Home Hernias Medicines for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women. Hemorrhoids medication

Medicines for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women. Hemorrhoids medication

For oral administration, capsules, coated tablets, homeopathic granules and dragees are released. Most drugs have a complex effect and are able to remove several unpleasant symptoms at once.

Depending on the concentration of the active substance per day, you can take   1 to 6 pieces, usually before meals.

The course should be prescribed by the attending physician. If the tablet does not have the desired effect after 2-3 days of administration, the drug is replaced with another from the same group.

Before taking, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.   Particular care must be taken in elderly people, patients with weakened immune systems, and chronic diseases in a serious stage (diabetes mellitus, renal or liver failure). In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, headache, itching, or urticaria are possible.

Hemorrhoids pills: effective medications for any occasion

With hemorrhoids, patients often suffer from pain. Relieve discomfort analgesics, anticonvulsants and intestinal wall spasms.

What good cure for hemorrhoids is worth choosing among analgesics? The most effective drugs:

Even the most effective hemorrhoid medications are taken under the supervision of a physician. Antibiotics go well with other drugs.:, hemostatic,.

What is the best cure for hemorrhoids among antibiotics? Here is the list:

Venotonic tablets strengthen the walls of the veins, prevent fragility of capillaries, reduce rice internal bleeding, stop the growth of hemorrhoids. The course is prescribed by a doctor, capsules can be combined with ointments and suppositories with the same effect.

What is the best cure for hemorrhoids among venotonics? Consider the following:

With thrombosis, bleeding, edema and other symptoms, drugs are prescribed that can quickly cope with problems. For debilitated patients soft plant complexes will do, with exacerbations, stronger and more effective means will be required.

What hemorrhoid preparations are better among plant complexes?

And with a selection of inexpensive medications for hemorrhoids in the form of tablets, you can familiarize yourself.

How to supplement treatment?

Even the most effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids are not able to completely eliminate it. Tablets and capsules quickly remove the main symptoms of the disease and systematically treat its causes. However, in addition to them, the doctor must prescribe other drugs. The choice depends on the condition of the patient and the problems that need to be addressed.

With the initial form of hemorrhoids, drug therapy can be supplemented fortifying teas and infusions of medicinal herbs: birch buds, wormwood, sage, marigold, pharmacy chamomile.

Supplements will be supported by dietary supplements with vitamins C, A and E, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc. Chronic constipation can be relieved with candles with glycerin or microclysters with liquid paraffin.

Growing hemorrhoidal nodes require local exposure.   To reduce them, you can use drugs for the effective treatment of hemorrhoids, such as ointments with decongestant, analgesic, wound healing effect.

Rectal suppositories also act well, stopping the internal and releasing the lumen of the rectum. Choose drugs that work well together.

The correct diet will complete the treatment.   with restriction of meat, fatty, fried, spicy dishes.

The menu must include vegetable fiber, dairy products, whole grains, fish and poultry. This will prevent constipation and provide the required number of calories.

The choice of the most effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids should be entrusted to the attending physician. If the dosage is strictly observed, they will quickly bring relief, in case of side effects, the proctologist will advise a more suitable remedy. Many drugs can be used not only during exacerbations, but also as support and prevention.

Useful video

How to prevent hemorrhoid complications and stop the pain? Watch the video:

Varicose veins that feed the structures of the rectum are a common pathology in women after 35–45 years of age. Therefore, many of them are looking for effective hemorrhoids remedy for women. As a rule, modern medicines to combat unpleasant sensations in hemorrhoids have several medicinal properties at once - they eliminate pain, reduce inflammation, as well as rectal bleeding. The best cure for hemorrhoids for women should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease. Self-medication can cause severe complications.

The causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

It is possible to understand that varicose veins of the anorectal region have already appeared according to the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of heaviness in the anus;
  • soreness in the rectal canal, aggravated by bowel movements;
  • the appearance of drops of blood or even a trickle at the time of defecation;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids out.

The remedy for hemorrhoids for women will be selected by the doctor in direct proportion to the reason that provoked varicose veins of the pelvic structures:

  • strict adherence to diet, entailed constipation;
  • the period of bearing the baby;
  • severe course of childbirth;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • weight lifting, for example, at work;
  • abuse of fatty, fried, smoked foods, alcoholic beverages;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • tumors of the genitals, intestines.

Identification and elimination of provoking factors is half the successful treatment of the disease. The rest will be supplemented by complex therapy with hemorrhoids preparations for women.

Treatment principles

Faced with unpleasant manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease, a woman is recommended to immediately seek medical help from a proctologist. With early diagnosis and complex therapy hemorrhoid medications in women   will be as effective as possible.

The principles of getting rid of pathology:

  • diet correction;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • avoid lifting weights;
  • with the external form of the disease - the use of ointments, gels;
  • with the internal course of hemorrhoids, their inflammation - candles and hemorrhoids pills for women.

At home, anti-hemorrhoids in women will be effective if the general recommendations for combating pathology are followed:

  • thorough hygiene - washing the anus after each visit to the toilet room;
  • the use of soft toilet paper, and better - a bidet;
  • performing special exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis;
  • eating more dietary fiber;
  • avoid constipation.

At the slightest sign of an exacerbation of the disease - increased pain in the anus, traces of blood on toilet paper, start anti-inflammatory therapy - drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women   must be selected by a doctor individually.

Classification of drugs for hemorrhoids in women

Effective remedies for hemorrhoids in women can be represented by the following classification:

By release form:

  • ointments - are made on a greasy basis, as a rule, are used externally, but can also be introduced into the rectal canal;
  • creams - water-oil-based medicines, which improves the absorption rate;
  • suppositories - the best form for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids;
  • tablets / capsules - medicines for systemic effects on the disease, directly on the mechanism of formation of varicose caverns in the pelvis.

