connected abscesses.

The problem that has arisen is called a carbuncle, and it must be treated in a medical institution.

How to treat the eye area?

Often when trying to remove a pimple near the eye, small vessels under thin skin are damaged. This does not lead to inflammation, but causes a bruise or dark spot. To prevent this from happening, before you remove the pimple under the eye, you need to wait for its full maturation.

You can determine the right moment by the appearance of the comedone: if it doesn’t turn as red as before, and a pus-filled bubble appears on top, then the pimple is ready to open. It must be gently pressed with a sterile swab moistened with a disinfectant and remove pus.

If the epidermis layer above the abscess is still strong, then you should not press on the pimple: this is what causes a bruise or swelling at the site of the pimple under the eye and in any area around the eyeball.

In this case, you need to wait another 1-2 days, and the pimple over the eye will come off easily, leaving no residue.

If the formation of a bruise could not be avoided, everything around the eye was swollen and darkened, then the hematoma can be removed only in 2-3 days. To do this, you need to buy a cream with a bodysuit, designed to remove such cosmetic defects. In the absence of it, a cream for varicose veins can help. These formulations are designed to speed up blood flow and dissolve hematomas quickly.

As a reasonable alternative, pharmacy powder of a body gun is suitable. It should be brewed with boiling water to the consistency of gruel and put, like a mask, on a bruise. Soak until dry and rinse off. The procedure is repeated several times a day until the effect is achieved.

How to prevent secondary inflammation?

Prevention of the development of complications after self-removal of acne consists in observing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Before squeezing an acne, be sure to wash your hands and treat the code with an antiseptic.

This means that it is necessary to prevent the infection from entering the wound:

  • before removing the acne, treat the skin around it with alcohol or another antiseptic;
  • wash hands thoroughly;
  • for extrusion, do not even use fingers treated with alcohol, but use tampons from a sterile bandage.

Immediately after removal of pus, burn the place of the abscess with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. You can use a solution of iodine or brilliant green, tincture of calendula for alcohol and other similar means. If everything was done correctly and accurately, then the residual effects become invisible the very next day. But you can not touch or scratch the area where the pimple was squeezed out. It is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics before the appearance of a crust on the wound.

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