In the direction of action of drugs for hemorrhoids in women are:

  • anesthetics - produce an analgesic effect due to the presence of Anestezin or Lidocaine in the composition;
  • antispasmodics - improve well-being by eliminating spasm in the strained muscles of the rectum, thereby improving the condition of the sphincters, as a rule, contain belladonna extract;
  • hemostatic - anti-hemorrhoid drugs in womenaccompanied by the expiration of blood from injured nodes;
  • antithrombotic - reduce blood coagulation due to the presence of anticoagulants, for example, Heparin;
  • phlebotonics - medicinal, reducing the permeability of veins, as well as stimulating microcirculation;
  • healing - contribute to the rapid restoration of tissue integrity, relieve pain, for example, on the basis of sea buckthorn oil, calendula extract.

How to treat hemorrhoids in women - medicines   which subgroups will be most useful and effective should be decided by the proctologist. It takes into account many factors - from the cause of the disease, the severity of symptoms to the age of the patient and her tolerance to medications.

Pills and capsules for hemorrhoids

In order to eliminate the inflammatory process in the small pelvis, as well as increase the tone of varicose vessels and prevent bleeding from hemorrhoids, specialists must prescribe   pills for external hemorrhoidsand its inner form.

The best medicines for hemorrhoids in women in tablets / capsules:

  • Detralex   - the drug improves the tone of venous structures, eliminates congestion in the pelvis, which leads to a decrease in discomfort in the anorectal zone, such as burning and itching, swelling of the nodes;
  • Hemoroidin - a homeopathic remedy, dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription form, is issued on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants that can reduce inflammatory processes and strengthen the vessels of the rectum, prevent rectal bleeding;
  • Venus   - An effective remedy for hemorrhoids in women of Russian manufacture, which tones the venous plexuses in the pelvis, accelerates the healing of microcracks in the rectal canal, and eliminates congestive lymphatic processes;
  • Pilex   - A good remedy for hemorrhoids in women of a combined plant nature, capable of eliminating inflammatory manifestations in hemorrhoidal nodes, as well as stopping bleeding from them;
  • Ginkor forte   - Venotonic, the best remedy for hemorrhoids in women from natural plant components, providing quick elimination of pain, itching, and burning in the anorectal zone.

Every year, the pharmaceutical industry produces new effective medicines for hemorrhoids in womenn Therefore, proctologists have a wide arsenal of medicines to combat the disease.

Ointments and gels for hemorrhoids

Especially popular and love among representatives of a beautiful part of the population are medicines for external hemorrhoids - cream, gels or ointments. Their undoubted advantages are ease of use and the fast onset of the desired result, as well as absorption speed and affordability at the pharmacy.

Effective medicines for external hemorrhoids:

  • Relief   - the composition is dominated by oil from shark liver, as well as phenylephrine, a combination of which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating effect on hemorrhoidal external nodes;
  • Troxevasinointment for external hemorrhoidswhich helps strengthen the walls of the capillaries, improves the elasticity of the veins, quickly eliminates the swelling of tissues and inflammation in them;
  • Heparin ointmenteffective remedy for external hemorrhoids   due to the powerful anticoagulant and antithrombotic effect, therefore, relief of health occurs literally in 1-2 applications;
  • Proctosedmedicine for external hemorrhoids in women   with pronounced hemostatic and analgesic properties, able to eliminate redness, swelling in the anorectal zone, reduce the size of hemorrhoid cones;
  • Bezornilmedicine for external hemorrhoids for women based on borneola oil, characterized by wound healing, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, it activates the regeneration processes in the capillary walls, eliminates pathogenic microflora in the rectal canal.

What drugs to treat hemorrhoids in women   It is recommended to ask a proctologist. He will select the optimal pharmacotherapy regimen taking into account information from instrumental and laboratory studies.

Suppositories and rectal capsules for hemorrhoids

The internal form of the disease - the formed varicose caverns deep in the rectal canal, requires the use of special medications. Rectal suppositories or capsules are an effective cure for hemorrhoids in women who feel heaviness and itching in the anus, but without falling out nodes.

In the pharmacy network, you can purchase the following rectal suppositories:


  • Prostopin - with propolis;
  • with sea buckthorn oil;
  • with marigold extract;
  • with a decoction of chamomile;
  • with belladonna extract.
  • Painkillers:
  • novocaine;
  • with shark liver oil - Relief;
  • with anestezin - Anuzol;
  • with anesthetic - Anestezol.


  • Olestesin;
  • Vikorbul;
  • Hamamelis;
  • Proctosed.

Wound healing - combined medicines:

  • Natalside;
  • Posterizan;
  • Methyluracil.

Hemostatic drugs:

  • Relief
  • Procto-glivenol;
  • Adrenaline
  • Methyluracil candles.

What medications to treat hemorrhoids in women   - The optimal suppositories for rectal administration will be selected by the doctor. Their undoubted advantage is the lack of systemic negative effects on the digestive tract and the human body as a whole.

The ease of use of suppositories is also welcomed - after cleansing the intestine, you need to lie on your left side, pull your legs to the chin and insert a candle into the rectal canal. After that, lie down for 30-40 minutes, so that the product has time to melt and soak into the tissues.

Other remedies for hemorrhoids

Drug treatment of hemorrhoids in women   may include the use of other drug subgroups that have antibacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects:

  • Ibuprofen   - a bright representative of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, is able to quickly relieve pain, relieves the inflammatory focus in the tissues;
  • Levomekol   - possesses antibacterial activity, therapeutic properties are provided by suppressing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • vishnevsky ointment   - it is recommended for use in the case of purulent processes in injured hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • Aurobin - A complex of vitamins that increase local defenses in the anorectal zone, so tissue healing is faster.

In addition to all of the above, the specialist necessarily recommends medications that promote high-quality and timely bowel movements - laxatives. It can be herbal medicines, for example, Senada, Gutallax, or synthetic pharmacy pills and suppositories - Bisacodyl, Microlax.

Everything medicines for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women   have their indications, as well as contraindications - are indicated in the instructions attached to the package. It is recommended that you carefully familiarize yourself with them before purchasing drugs in a pharmacy.

Features of the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and lactation

The uterus, as it grows during intrauterine gestation, puts significant pressure on the vessels of the pelvis, and the woman begins to feel signs of exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease. During this exciting period of life, most medicines will be contraindicated.

Specialists will recommend women measures to correct venous stasis in the pelvis - exercises, walking, thorough intimate hygiene, as well as proper nutrition. Remedies for external hemorrhoids in womenduring pregnancy, they must meet increased safety requirements so that they can not penetrate the placenta to the baby. For example, Posterisinum has a mild anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

The best cure for hemorrhoids for womenexpecting a baby - these are suppositories with herbal extracts. Sea buckthorn oil, calendula, chamomile, aloe have proven themselves well. Medicines with heparin, troxerutin are contraindicated.

The process of the birth of a baby is also often complicated in women by the appearance of hemorrhoidal nodes and cones. With their inflammation, burning and itching, swelling in the anorectal zone and bleeding will be observed. At external hemorrhoids medicationmay take the form of ointments, gels, lotions, while internal varicose defects will require the introduction of suppositories:

  • Relief
  • Neo-Anuzole;
  • Natalside;
  • Posterized.

Any means from external hemorrhoids for womenbreast-feeding a baby must be approved by a doctor and meet the main requirement - the active ingredients do not pass into breast milk.

If the symptoms of the disease do not bother the woman weakly, it is better to try to do without medication altogether. For example, resort to the help of traditional medicine recipes - external baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs, oak bark, lotions or potato suppositories.

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids Therapy

At an early stage of varicose veins in the anus cure for external hemorrhoidsit is quite possible to take from traditional medicine recipes. Their advantageous feature is high safety, accessibility of ingredients and economy for the family budget.

Alternative remedy for external hemorrhoids or for internal hemorrhoids:

  • potato suppositories - cut out a candle of the right size from raw tubers, insert into the rectal canal after its preliminary cleansing, leave overnight, repeat until the discomfort disappears;
  • fresh beet or mountain ash juice - after receiving the juice, cool it in the refrigerator and drink ½ cup every morning / evening for at least 20–25 days;
  • the most effective remedy for hemorrhoids in women   - ointment from fresh butter and a mixture of yarrow with forest raspberries, it is prepared on a steam bath and used to lubricate hemorrhoid cones;
  •   - a sedentary bath from a decoction of horsetail, oak bark and rhizome of agave, cooked in a steam bath, followed by cooling, the procedure should be repeated every evening for 10-15 minutes to improve well-being.

Traditional medicine practices many proven recipes to combat the insidious disease of the rectum. For example, juice of sauerkraut cabbage, taken at bedtime in a glass of 1. Or baths with a decoction of horse chestnut branches, which have anti-inflammatory and venotonic effects.

Important! Each of the recipes must be agreed with the attending physician, not all of them are safe.

Effective remedies for hemorrhoids in women   will only be if applied correctly. So, at the initial stage of the pathology, rectal suppositories or ointment can more fully be managed. For example, with external nodes, drugs based on shark liver oil - Relief, or products with horse chestnut have proven themselves perfectly. It is enough to apply them in the morning and evening hours, after preliminary bowel movements and thorough hygiene of the anorectal zone.

In the case of an aggravation of the condition - the addition of an inflammatory process or rectal bleeding, the tactics of combating the disease should already be different - specialists in addition to local therapy drugs prescribe tablets and capsules with systemic properties. Their goal is to suppress the pathological process from the inside, which will certainly improve the well-being of a person. So, they often resort to the help of venotonics - Detralex, Venarus, or analgesics from the subgroup of NSAIDs - Nise, ibuprofen. They are necessarily supplemented with ointments and gels - with heparin, methyluracil.

Important! Drugs will be ineffective if the disease is difficult - with frequent exacerbations, bleeding, impingement on the external nodes of the anus. In this case, conservative therapy will be replaced by surgical intervention - suturing large nodes or cauterization of small cones.

Medications for the prevention of hemorrhoids

Prevention, as well as the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, are, in fact, two sides of the same coin. It’s hard to imagine the second without one. After all, drugs manufactured in pharmaceuticals are complex means, the mechanism of action of which is precisely aimed at eliminating the pathological process in the tissues of the rectum.

As a rule, highly effective preventive medicines that can prevent the formation of hemorrhoids in women or translate it into an inactive form are venotonic agents. They act immediately on all components of the disease:

  • increase the tone of the venous wall;
  • prevent further stretching of varicose caverns;
  • interfere with venous congestion in the pelvis.

Of the most significant and effective venotonics for the prevention of hemorrhoidal problems in women, experts call Troxerutin, Phlebodia, as well as Detralex and Antistax.

However, to achieve a significant result - the absence of exacerbations of the disease, discomfort in the rectum, all drugs should be taken for a long time, at least 4-6 months. This is not always convenient. In addition, for primary prevention it is not at all relevant.

In order to timely prevent the formation of even insignificant varicose defects, proctologists recommend non-drug methods of prevention:

  • monitor weight - obesity is a frequent background on which hemorrhoids occur in women;
  • lead an active lifestyle - inactivity is indicated by a provoking factor in 2/3 cases of the disease;
  • consume vegetable fiber every day - various vegetable salads, casseroles, soups, side dishes for second courses when assimilated will help to prevent constipation, as one of the factors for the appearance of varicose anus disease.

At the moment, there are a lot of drugs to eliminate hemorrhoids in the pharmacy network - not all of the others are safe for the body of women. Therefore, before you start taking medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The key to a quick recovery is a well-chosen treatment.

Diseases of the rectum develop gradually and do not bother a person for a long time. People often do not pay attention to itching in the anus and a slight soreness during bowel movements. When the pain intensifies sharply, they begin to look for effective drugs for hemorrhoids. Conservative therapy gives good results if it was used at an early stage of the disease. Therefore, the selection of drugs and treatment should begin immediately after the onset of the first signs of the disease.

Indications and contraindications

Conservative treatment is prescribed for patients who are diagnosed with I and II stages of hemorrhoids. Medications help stop the progression of the disease. They reduce the frequency and strength of seizures.

Contraindications to the use of drugs for hemorrhoids are individual intolerance to their components, neoplasms in the rectum and infectious lesions in the perineum.

List of effective antihemorrhoidal suppositories

In the early stages of the disease, drug treatment is carried out with local drugs. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are prescribed. They reduce pain, relieve inflammation and stop bleeding.

Procto Glivenol

The composition of Procto-Glivenol suppositories includes the substances tribenoside and lidocaine. Lidocaine quickly eliminates pain. Tribenoside reduces inflammation, eliminates venous congestion, and reduces the permeability of veins and capillaries.


The composition of the suppository Olestesin includes 3 active components. Sea buckthorn oil has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Sulfaethidol has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. Benzocaine reduces pain.


The proctosedil combination drug includes hydrocortisone, framycetin, heparin, esculoside and benzocaine. Glucocorticoid, hydrocortisone and the antibiotic framycetin quickly stop the inflammatory reaction. Heparin reduces blood coagulation and increases blood flow. It causes the resorption of blood clots. Esculoside helps stop bleeding.


The active substance in Relif suppositories is the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine. It eliminates pain, itching and swelling with exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Also, the composition of the candles includes shark liver oil, which has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.


The combined drug Proctosan contains bufexamak, anesthetic lidocaine, titanium dioxide and bismuth subgalate. Bufexamak helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory reaction. Titanium dioxide and bismuth subgalate stop bleeding and reduce swelling.


The composition of the candles Anuzol contains xeroform, belladonna extract and zinc sulfate. Xeroform and zinc sulfate have an antiseptic and drying effect. Belladonna extract helps eliminate pain and inflammation.


The drug Prostopin contains bee products - propolis, royal jelly, bee bread, mountain honey and pollen (flower pollen). It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Candles stimulate local immunity and have a regenerative effect.


The basis of the drug Natalside is sodium alginate. It is obtained from brown seaweed. Sodium alginate has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect.


The composition of Proctonis suppositories includes yarrow grass, coriander fruits, licorice root, senna leaves and shark cartilage powder. During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the drug stops inflammation and stops bleeding. It enhances intestinal motility, not allowing feces to accumulate in the rectum.

Hepatrombin G

The combined drug Hepatrombin G contains heparin, prednisone and polydocanol (lauromacrogol). Glucocorticoid prednisone effectively reduces pain and relieves the inflammatory process. Polydocanol accelerates the healing of anal fissures.

Neo Anuzol

The rating of the best remedies for hemorrhoids includes Neo-Anuzol. It includes 6 active ingredients: bismuth nitrate, zinc oxide, tannin, iodine, methylene blue and resorcinol. The drug has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.


For the treatment of external hemorrhoids, antihemorrhoidal ointments are prescribed. They help reduce pain, stop bleeding, and also reduce the size of the dropped hemorrhoid cones. After applying the ointments, the cones are often set on their own.


The active substance of the drug Troxevasin is an analogue of natural rutin - troxerutin. The drug enhances blood flow in the hemorrhoidal veins and lowers the permeability of their walls. It quickly relieves inflammation and reduces the likelihood of developing thrombosis in adults.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol-based ointment has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory property. It has an antiseptic and drying effect. The drug reduces the risk of infection of cracks and rotting tissues, accelerating regenerative processes.


The drug Bezornil contains several active ingredients: artificial bezoar, musk, pearls, amber, borneol and calamine. The ointment has an astringent, decongestant and analgesic effect. It relieves inflammation and stops bleeding.

Heparin ointment

The active substance of Heparin ointment is heparin. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. It improves the outflow of blood from the hemorrhoid plexuses and reduces the risk of thrombosis. Ointment helps get rid of the formed blood clots.

Fleming Ointment

The composition of Fleming ointment includes calendula, esculus (horse chestnut), witch hazel, menthol and zinc oxide. The drug quickly relieves inflammation, dries the mucous membrane, stops bleeding and strengthens the walls of hemorrhoidal veins.


The Ultraproct combination drug contains glucocorticoid fluocortolone in 2 forms and an anesthetic cinchocaine. Ointment helps to quickly get rid of acute hemorrhoids in a short time. It has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Levomekol contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol and a stimulator of cellular regeneration of methyluracil. The drug helps with hemorrhoids complicated by purulent inflammation. Levomekol quickly stops the pathological process.

Relief Advance

The therapeutic effect of the drug Relief Advance is due to the properties of the anesthetic benzocaine, which is part of it. The ointment has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.


The drug Aurobin quickly relieves inflammation and eliminates severe pain due to the action of its components - prednisone and lidocaine. Included in the ointment dexpanthenol promotes the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes.

Hemorrhoids are a delicate and unpleasant disease that many people have been suffering from for decades. Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids are usually selected by the doctor, taking into account the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient.

Hemorrhoid Treatment Methods

Hemorrhoids are manifested in the patient by swelling of the veins in the rectum, the appearance of nodes and pain in the anus. At the initial stage for the disease, treatment consists of a special diet and medications that the doctor prescribes after examining the patient.

Many people do not feel the first symptoms, especially if they do not experience any inconvenience. However, in the absence of drug treatment, the disease goes into a more complex and difficult stage, in a very neglected state, surgery may be required. The sooner the patient seeks medical advice and begins to take prescribed medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids, the more favorable the prognosis of the course of the disease.

Forms and stages of hemorrhoids, their treatment

This disease has 2 forms of manifestation:

  • external, in which hemorrhoids are located outside the intestine, near the anal ring;
  • internal, when venous tumors are located inside the rectum, with prolapse of the nodes mean a more severe form of the disease.

In total, this disease has 4 stages, characterized by the number of nodes, their loss and pain. The use of drug therapy at an early stage of the disease will give the best treatment results.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with drugs should be carried out in conjunction with special exercises and a change in diet aimed at eliminating constipation in the patient.

Conservative therapeutic methods include the use of various types of medicines:

  • candles and ointments. The action is aimed at relieving pain, irritation and reducing inflammation of the nodes. Used externally;
  • pills - used internally, contribute to the improvement of venous tone and cause phlebotropic effect, i.e., increased circulation of the cavernous Taurus.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with drugs, ointments is best done after examination and their appointment by the attending physician. Also, as an auxiliary method, folk remedies can be used.

Hemorrhoid Treatment: Medications

With drug treatment, various groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • to relieve pain and itching - analgesics and anesthetics: "Analgin", "Ketanov", "Ibuklin", "Hemorol", "Benzocaine", "Anestezol", "Bezornil", candles "Hepatrombin";
  • to reduce the inflammatory process and relieve swelling, "Bufeksamak", "Hydrocortisone", "Prednisolone" are used. They slow down the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  • to prevent the formation of blood clots, prescribe anticoagulant drugs - "Heparin";
  • wound healing candles: "Methyluracil", suppositories with sea buckthorn oil;
  • “Troxerutin”, “Troxevasin”, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract are used to improve the condition of veins, reduce cracks and ulcers, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Means for external use

The leading role in the treatment of hemorrhoids belongs to medicines intended for external use: ointments, suppositories (suppositories) and creams. In this case, ointments are used for the external form of the disease, and suppositories for internal nodes that are not visible.

The most popular drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids (suppositories and ointments):

  • "Posterisan"   - a combined preparation, including microbial cells of E. coli, killed by phenol, phenol-preservative, lanolin, petrolatum. The tool helps to increase immunity, improves the condition of the skin in the region of the anus and increases its resistance to harmful microflora. Stimulation occurs at the cellular level, the tone and regeneration of damaged tissues, and vascular permeability increase. Release form - candles and ointments;
  • "Hepatrombin   G "(ointment and gel) - a medicine containing a combination of substances (heparin, prednisone and polydocanol) that have an anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect, relieve pain and burning, stimulate blood flow and regenerate tissues;
  • "Proctosedil"   - an ointment containing glucocorticosteroids and heparin sodium salt, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, anesthetizes, relieves swelling;
  • Proctonis   - an ointment based on extracts of sage, aloe and spring chistek, as well as cocoa bean and squalene oil (extracted from shark liver), which reduces inflammation, pain and burning, improve blood vessels and restore water balance in case of cracks;
  • Relief   (ointment, suppositories) - contains the active substance - phenylephrine hydrochloride, obtained from shark liver oil, which gives a wound healing, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, reduces itching in the anus;
  • heparin ointment   - a preparation containing heparin and having an antithrombotic effect on the nodes is prescribed for exacerbation of external hemorrhoids in the form of a tampon or applying tissue with ointment to the nodes;
  • "Aurobin" - an ointment containing prednisone, which is a hormonal drug (prescribed only by a doctor), relieves pain and itching, heals damaged tissues, kills harmful microflora (fungi and microbes);
  • Nifedipine   - the ointment is made in Israel, has a healing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, relaxes muscles, removes bleeding, nodes go into the intestine. The course of treatment is 7-30 days, apply up to 4 times a day until the symptoms are removed, then 2 times a day.

Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids: ointments, suppositories and gels, are used in courses of 7-10 days, reuse is advisable when appointing a doctor.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids

The external form of hemorrhoids manifests itself in the form of nodes that are located around the patient's anus, as a result of which they cause him much discomfort during and after the bowel movement.

Preparations for the treatment of external hemorrhoids are ointments and tablets that are used in combination, which helps relieve pain and discomfort.

Advantages of using tablets in tablet form:

  • almost always they are made from medicinal plants, therefore they are environmentally optimal and give a minimum of side effects;
  • tablets are highly safe and can be used during pregnancy, and are also prescribed for elderly patients;
  • the therapeutic effect of the tablets is faster;
  • such drugs are convenient to use, can be consumed at any time and anywhere, do not require privacy and hygiene procedures that are carried out using ointments or suppositories;
  • usually in the complex are prescribed and tablets for constipation, which often provokes an exacerbation of the disease;
  • well relieve pain, bleeding, swelling and inflammation.

Tablets and drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids used in the external form of the disease are divided into several varieties:

  • Phlebotonics. Regulate the venous outflow of blood, strengthen the vessels and their walls, give an anti-inflammatory effect, are prescribed courses before surgery or during the recovery period.
  • Angioprotectors. Reduce the intensity of inflammation and the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation.
  • Nitrates (taken under the tongue) - to relieve sphincter spasm.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed to reduce blood coagulation, relieve swelling, and are used only under the supervision of a doctor because of the possible occurrence of bleeding from the nodes.
  • Enzymes isolated from animal products and plants. Used to regulate metabolism, reduce inflammation.
  • Means to normalize motility and reduce constipation. Helps reduce inflammation and speed healing.

Popular pill formulations

The pharmacy network presents a wide range of medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of tablets, which are prescribed by the attending physician for the external and internal form of the disease. In addition to relieving unpleasant symptoms, they also have a general strengthening effect, increasing the defenses of the patient's body and improving blood circulation in the vessels.

The most commonly used drugs:

  • "Detralex"   (phlebotropic group). It is used in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids and during exacerbation. The active components - diosmin and hesperidin - substances that improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, the outflow of blood through the veins. In the chronic form of the disease, take 1 tab. twice a day with meals for 2-3 months., with exacerbation, the first 4 days give 3 tab. 2 times a day, 3 days - 2 tab. twice a day. The medicine is not recommended for pregnant women (last trimester) and while feeding the baby.
  • "Diosmin", "Venarus"   - drugs belong to the group of angioprotectors, contain diosmin and hesperidin. They are prescribed for the acute form of hemorrhoids to strengthen the vessels and increase their tone. "Diosmin" is contraindicated in pregnant women in the last month before childbirth.

Herbal remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Medicines containing plant extracts are often recommended by a doctor and are effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • Hemoroidin   - phytopreparation from plant extracts, which relieves pain and itching, stops bleeding, strengthens blood vessels. It is taken 3 weeks. After a break, the course is repeated, it has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
  • Cycle 3 Fort   - contains peppermint, needle and ascorbic acid. Providing a positive effect on blood vessels, improves the outflow of lymph. In the acute form of hemorrhoids, 4-5 capsules are taken with meals during the course of 7 days; during pregnancy, the drug is prohibited. It has side effects: pain in the abdomen, digestive disorders.
  • Pilex - a herbal preparation based on plant extracts, which has an astringent, antibacterial and venotonic effect, helps stop bleeding. Due to the large number of plant components, it reduces the intensity of the most unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids (pain, itching and burning), and also has a beneficial effect on digestion. It is recommended to take 2 tab. twice a day, after reducing pain - 1 tab. twice a day for 3-4 weeks. Pileks ointment is applied twice a day with a cotton swab to a sore spot. The medicine is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Ginkor Fort   - venotonic drug from plant materials. Improves blood circulation in the vessels, strengthens the walls, relieves pain and inflammation. It is prescribed for exacerbation of 2 capsules in a course of 7 days, has no contraindications.
  • "Lithuanian   B "- a phytopreparation containing extracts of herbs and bran. It acts on the body in the form of a natural enterosorbent, removing harmful toxins. It can reduce inflammation and size of nodes, relieve pain, has a slight laxative effect. This medication can be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Dosage - 1 tablet in the morning and evening.
  • Aescusan   (tablets, drops). It contains horse chestnut extract as an active ingredient, which is actively used in folk medicine to treat hemorrhoids. It helps relieve pain, improves venous circulation in the pelvic area, prevents the development of blood clots, relieves swelling. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age, with individual intolerance, kidney disease. Usually, the doctor prescribes the use of “Escusan” in exacerbations of 2-3 tablets. or 12-13 cap. three times a day before meals.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women

Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women, especially during pregnancy and lactation, are selected taking into account the effect on the child. During pregnancy, the risk of the appearance and development of hemorrhoids is quite high, because in the last trimester, the uterus increases significantly, squeezes the intestines, blood vessels are compressed - all this leads to stagnation and the appearance of nodes.

During these months, many women suffer from constipation, and during childbirth there is a squeezing of blood vessels and veins in the intestine. Moreover, the development of the disease, when the hemorrhoidal nodes increase and become inflamed, directly depends on the duration of labor pains and attempts. According to statistics, more than 25% of pregnant women and almost 50% of those who have already given birth get hemorrhoids.

There are two types of drugs used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

  • local action - ointments, suppositories, creams, which are applied locally to the anus, which reduces the risk of exposure to the child. These drugs relieve inflammation, pain and swelling, counteract the appearance of blood clots in the vessels, relax the sphincter, soften the stool to reduce constipation;
  • systemic.

All rectal preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids are administered after bowel movement. It is necessary to lie on your side and insert the candle so as to hold it for 1-2 minutes. in the channel without pushing inward. After storage in a refrigerator, candles and ointments need to be preheated. Apply creams and ointments 3-4 times a day after hygiene procedures.

The most commonly used drugs:

  • anesthetics "Anestezin", "Benzocaine";
  • suppositories with prednisone to relieve inflammation. However, they are not recommended for fungal and infectious rectal lesions;
  • heparin ointment, which prevents the appearance of blood clots, regenerates tissues well;
  • suppositories with diphenhydramine - prescribed for sphincter spasms, in combination with sea buckthorn oil or agents containing shark liver;
  • combined preparations (Anestezol, Ginkor Procto, Ultraproct, Hepatrombin G, Procto-Glivenol, etc.). They have a complex effect, anesthetize, relieve spasms and itching, improve the condition of venous vessels. The course of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days.

During this period, candles with belladonna are contraindicated: "Anuzol", "Bellataminal" due to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Systemic drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in women during the period of gestation are used in the form of capsules and tablets. Venotonics, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, are prescribed by the attending physician for a course of 2-3 weeks with a break of 14 days. This is Detralex, etc.

In the presence of chronic hemorrhoids, a woman is prescribed drugs that can prevent the exacerbation of the disease: Troxevasin, Ginkor Forte. To facilitate bowel movements, laxatives are used: Regulax, Dufalac, Prelax, etc., which have a softening effect.

Together with drugs, a special diet is recommended for such women, so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in men

Men often get hemorrhoids. The disease gives them many experiences of troubles, but they do not immediately consult a doctor, which contributes to the development of pathology.

Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men consist of two groups:

  • general therapeutic - phlebotropic drugs (Detralex), which affect the tone of the veins and improve blood flow;
  • local action aimed at relieving pain and inflammation of the nodes, reducing bleeding from cracks and the likelihood of blood clots.

For analgesia, analgesics or local anesthetics are used, including Posterisan, Procto-Glivenol, Aurobin, Nefluan, etc.

To prevent thrombosis of nodes, anticoagulants are prescribed: "Hepatrombin G", heparin or troxevasin ointment. To relieve the inflammatory process, the drugs must be combined with water-soluble creams ("Levasin", "Mafinid", etc.).

Bleeding due to pinching of hemorrhoids is a symptom of an exacerbation of the disease. To eliminate them, use candles containing adrenaline or hemostatic agents: Adrokson, Beriplast, Spongostan, the components of which include fibrinogen and thrombin.

If a person suffers from severe pain, the best remedy for hemorrhoids is ointments and suppositories, which include anesthetics - neomycin , lidocaine , benzocaine , anestezin , lauromacrogol , chinchocaine . These components are in the preparations, , Doxyproct (in some sources the erroneous name Doxiprost was used).

If bleeding is noted, hemostatic and venotonic drugs should be used. Suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding should effectively narrow the vessels and relieve swelling. The most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids with bleeding are with adrenaline, as well as those that contain phenylephrine hydrochloride , tribenoside   (,). With bleeding hemorrhoids, especially if the patient notes the regular appearance of bowel movements with blood, hemostatic drugs should be prescribed immediately by a doctor.

In the case of an inflammatory process, NSAIDs . Most commonly used candles,. Ibuprofen and Diclofenac ointments also exist.

The most effective is to use combined treatment - drugs and local use (ointment, gel, suppositories), and for oral administration (tablets). This means Hesperidin + Diosmin ( , Venadiol , ), (Troxerutin) (Phlebodia, vazoket). It is necessary to treat hemorrhoids with these agents for at least a week. Also prescribed - a combination agent containing ginkgo biloba , heptaminol , troxerutin . Detailed information and photos can be found on the net.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and lactation

In later pregnancy (3 trimester), a wider range of drugs can be used. Also, if indicated, hemorrhoids suppositories are used for lactation. Such suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding can be used: , , Relief Advance , Ultraproct . However, it is very important that a doctor prescribe any treatment for hepatitis B. Alone for nursing mothers, you can use only some natural remedies. For example, with hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn is effective in breastfeeding: sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat and prevent hemorrhoids. Sea buckthorn oil is used for compresses.

It is important to observe the rules of hygiene. In order to avoid constipation, you can apply Lactulose .

What are the most effective suppositories for hemorrhoids?

Trying to determine which hemorrhoids suppositories are better, many patients act by trial and error. However, only the doctor individually can determine and prescribe the best drugs. Indeed, sometimes, taking cheap suppositories from hemorrhoids, the patient does not notice an improvement. In order for suppositories from internal hemorrhoids to be effective, it is important to consider all manifestations of the disease, individual characteristics of the patient’s health.

The composition of the drug includes tribenoside and lidocaine. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, venotonic, reduces the manifestations of pain and itching, skin tension. The drug is contraindicated in early pregnancy (first trimester), with liver failure. Use 1 suppository in the morning and in the evening until the symptoms disappear. After the condition improves, you can apply one candle per day.

As side effects when taking the drug, burning sensation, activation of intestinal motility, allergic manifestations may occur.

The cost of Procto-Glivenol - from 400 rubles.

  •   contains shark liver oil and phenylephrine hydrochloride.
  •   - shark liver oil and benzocaine.
  •   - hydrocortisone, shark liver oil, zinc sulfate monohydrate.

Shark liver oil produces a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating effect.

Phenylephrine hydrochloride constricts blood vessels, which reduces swelling and itching.

Benzocaine is an analgesic component.

Hydrocortisone acetate is a hormone of the adrenal cortex, provides anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-allergic effect.

Zinc sulfate - promotes active healing of wounds.

The basis of this product is cocoa butter, providing an additional emollient effect.

Relief is contraindicated in patients under 12 years of age, with thromboembolic disease , granulocytopenia , carefully used for pregnancy arterial hypertension .

There are also additional contraindications for the use of Relief Ultra - this remedy is not prescribed for infections of fungal, viral, bacterial origin, pregnancy, lactation, neoplasms in the anorectal zone.

You need to apply 1 supp. four times a day, also after bowel movement, the cost of suppositories Relief - from 300 rubles., Relief Advance - from 370 rubles, Relief Ultra - from 400 rubles.


The composition of the product includes bismuth subnitrate, tannin, iodine, methylene blue, zinc oxide, resorcinol. Combined antihemorrhoidal suppositories against hemorrhoids. It has a local anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic, astringent, antihemorrhoidal effect.

You can not use these antihemorrhoidal suppositories with high sensitivity to the components.

It is necessary to insert rectally 2-3 times a day for 1 supp.

Candles are relatively inexpensive - from 130 rubles.

The composition includes zinc sulfate, bismuth tribromophenolate, bismuth oxide complex, belladonna leaf extract. When using candles with belladonna anesthetize, dry, have an antispasmodic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

It should be borne in mind that this inexpensive and effective remedy for hemorrhoids is contraindicated in breastfeeding and pregnancy, high sensitivity, heart failure, intestinal atony, closed angle myasthenia gravis , tachyarrhythmias .

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories with belladonna need to be administered 1-2 times a day, 1 pc. To anesthetize, you can not put more than 7 supper per day. against hemorrhoids.

With hemorrhoids, these medications can cause allergies, dry mouth, burning in the anal area, diarrhea , constipation , palpitations, visual impairment, drowsiness , , headache.

If an overdose occurs, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, urinary retention, agitation, and decreased sweating may develop.

Rectal suppositories are cheap - from 60 rubles.

Part included - hemostatic agent. The component is a natural polysaccharide from brown seaweed. It produces a pronounced reparative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect.

It can be used for breastfeeding, pregnancy. For children under 14 years of age, a children's form is prescribed.

Use is contraindicated in patients under 14 years of age, with high sensitivity to this tool.

To ensure effective treatment, it is necessary to apply 1 suppository twice a day. after bowel movement. Treatment lasts up to two weeks.

The cost of Natalsid is from 330 rubles., Alginatol - from 340 rubles.

The composition includes hydrocortisone, esculoside, butamben, benzocaine, framycetin.

The substance hydrocortisone - a glucocorticosteroid, an effective pain reliever for hemorrhoids, also relieves swelling and pain. Framycetin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Esculoside - a substance similar to vitamin P, helps to reduce the increased fragility of capillaries. Butamben and benzocaine provide local anesthesia and reduce itching, reduce the severity of sphincter spasm.

It is contraindicated for use in fungal and viral diseases in the anorectal zone, during pregnancy and lactation with tuberculosis, for infants. Caution is used for hypertension and heart failure.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories provide a quick action - just a few minutes after administration. But since the composition includes a hormonal component, they can not be used for a long time - no more than one week. Refusal of the drug should be gradual.

Suppositories should be administered in the morning and evening, as well as immediately after emptying. You need to use it correctly: enter into the rectum as deep as possible.

Uncomfortable sensations, burning sensation, dryness in the rectum, allergic manifestations may appear as side effects. If these antihemorrhoidal suppositories are used often and for a long time, systemic side effects may develop.

Cost - from 370 rubles.


It is necessary to enter in the evening and in the morning, after bowel movement. Treatment can last up to 3 weeks.

Price - from 340 rubles.

Propolis Nam

The composition contains propolis, cocoa butter, anhydrous lanolin.

Provide fast healing of wounds, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is prescribed as part of complex therapy not only for proctologic diseases, but also for gynecological and urological ( and etc.).

You can not use these suppositories during pregnancy and feeding, with high sensitivity to beekeeping products.

Every day you need to enter 1 supp. twice a day, treatment should last up to 10 days.

Price - from 300 rubles.

The composition of the product contains propolis, sea buckthorn oil, extract of the healing mud of Lake Tambukan, essences of St. John's wort, comfrey, and rue.

It has a local analgesic, antimicrobial, antipruritic, regenerative, anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens capillaries.

The use of this remedy for anal fissures, paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, inflammatory ailments of the female reproductive system is shown.

Do not use with hypersensitivity.

It is necessary to introduce 1 supp. at night for 10 to 30 days.

Price - from 350 rubles.

The composition of the funds includes bee products (bee bread, propolis, royal jelly, wax, honey, pollen pollen), lanolin, cocoa butter.

Assign as a tonic and firming agent for the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, . Also prescribed drug with weakened immunity.

Do not use for people allergic to beekeeping products.

It is necessary to introduce 1 supp. at night for 14 to 30 days.

Price - from 600 rubles.

The principles of complex treatment

All remedies for hemorrhoids in women and men should be prescribed by a doctor, since it is the complex treatment that is the most effective. It provides for the application of all measures aimed at improving the condition. Therefore, any medicine for hemorrhoids for women, reviews of which can be found on the network, cannot be used for treatment in women and men without a clear regimen and recommendations of a specialist.

In combination with the use of suppositories, the doctor can prescribe ointments, inexpensive and effective tablets. Special gymnastics should also be practiced.

If anesthetic suppositories are prescribed for hemorrhoids or anesthetizing ointments, then other drugs can be used in the complex, which strengthen the vascular wall, normalize the stool, and eliminate congestion.

For example, in complex treatment, tablets are prescribed. Detralex provides an angioprotective and venotonic effect.

Capsules that contain tribenoside are also effective. Glivenolum (tribenoside) have an angioprotective effect.

Ointment contains prednisolone capronate, dexpanthenol, lidocaine hydrochloride. Aurobin is prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation.

Means in the form of an oil solution is used to reduce pain. Pain also reduces lidocaine ointment, etc.

Thus, if we analyze the reviews about suppositories from hemorrhoids to determine which ones are better, it becomes clear that the best suppositories from hemorrhoids for each patient are different. For those who want to find suppositories for hemorrhoids inexpensive and effective, reviews will help you navigate the offers of the pharmaceutical market, but a specialist should decide on the appointment.

The determining factor in the selection process should not be the price of suppositories from hemorrhoids. Their cost varies. You can choose heparin or ichthyol suppositories, the price of which is low. You can buy propolis candles at a higher price. The cost of some drugs is quite high. But nevertheless, the price of inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids is basically affordable, therefore, each patient can carry out effective treatment by choosing the right drug.

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